NUST student and Alumna co-founded online farm system wins at Seedstars Competition

NUST student and Alumna co-founded online farm system wins at Seedstars Competition

NUST student and alumna co-founded technical start-up, Rera Online Farm, has emerged the winner of the Zimbabwean leg of the Seedstars World Competition. They have managed to book a spot for themselves in the regional competitions penned for this December in Ivory Coast, after shrugging off stiff competition from nine other innovators.

The Rera online system is a four-year-old brain child of a NUST final year Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering student, Rick Masuku, former Electronic Engineering student Ratanang Noko and a Harare based technical enthusiast, Gladson Dube.

If Rera wins the regional competition in Ivory Coast, the startup will qualify for the global Seedstars Summit, to be held in Switzerland next year in April where the innovators will battle it out with other technical startups from around the globe.

By participating at the Global Seedstars Summit, the online startup stands a chance to win up to US$1 million in equity investment for their project.

The Zimbabwe competition took place on Friday June 29 at Impact Hub Harare, with nine startups pitching in front of a local jury which comprised of Nhena Nyagura from Dandemutande, Ethel Bangwayo from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Sharon Wekwete from Omidyar Network and Lilian Mbayiwa from Old Mutual.  

Rera is an online platform that provides an opportunity for consumers to farm their own poultry produce through “three easy steps” which are by signing up for an account on the Rera website, creating their own fowl run by selecting the type of poultry produce and quantity they want to farm and lastly, once they confirm their poultry produce, the Rera sales agents advise the retail consumers on the payment procedure.

According to one of the founders of the online farm, the system could not have come at the right time than now when most people are digitally literate citing how they can save money by trying it out.

“Rera is an online platform that provides an opportunity for consumers to farm their own chicken in less than 5 minutes,it is a simple to use system like any other social media platform most people are familiar to,” said Masuku. 

“With a low production cost of about $3.75 per chicken, this cuts costs for farmers, fast food outlets or even any interested buyer,” he added.

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