Chaplaincy Services

Welcome to the National University of Science and Technology, University Chaplaincy
I am delighted to welcome you to the National University of Science and Technology, University Chaplaincy Office. Whilst you are here, we hope you will benefit greatly from our services which range from spiritual care and worship to social and emotional support. The chaplaincy is a core aspect of University life embedded in the Church foundation under which the university is established.
We are very open to all cultural and traditional backgrounds (faith-based) and we aim to give a very balanced and sensitive support to all yourneeds. With our team of faith advisers, from the various faculties to the ecumenical fraternity, we aim to address the needs of all staff and students whatever their faith or spiritual orientation. We hope that you will find our support beneficial.
The Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Team is here for students, staff, prospective students, graduates, alumni, and associates of our community. We are here to support the University community at all times - in times of joy and sadness. You are very welcome to join in all our events. The chaplaincy office has an open-door policy; you can call in anytime, and a team member will be available to listen to you. We work closely with the student counselling department.
All beliefs
Students and staff can find themselves facing major life-threatening and challenging issues. We fully respect each person’s identity and beliefs and we offer a non-judgmental, confidential ‘listening ear’ service.
Christianity and Giving Meaning to Life on Campus
The Chaplain, Associates or Ecumenical Chaplain (s), and the other helpers are Christians and we uphold the University’s church foundation by
- maintaining a rhythm of prayer and worship on campus
- being involved in mission and evangelism
- providing pastoral care to the community
- studying the scriptures and life of faith
- being an integral part of University life.
- providing a link between the University and the generality of the religious community.
- supporting and encouraging students and staff who would like to engage in deeper spiritual and ministry development during their life at NUST and beyond.
- supporting students who are seeking to engage in ministry and recommend them to the wider ecumenical forum of our linkages.
World Faiths and Spiritual Care
Our voluntary team of faith advisers on campus includes Christians, African Traditional Religions, and Muslims. They help address the religious and spiritual needs of staff and students, give advice and guidance to NUST, and support the work of all university faculties. We also offer contacts for other religious groups.
This is in line with our respect and sensitivity to the needs of all who choose our university as a place for academic and career development. The
Chaplain facilities the following activities on campus:
- Starting a Cell Group – The Chaplain will not facilitate the starting of new churches, but the formation of cell groups through which constitutionally registered churches with offices in Zimbabwe will be allowed to operate on campus.
- Conducting Meetings on campus – Meetings are to be held during lunchtime or after all lectures of the day have ended. Permission should be sought from the NUST administration through the Chaplain’s office before outside people and groups are invited to participate in meetings on Campus.
- Outreach Programmes – A Cell Group desiring to travel on an outreach programme should submit an application form a month before the trip for approval, to make necessary travel arrangements. The Chaplain works closely with the Student Representative Council on such student-related trips. Such support is restricted to a radius of 50 kilometers from the general post office.
- Student Welfare Fund – The Chaplaincy mobilizes resources for the underprivileged students’ education and welfare.
University Choir
The Chaplain organizes the University choir and assigns it appropriate roles in University and community activities.
Compassion and Hospitality – The Chaplain visits hospitalized students and members of staff as well as those who are bereaved and in need of spiritual counselling and conveys condolence messages to the same on behalf of the University. The Chaplain is expected to conduct funeral services for deceased students and/or staff members in liaison with their families in line with their faith-based religion/church. In all such cases, the Chaplain is a representative of the University.
Construction of the University Chapel – Because there is currently no designated building as the University Chapel in place, meeting places by students are the biggest challenge. The Chaplain believes that a permanently designated place for worship on campus shall be built to the glory of God. The Chaplain is mandated to mobilize resources for the future construction of the University Chapel. In the meantime, students are encouraged to use the sports grounds for any worship meetings on campus.
International Students Liaison– The office of the Chaplain oversees the welfare of all international students and makes sure they are smoothly integrated into the NUST Community.
Christian Union Meetings -The University has a very dynamic and lively Christian Union (CU) that is a student-led group. Their meeting times range from: 07.00 am to 07:50 am for morning prayers every day of the week and 12:15hrs to 12:55hrs for afternoon services on weekdays. They have on every Friday a Service from 16:00hrs to 18:00hrs. The CU also has small groups and prayer meetings throughout the week with other cell groupings from the diverse churches registered at the Chaplain’s office.
How to contact us?
Call into the Chaplaincy, which is at the ground floor West wing atrium next to the Research and Internationalization Office, or book an appointment at the University main foyer desk in the Main Administration building.: +263782725326: or directly to contact the University Chaplain at Email: