
Mr Rodwell Dlodlo





Rodwell Dlodlo (Mr)





Contact details



        +263 282842                                                   


Short biography 



Mr Rodwell Dlodlo is a creative inter-disciplinary 




strategist with 20 years experience in the corporate 




world, rising to the position of CEO in a financial 




services company; and 15 years at university as lecturer,




dedicated to seeing experiential contribution of 




       intellectual knowledge.                                    




He is involved in some small-scale entrepreneurial 




       projects in agriculture.                                     




Mr Dlodlo holds academic qualification in public 




administration, marketing and strategy; and is 




particularly interested in entrepreneurship as an 




academic and  practical discipline. He has written 




policy papers on government-university-industry 








However, due to an unfortunate road  traffic 




accident in 2012, Mr Dlodlo’s active participation in




research and community-based engagements were 




curtailed and now lives with physical disability.

Academic Qualifications


Bachelor of Administration degree (University of 



       Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). (Book prize)       



Master of Business Administration (MBA), (UZ)



Certified Financial Planning (Educational Program) 



(George Washington University, USA)

Courses Taught            





       Marketing Management                                   



       Customer Relationship Management              



       Training and Development                              



       Professional Selling                                         



       International Business Management                



       Organisation Development and Learning        



Organisational Behaviour.

Research Interests        


Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development  



       and Change Management.