
Dr. Clifford Mabhena

Dr. Clifford Mabhena



RESEARCH LINKS: Institute of Development Studies Sussex University

COURSES: Management of Development Institutions and Programmes, Development Theory Policy and Practice, Development Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation


PhD Development Studies (UFH RSA), M.Ed. Adult Education (UZ), Bsc. Hon Adult Education (UZ).

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Land and Land reform issues, land tenure security and Livelihoods. Artisanal mining, the environment and Livelihoods

SUPERVISION: Supervised over 50 MSc in Development Studies candidates. Supervised one PhD from University of Fort Hare RSA, One Master of Philosophy candidate on Resilience building

EXTERNAL EXAMINER: Examiner at the University of Pretoria, University of South Africa, University of Fort Hare


P Chidakwa, C Mabhena et al .(2020). Women’s Vulnerability to Climate Chane: Gender-Skewed implications on Agro-based livelihoods in Rural Zvishavane, Zimbabwe. Indian Journal of Gender Studies.

A Nel and C Mabhena (2020). Echoes From the Rocks: Contextualizing Land Reform and Resettled Farmer experiences in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. Journal of Asian and African Studies

N Dube, P Nkala, Mabhena C et al (2016). Institutional Exclusion and the tragedy of the Commons. Artisanal Mining in Matabeleland South Province, Zimbabwe. The Exclusive Industries and Society, Elsevier

Ndlovu, T, Moyo F, Zikhali W and Mabhena C. (2015) Farmer Participation: A drive towards Sustainable Agricultural Production in Makwe Irrigation Scheme. Global Journal of Agricultural Economic, Extension and Rural Development, Vol 3 (9) pp 308-320.

Moyo F and Mabhena C. (2014) Harnessing Mineral Resources in Gwanda District of Zimbabwe. A Myth or Reality? International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences

  1. Sebata, C. Mabhena and M. Sithole: Does Urban Agriculture help improve Women’s resilience to Poverty? Evidence from low income generating women in Bulawayo. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol 19, issue 4 ver. 111, April 2014 pp 128-136, India

Mabhena, C and Moyo F. (2014). Community Share Ownership Scheme and Empowerment: The case of Gwanda Rural District, Matabeleland South Province in Zimbabwe. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (JHSS), Vol, 19 Issue 1 Ver. X1, (February 2014), pp 72-85 India

Mabhena, C. (2013). Knowledge and Power in a Pastoral Landscape: Agrarian Struggles in Southern Matabeleland. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (JHSS), Vol 14, Issue 2 (July-August, 2013) pp 27-35 India

Mabhena, C. (2013). Command agriculture: Local Knowledge and External Development Models in Rural Zimbabwe-the case of the Makwe Irrigation Scheme. ISOR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (JHSS), Vol 12, issue 2 (May-June 2013) pp 56-64 India

Mabhena, C. (2013) Livestock Livelihoods Compromised: The dilemma of the Fast Track Land Reform and Resettlement Programme in Southern Zimbabwe. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Routledge, London.DOI:10.1080/02589001.2013.839226

Mabhena, C. (2012): Mining with a ‘Vuvuzela’, Reconfiguring Artisanal mining in Southern Zimbabwe and its Implications to Rural Livelihoods. Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Routledge, London. Vol 30, issue 2, 2012 pp 219-233

Mabhena, C. and Bank, L. (2011): Bring back Kaiser Matanzima? Communal land, traditional leaders and the politics of nostalgia. The New South African Review Vol. 2. Old Ways and New Compromises in Daniel, J. Naidoo. P.  Pillay. D. and Southall.R.Wits University Press. Johannesburg.

Mabhena, C. and Bank, L. (2011), After the Communal Lands Right Act? Land, power and development in rural South Africa. Africanus, Journal of Development Studies, Volume 41 (3) pp 95-108, Unisa Press, Pretoria

Mabhena, C, (2011). Agrarianisation or De-agrarianisation? Implications for job creation in rural Eastern Cape, South Africa: The Transformer, Journal for Development and Governance issues, Vol. 18 No1.pp 18-22. East London.

Mabhena, C. and Bank, L. (2010): After the Communal Land Rights Act: Power and Arrested Development in Rural Eastern Cape. The Transformer, Journal for development and governance issues, Vol.16 No. 6, pp 25-29.  East London.

Mabhena, C. (Forth coming), the dilemma of top down planning in housing development:  A case study of Sutterheim small towns’ regeneration initiative.

Mabhena, C. (1994): (unpublished) The role of community development workers in development planning in Matobo District (Ministry of Community Development and Women’s Affairs-Zimbabwe).


  • Livestock Production Systems in Zimbabwe
  • 2019 to date… Overseeing the implementation of the World Food Programme 3 Pronged Approach by the Institute of Development Studies of the National University of Science and Technology. The programme focuses on best practices that can be adopted by planning authorities in developing countries to fight hunger, poverty and build resilience among the vulnerable communities
  • Principal investigator: An assessment of production levels in resettlement farms in Matabeleland South province: The case of Matobo district, in collaboration with Professor Ian Scoones of the Institute of Development Studies Sussex University United Kingdom-2015- to date... the project focuses on food security and resilience building among resettled farmers. The intended outcomes include a strategy for food security, resilience building among smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe and enabling policy planning strategies for sustainable development in Zimbabwe Africa and beyond.
  • Researcher: Artisanal Mining and Environmental Sustainability in Matabeleland South Province, Zimbabwe 2014/2015. This projected included focus group discussion with artisanal gold miners, key informants and rolled 400 hundred questionnaires to gather data on the effects and impacts of artisanal mining on the environment and other livelihoods.
  • Researcher: An assessment of Capacity Building for Local Government and Service Delivery in Zimbabwe-UNDP and Ministry of Local Government- 2013. The study was finding out how best Local Authorities can be capacitated in order to effectively plan, implement, manage and evaluate district development.


CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS: Land Reform production systems in Zimbabwe, University of the Western Cape, South Africa

 PROFESSIONAL BODIES: Development Studies Association of South Africa, Anthropology Association of Southern Africa