11th Annual International Conference On Communication &
Information Science
Theme: Re-imagining Communication and Information Science in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Event Starts In
12-13, September 2024
Abstracts guidelines
Please submit a 250-word abstract with a brief bio to: cisconference@nust.ac.zw. Your abstract should also include the following; title of the paper, email address of the author(s), 5 - 7 keywords, and sub-theme. The presentations will be published in the conference proceedings. All submitted papers will be subjected to a double-blind review process.
Exhibitors are invited to showcase what they offer and their innovations in line with the conference theme. The exhibition fee is $250.

The abstracts for this conference should fall within but not limited to the following sub-themes:
- Media, Journalism and AI.
- AI and Strategic Communication.
- Sustainability of the Media in the Age of AI.
- Ethics and Regulation in AI Based Journalism/Media.
- Societal, Environmental, Governance, Regulatory and Ethical Issues in AI.
- AI and Web Services in Information Science.
- AI in Academic Research, Scholarly Communication and Publishing.
- Development, and Implementation of AI Technologies Across Diverse Geographical Regions and Linguistic Communities.
- AI and Records Management.
- AI and Library Science.
- Information Integrity, Ethics and AI.
- AI in Improving Literacy.
- AI in Preserving Indigenous Languages.
- AI and Creative Writing.
- AI and Content Generation.
- Theorising AI from the South/Margins.
- AI, Gender and Digital Divide in Zimbabwe.
- AI Opportunities for Young Students in Rural Zimbabwe.
Important Dates
16 August 2024
21 August 2024
31 August 2024
Conference Fees and Registration
The conference registration fees are as follows:
- Delegates: USD$150
- Students: USD$50
- Online participation: USD$50
Contact details
Dr E. Mupaikwa
Mr Ammi-Ammitai Ndlovu