
Dr Zenzo Lusaba Dube


Staff Profile Guideline


  1. Full name: Zenzo Lusaba Dube
  2. Contact Details:
  3. Short Biography: Zenzo L DUBE is Research Fellow at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST-IDS) in Zimbabwe. Zenzo’s main publications concern Governance, institutional Studies and Development. He is responsible for promoting and conducting research, supervising postgraduate students, and conducting seminal work and training sessions. He has published in local and international journals and attended local and international conferences. Country Representative (Zimbabwe) and Conference Committee Member for the Global Business and   Association Technology (GBATA) (
  4. Academic Qualifications: PhD in Governance (University of Glamorgan-Now University of South Wales, Wales);  MA in Corporate Administration (Anglia Polytechnic University-Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, England); Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators- Member  (ICSA) (UK); Member- South Africa Institute of Financial Markets (SAIFM), Qualified Services SETA Assessor (RSA)
  5. Courses Taught:  Governance and Development, Corporate Gorveannce and Ethics. Research Methods (Post-Grad)
  1. Research interests: governance, corporate governance, institutional studies, development.
  1. Research Links(ORCHID, Google Scholar, Research Gate):

  1. Publication:

Dube. Z, Moyo. F and Ncube, M N (2024). A Comparative Assessment Of Antiretroviral Therapy Patients’ Support Groups In Mangwe And Nkulumane Districts Of Zimbabwe.  African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, ISSN: 2689-5129.

Zenzo Lusaba Dube and Shamiso Zirabada (2024). Barriers To The Participation Of Persons With Disabilities In Rural Local Governance: The Case Of Bikita District, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, ISSN: 2689-5129. Vol (7) No 2. (pp. 48-65)

Muswere, J and Dube, Z L. (2022). An Assessment of Corporate Governance Practices of SOEs in Zimbabwe’s ICT Sector. African Journal of Development Studies (formerly AFFRIKA Journal of Politics, Economics and Society) Vol. 12, No. 3

Muswere, J and Dube Z.L (2022). The Agent/Stewardship Corporate Governance Analysis Of SOEs In Zimbabwe's ICT Sector. Journal of Management and Science.12 (1) pp 70-74

Dube, Z.L and Mapfudza, C. (2020). ‘Debt sustainability in fragile economies: the case of Zimbabwe’. Journal of Management and Science. Vol. 10, Issue 3, pp 43-46

Dube, Z.L and Mandizvidza G.V (2020) ‘The upper middle income status of Botswana vis a Vie Gaberone’s non-governmental organisations’ access to international funding’. Journal of Management and Science. Vol 10, Issue 4, pp 29-32

Dube, Z.L and Kunaka, P (2019). ‘Emergent views on public private partnership in public hospitals in Zimbabwe’.  International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol. 8 No. 6, pp. 357-366.

Maphosa, M., Tshuma, N., Dube, Z and Dube, T. (2019). ‘Migrant Remittances Inspired Enterprises in Tsholotsho: Issues of Sustainability’. African Human Mobility Review, Vol. 5, No. 1 (April 2019) pp. 1459-1481

Dube, Z.L. and Duve, W. (2015), “Assessing the role of actors in managing conflicts emanating from the utilisation of wildlife resources: The case of Matetsi Ward 1 Woodlands, Hwange, Zimbabwe”, International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol. 4 No. 8, pp. 872-880.

Dube Z and Rossi G (2015) ‘An analysis of Corporate Governance practices in government controlled banking institutions versus private banking institutions in Zimbabwe’. International Journal of Development and Sustainability. (ISSN 2186-8662) Volume 4 Number 6 (2015), pp. 759-771.

Maphosa M, Dube T, Dube Z, Ncube G, Tshuma N (2014) "Enhancing food security through micro- irrigation: Evaluating the contribution of treadle pumps to household food security in Umzingwane district of Zimbabwe". International Journal of Development and Sustainability Volume 3 Number 5 (2014): Pages 1043-1059 ISDS Article ID: IJDS13122001.

Dube, Z L and Mukumbiri, N.M (2014) 'An Analysis of the Impact of Shareholder Activism in Corporate Governance. The Case of the Zimbabwean Banking Sector' Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy Vol 5 No 25 November 2014. ISSN 2039-2117 (online) ISSN 2039-9340 (print)

Tshuma N, Maphosa M, Ncube G, Dube T, Dube Z (2012) “The Impact of Conservation Agriculture On Food Security And Livelihoods In Mangwe District” Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Pennsylvania.

Dube Z and Kerry E (2006) ‘Assessing Corporate Governance And The London Stock Exchange: A New Institutionalism Analysis’ International Journal of Applied Finance For Non-Financial Managers (ISSN: 1742-528X) Volume 1 Issue 3.




Dube Z and Kerry E (2006) ‘Assessing Corporate Governance and The London Stock Exchange: A Historical Analysis’. Corporate Governance And Institutions: A Pan-European Perspective (Ed by Kowalski T and Letza S). Poznan University of Economics, Poznan.

Dube Z (2016). ‘The King Reports on Corporate Governance in South Africa. A Buntu African philosophy analysis’ in ‘Corporate Governance in Africa: Assessing Implementation and Ethical Perspectives’. Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp199-222

Dube Z, (2012) “The Recent World Recession: A Déjà vu of the South Sea’s Turbulent History” in “The Subprime Crisis and its Impact on Financial and Managerial Environment: An Unequal Repercussion at European Level”. Cambridge Scholars Publishing Newcastle-Upon Tyne.




Muswere. J, Chinjova. F and Dube. Z (2024) “Conceptualising Corporate Governance in Zimbabwe’s State Owned ICT Entities’ in  Improving the State Capacity in South Africa: Implications for Governance, Public Policy and Ethics. Sun Media. Republic of South Africa


  1. Community Service Engagement: Head of the Sustainable Development, Governance and Technological Innovations thematic unit. The unit engages in research on matters of governance, development and migration. It concentrates on Matabeleland South. The research are grass root in nature giving results relevant to communities and their emancipation.




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