
Dr Chricencia M. Murape


Position: Lecturer

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Dr. Chricencia M. Murape is a renowned finance expert and academic, who joined NUST as a staff development fellow in 2010. She was appointed lecturer 2014 and during the time she also served as an attachment coordinator for the department.  She sits on the Higher Degrees committee, the Faculty board and the Departmental Board. Beyond academia, Dr. Murape has made significant contributions to the financial community, serving as an academic mentor for the CFA Research Challenge. Her expertise and guidance have inspired and shaped the minds of numerous finance professionals. Prior to joining NUST, Dr Murape worked in a bank and till now, driven by her expertise in financial modelling, she continues to provide cutting edge solutions to the financial services industry in the form of model validations and forecasts.

Academic Qualifications

PhD Management Science- Finance (University of South Africa)

MSc Finance and Investments (National University of Science and Technology)

BCom (Hons) Finance (Great Zimbabwe University)

Courses Taught:

Financial Modelling; Real Estate Finance and Investments

Research interests

Modelling of Financial Assets

Data Science and Machine Learning

Alternative Investments

Market Risk Bank Analytics

Quant Trading, Strategies and Research

Research links

Community Service engagements

Dr Murape is a CFA Research Challenge Academic Mentor representing the university at the CFA local chapter for the local research issues and other issues that require university representation.


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