
The Graduate School of Business Sciences to host the AABS Deans and Directors Forum in 2026 in Victoria Falls, Elephant Hills Resort.

AABS Deans and Directors Forum

2026 in Victoria Falls, Elephant Hills Resort.

AABS Deans and Directors Forum

2026 in Victoria Falls, Elephant Hills Resort.

AABS Deans and Directors Forum

2026 in Victoria Falls, Elephant Hills Resort.

Video taken from Group Legacy You-Tube Channel

The Association of African Business Schools (AABS), of which NUST GSBS is a member, hosts an annual event called AABS African Deans and Directors Forum. This takes place every November each year. AABS African Deans and Directors Forum is targeted at Deans, Directors, and Public Sector officials from all over the globe interested in developing business management education in Africa by providing a platform to discuss, share, network and collaborate.

The NUST Graduate School of Business Sciences won the bid the host the Deans and Directors Forum in 2026. The event will be hosted in Victoria Falls at the Elephant Hills Resort.

Hosting the forum will bring international attention to National University of Science and Technology (NUST), the NUST Graduate School of Business Sciences (GSBS) and its contributions to higher education in Africa. NUST will be prominently promoted on all AABS advertising materials related to the event, maximising exposure to a continental and a global audience. This exposure can lead to valuable collaborations, partnerships, and networking opportunities