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About Course

Executive Development Programmes are certificate programmes run over a year.
They are offered in partnership with CCL Consulting Group of Harare.
The programmes are designed for professional business practitioners with technical and
supervisory skills, who are interested in significantly advancing their careers in the different
disciplines of study to meet their needs.
Each programme is specially designed to meet the ongoing changing demands of the workplace
facing specialized managers practising in both the private and public sector organizations, as
they offer a practical hands-on approach to developing human resources, conveying concepts
through a combination of theory, cases, examples, and skill-building exercises.

Broad Programmes Objectives
o To meet the learning and training needs of Zimbabwe’s commerce and industry;
o To enlarge the candidates’ capacity to successfully operate in diverse environments;
o To align with national programmes to manpower and capacity development
Executive Development Courses on offer
▫ Risk and Loss Management
▫ Marketing and Relationship Management
▫ Procurement and Logistics Management
▫ Human Capital and Talent Management
▫ Treasury Management
▫ Credit Management
Entry Requirements: 1. At least 5 O’ Levels at grade C or better inclusive of English and
Mathematics. However, candidates who do not have O; O-Level
mathematics can apply and shall be required to successfully
complete a compulsory mathematics access course (Quantitative
Methods, CQM 1100) before commencement of the programme.
2. A minimum of two years relevant work experience
3. A higher qualification will be an added advantage.
Classes will be held over two weekends per month (i.e. Saturday- Sunday, 0830hrs to 1600hrs)
in Bulawayo or Harare.
Assessment: Group Presentations, Assignments and Written examinations
Certification: Qualifying students shall be certified by NUST-CCE & CCL.
CCL at 53 McMeekan Road, Milton Park, Harare, Website: www.cclint.net, Email:
ccl@cclint.net or executivelearning@cclint.net, Tel: +263 242 740817-8, Cell: 0783 766 807 or
0712 431 718 or 0772 278 868

Short Description

The programmes are designed for professional business practitioners with technical and supervisory skills, who are interested in significantly advancing their careers in the different disciplines of study to meet their needs.



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