DAAD In-Region Doctoral Scholarships Available for 2019 Academic year at the University of Pretoria


The DAAD German Academic Exchange Service awarded a grant for doctoral (PhD) scholarships to a consortium of seven African institutions. The seven institutions are:

  • University of Buea (Cameroon)
  • National University of Lesotho (Lesotho)
  • University of Pretoria (South Africa)
  • Copperbelt University (Zambia)
  • University of Zambia (Zambia)
  • University of Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe)
  • National University of Science & Technology (Zimbabwe)


The main aim of the project is to strengthen the postgraduate programmes of the participating universities in the fields of agricultural and environmental studies. Hence, staff members of the partner institutions or prospective staff members (who would become eligible to be employed by the respective universities after completing their studies) are eligible to apply for the doctoral scholarships. The participating universities (except the University of Pretoria) will select eligible candidates who will eventually be recommended for the DAAD scholarships. The recommended candidates will also apply for admission to the University of Pretoria (UP). The DAAD scholarships will cover tuition fees, travel costs (covers a return flight upon commencement and completion of the scholarship), accommodation, medical aid and subsistence.

List of doctoral degree programmes offered by the University of Pretoria (UP)

Applications are invited from qualified candidates in relevant disciplines from Sub Saharan Africa.  To be eligible candidates must have obtained relevant Masters degree not more than six (6) years ago at the time of applying. Female applicants and applicants from less privileged regions or groups as well as candidates with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.

Applicants to NUST should note that those areas highlighted in red would receive higher priority in order to meet the future needs of NUST staff.

The PhD degree programmes offered by UP are in the following fields:

  • PhD Engineering and Environmental Geology Hydrogeology
  • PhD Water Resource Management
  • PhD Agricultural Economics
  • PhD Animal Production Management
  • PhD Animal Science
  • PhD Engineering and Environmental Geology
  • PhD Engineering Geology
  • PhD Environmental and Society
  • PhD Environmental Economics
  • PhD Environmental Management
  • PhD Extension
  • PhD Food Science
  • PhD Forest Science
  • PhD Horticultural Science
  • PhD Pasture Science
  • PhD Plant Pathology
  • PhD Plant Science
  • PhD Rural Development
  • PhD Soil Science
  • PhD Wildlife Management


Application Procedure

The application procedure will have three (3) stages.

  • The first stage is the selection of eligible candidates by the participating universities (except UP).
  • The second stage is the application for UP admission, which the selected candidates have to submit themselves on the UP online application system.
  • The third stage is for candidates offered acceptance/admission letters by UP to apply for DAAD scholarship through the DAAD online portal.

For 2019 intake, one (1) doctoral candidate from each partner university (except UP) will be awarded a DAAD scholarship to study for a PhD degree at UP for 3 years.

Partner Institutions Contacts






National University of Lesotho

Prof Manthoto Lephoto

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University of Zimbabwe

 Dr Rosemary Musesengwa

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National University of Science & Technology (NUST), Zimbabwe

Prof. Yogi Naik

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University of Zambia

Prof Sichingabula

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Patricia Sakala, Manager, International Link, VC’s Office

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Prof Elana Mwase

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Copperbelt University, Zambia

Prof Jameson Mbale

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Dr Shadreck Chama

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Professor Naison Ngoma (VC)

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University of Buea, Cameroon

Prof Eric Achidi

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Selection of eligible candidates by partner institutions (excluding UP) 

  1. UP to distribute the call for applications to partner institutions.
  2. Partner institutions to advertise the scholarships on their websites, using posters and any medium of communication in their respective institutions.
  3. Eligible candidates should be employees of the partner institution or should be employable by partner institution upon completion of their studies.
  4. Each partner institution is to set up a selection committee comprising of at least five (5) members.
  5. Applicants are to apply to the partner institutions in their respective countries.
  6. Applicants are to submit brief (2 to 3 pages) but detailed and precise PhD proposals, including detailed breakdown of the work for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of study to their respective national institutions.
  7. Each partner institution is to select and recommend four (4) candidates to be submitted together with their PhD research proposals to UP.
  8. Minutes from partner institution’s selection committee to be submitted to UP.
  9. Upon receiving the four (4) recommended candidates per partner institution, UP to recommend two (2) candidates per partner institution through consultation with potential supervisors.
  10. UP to submit the recommended candidates’ names to DAAD (two (2) recommended candidates per partner institution).
  11. UP to notify the recommended candidates (two (2) per partner institution) to apply for UP admission online.


Application for admission to UP by selected candidates 

  1. The two (2) recommended candidates per partner institution are to apply online for UP admission. Candidates to indicate on the online application that they will require UP accommodation.
  2. The two (2) recommended candidates per institution should apply online for the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA, saqa.org.za) certificates and submit them to UP.
  3. The University of Pretoria to send letters of acceptance/admission to successful candidates.


Application for DAAD scholarships by the recommended candidates 

a) The complete application documents should be submitted to DAAD by the recommended candidates (two (2) per partner institution) via the DAAD – Portal no later than two (2) weeks after the link to the DAAD portal is distributed to partner institutions by UP.


Documents to be to submitted to DAAD are:

  • DAAD application form duly filled (available in the DAAD-Portal)
  • Hand signed curriculum vitae (please use the European specimen form at http://europass.cedefop.Europa.eu), including a list of publication (if applicable)
  • Two (2) recommendation letters by University teachers
  • Letter of admission from the University of Pretoria
  • Certified copies of university degree certificates including transcripts
  • Letter of motivation (if applicable: mentioning the planned research stay in Germany, see “Additional benefits”)
  • Copy of the passport
  • Declaration of acceptance from the academic supervisor at the University of Pretoria
  • Detailed and precise PhD proposal, including detailed work and time table
  • Abstract of the proposal on one page (please include your name and title of proposal)
  • If candidate is also applying for “additional benefits” (see explanation below), details of research work to be done in Germany (2 to 6 months) should be submitted.
  1. b) Applicants should have successfully completed a two (2) year university master’s degree.
  2. c) Applicants to submit to a strong motivational letter indicating why they think they are the best suitable candidates for the scholarship.
  3. d) Have completed their last university degree not more than 6 years ago at the time of application.
  4. e) The applicants must be nationals of a Sub-Saharan African country, excluding South Africa.
  5. f) DAAD will select one (1) candidate out of the two (2) recommended candidates per partner institution.


Additional Benefits

DAAD In-Country /In-Region scholarship holders are also encouraged to apply for a research grant in Germany for two (2) up to six (6) months, if the necessary financial means are available. Please note: The short-term research stay in Germany should preferably be announced in the application for the regular scholarship.


The short-term research scholarship includes:           

  • A monthly scholarship payment for living costs which amounts to 1,000 € per month
  • Health/accident/personal liability insurance
  • A flat-rate travel allowance


All further details regarding additional benefits and the additional application processes will be provided after admission to the scholarship programme.

Application Timelines 

  1. Partner institutions to advertise the DAAD scholarship opportunities by 17 July 2018
  2. All applications for DAAD scholarships must be received by the six (6) partner universities (University of Buea (Cameroon), Copperbelt University (Zambia), University of Zambia, National University of Science & Technology (Zimbabwe), University of Zimbabwe, and National University of Lesotho) by 27 July 2018
  3. Selection Committees at the six partner universities will complete their shortlisting process and submit recommended candidates (4 candidates per university) to the University of Pretoria by 10 August 2018
  4. The University of Pretoria will complete the their shortlisting process and inform recommended candidates (2 candidates per university) through their national universities by 17 August 2018
  5. UP submits recommended candidates (four per partner institution) to DAAD.
  6. The recommended candidates should apply online to the University of Pretoria for admission by 20 August 2018
  7. The recommended candidates should apply online for the SAQA certificate by 20 August 2018
  8. DAAD will send the DAAD scholarship application portal link to the University of Pretoria by 22 August 2018
  9. The University of Pretoria will send the DAAD Scholarship application portal link to the recommended candidates by 24 August 2018
  10. The recommended candidates should apply for DAAD scholarships through the application portal link by 15 September 2018
  11. DAAD will award the PhD scholarships to successful candidates (one per partner university).
  12. The university of Pretoria will facilitate visa application process and arrangements for the scholarship awardees to travel to South Africa to start their PhD studies


The DAAD Doctoral scholarship

The PhD Scholarships are available for a period of three years beginning in January 2019.  The scholarships will be initially granted for one year and will be extended subject to satisfactory progress reports submitted to the DAAD secretariat by the scholarship holder 

Notes for applicants to NUST

  • Applications MUST be received by 1200 noon on 27 July 2018.
  • Selected applicants will be required to attend an interview between 01 and 08 August 2018.
  • Successful applicants will be required to return to NUST and teach undergraduate courses in a relevant department upon completion of their studies.
  • Applications should be sent via email as an attachment to:

The Registrar

National University of Science & Technology

At email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and copy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Connect with us

National University of Science & Technology
PO Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo
Tel: +263 292 282842
Fax: +263 292 286803



Banking Details

Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank: ZB Bank
USD Account number: 437200035542405
ZWG Account number: 437200035542090
Swift Code: ZBCOZWHX
Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank name: FBC Bank
USD Account number: 4820068620666
ZWG Account number: 3120068620276
Branch name: Jason Moyo
Swift code: FBCZPWHAX
Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank name: BancABC
USD Account number: 54790116633330
ZWG Account number: 54790115502019
Branch name: Jason Moyo
Swift Code: FMBZZWHX


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