
Samkelisiwe Bhebhe


Contact Details   

Short Biography                      

Worked in the general insurance and reinsurance industries of Zimbabwe.

Academic Qualifications:         

  • Master of Science in Banking and Financial Economics
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Insurance and Risk Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics (partial transcript of courses that apply to business sciences - Linear Algebra, Calculus, Applied Statistics, Calculus of Several Variables, Ordinary Differential Equations, Discrete Mathematics, Partial Differential Equations, Time Series Analysis, Probability Theory and Real Analysis)

Courses Taught:

  • Business Statistics and Mathematics (Master of Business Administration)
  • Financial Economics (Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science)
  • Financial Risk Management (Bachelor of Commerce in Risk Management)
  • Financial Markets, Institutions and Regulation (B. Commerce Risk Management)
  • Insurance and the Commercial Environment (B. Commerce Risk Management)
  • Research Methods in Insurance (B. Comm. Risk & B. Comm. Actuarial Science)
  • Quantitative Analysis for Business (Bachelor of Commerce Honours degrees in Accounting, Banking and Investment Management, Finance, Fiscal Studies, Risk Management and Insurance, Marketing, Management, and Human Resources Management)

Research interests:

  • Financial risks
  • Financial economics
  • Financial stability
  • Climate change risk



  • Samkelisiwe Bhebhe, Godfrey Ndlovu, (2023), Natural disasters, climate change risk and the performance of financial stocks: Evidence from the Johannesburg stock exchange, Reference Module in Social Sciences, Elsevier

  • Ian Ndlovu, Samkelisiwe Bhebhe, (2022), The nexus between bank credit and economic growth in the BRICS – panel Granger causality.
  • Samkelisiwe Bhebhe, Ian Ndlovu, (2021), The impact of world oil and food price shocks on the interdependence of Brazil and Russia: SVAR-DCC-GARCH, BRICS Journal of Economics, 2(4), 47-76.

Community Service Engagement:

  • Career guidance at various churches
  • NUST FM Interview June 2024
  • NUST ZITF May 2018