
MSc Fiscal Studies

MSc Fiscal Studies

MSc Fiscal Studies
  • 00:00:00Course Duration
  • Skill level
  • $835
  • 01 August 2024Admission Deadline

Programme Summary


Module Code

Module Name







CFS 5105

Public Finance and Debt Management

Policy Development and Implementation

Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Government Financial Management

Ethics, Governance and Development

Research Methods






Total Credits Part I



CFS 5201

CFS 5202

CFS 5203

CFS 5302

CFS 5306

Financial Econometrics and Data Analysis

Revenue Forecasting, Mobilisation and Modelling

International and Comparative Intellectual Property

Project and Programming Planning and Management

International Commercial Transactions Law






Total Credits Part II





CFS 5318


CFS 5309

Public Sector Risk Management

Customs Management and Reform

Comparative Tax Policy and Reform

Applied Strategic Management

International Supply Chain Management







Total Credits Part III





Research Methodology(Practical)




Part IV Total


Total Credits for the Programme




CFS 5101   Public Finance and Debt Management                                                              18 Credits

The thrust of the module is to develop among students an understanding and appreciation of Public Finance and Debt Management from the theoretical and practical point of view. It also enables the students to analyse the financial systems of Zimbabwe and other countries. The major aspects of the module will include sources of public revenue, public expenditure, financial administration, and budgeting principles.  For Debt Management, the major aspects will comprise corporate debt management, public debt management, origins of debt crisis, the oil price shocks, the external debt difficulties of low-income Africa, debt reduction and reconstructing.



CFS 5102   Policy Development and Implementation                                                          18 Credits

The module exposes students to the public policy making process, institutions and actors involved in the public policy making, the political economy of public policy making and role of private sector and non-state actors in public policy making, as well as implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies. It includes generic policy processes as well as ways in which such processes are undertaken in different countries; managing politics and the internal and external challenges and opportunities of managing public and non-profit organizations, including organizational mission, values, communication, culture, organizational environment and the policy process, legislative-executive relations, interest group advocacy and media relations; the gap between policy and implementation and how to bridge them. Focus will also be made on different policy environments, focusing on strategies, tactics, and frameworks needed to initiate and sustain policy in authoritarian, democratic, liberal, and one-party states. Pressures from the international system and issues such as globalisation will also be addressed.


CFS 5103Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Government Financial Management                    18 Credits

The module contextual framework for transfer of power from central to subnational governments, the scope and nature of fiscal decentralization, and the varied issues involved in affecting it.  Specific topics include: trends in fiscal decentralization; alternative models for structuring a multilevel public sector; expenditure assignment, revenue assignment and mobilization; local government budgeting; intergovernmental transfers, borrowing and debt, creditworthiness and the financial risks of local authorities; capacity building arrangements; “sequencing” of intergovernmental reforms, determination of “fiscal space” for local revenue mobilization; decentralization reform as a strategy for nation building; design of budget policies that support a stable macroeconomic manner; mechanisms for mobilizing revenues in an accountable, transparent manner, mechanisms to support public infrastructure development and its appropriate financing; global lessons of intergovernmental systems and fiscal decentralization.


CFS 5104 Ethics, Governance and Development                                                                18 Credits

The module addresses ethical and governance issues in development and in the public sector, at the same time providing an opportunity for building sustained ethical leadership as well as strategies to build strong institutional cultures that support ethical practices in public and development institutions. International perspectives are merged with considerations relating to Sub-Sahara Africa.


CFS5105 Research Methods                                                                                            18 Credits

The overall aim of this module is to acquaint candidates with the techniques of both quantitative and qualitative research and to discuss issues relating to research design, implementation, and data analysis. Research methods are oriented towards the collection (or conversion) of data in both numerical or qualitative form and use of numerals and statistics in the analysis of data collected. This will enable the researcher to make statistically valid generalizations and inferences about the topic of study. This module describes the types of both qualitative and quantitative methods and their advantages and shortcomings in application. Students will understand:  the scope and purpose of writing a research proposal; the key components of research methods;  types of research methods (e.g. descriptive, correlational, cause-comparative, experimental); methods of data collection;  the advantages and challenges of using quantitative or qualitative methods; Use of statistical software to define, manipulate, explore, tabulate, and sort data; and the research topics to which the use of quantitative or qualitative research methods is most appropriate


CFS 5201   Financial Econometrics and Data Analysis                                                        18 Credits

The module examines statistical and econometric techniques for empirical finance and applied economics.  It examines the theory and approach of multivariate regression model, ARCH, GMM, Regime Switching Models, test of the CAPM, term structure models and volatility models (implied stochastic volatility).  Students will also learn aspects of the time series econometrics for both stationary and non-stationary variables at different time frequencies, with emphasis on financial/economic variables.  The module also focuses on the use of statistical techniques to understand market behaviour, including methods for organizing, accessing, and ensuring the quality of data.


CFS 5202   Revenue Forecasting, Mobilisation and Modelling                                              18 Credits

The module covers current practices in revenue forecasting and mobilization in different countries and regional blocs; pricing and revenue optimization and legal issues associated with different pricing strategies; influence of economic forecast errors and political institutional factors on the general fund revenue forecast errors; challenges from globalization, corporate tax competition and trade liberalization and revenue replacement principles; distinction between resource-related and other revenues.  Further, the course equips students with techniques of building models on excel, specifically: financial analysis models; sensitivity and scenario analysis; capital budgeting; bond analysis; VAR and simulation models.

CSFS 5203   International and Comparative Intellectual Property                                         18 Credits

The module enables students to be able to identify the sources of international intellectual property (IP) law and apply them to their own country’s environment. Topics include: principles and concepts of IP law, including copyright, trademark, and patent law; role of IP as a tool of world trade; role and impact of global industry and non-governmental organizations in shaping IP policy, including regulation of biotechnology, electronic commerce and impact of IP on the environment and human rights; IP rights in the international trading environment and application thereof across a range of jurisdictions and in relation to specific issues; international agreements and dispute procedures on IP; and comparative evaluative studies on implementation of particular treaties in various countries.


CFS5302 Project and Programme Planning and Management                                              18 Credits

The Module will provide an in-depth understanding of techniques underpinning the discipline of project and programme management which is very important in modern business. It will also provide core personal and professional competencies needed to manage and lead people and behaviours in complex public sector projects. This module will emphasize the tools that improve the student’s ability to plan, implement and manage projects during their entire life cycle, from scoping the project until its closure, including the methodologies of estimating time and costs for completion and the measurement of progress and performance. A special focus will be given on project management techniques, stakeholder engagement and communication, risk management, project procurement process, project financing, project performance indicators and the framework for public-private partnerships (PPPs) used in large infrastructure projects


CFS5306 International Commercial Transactions Law                                                        18 Credits

The objective of the module is to provide students with an understanding of the legal environment in which international trade and commerce are conducted by business entities in both civil and common law countries. Both private and public law aspects of international trade and commerce will be examined.  Private law covers transactions relating to the sale of goods, forms of payments, customs, shipping law, insurance law, securities over international transactions in traditional and electronic forms, and private international aspects with particular reference to dispute resolution.  Public law covers the impact of international obligations, both multilateral and bilateral, on the conduct of trade and commerce, as well as principles of international law relating to contracts and dispute settlement and arbitration.


CFS 5204   Applied Strategic Management                                                                        18 Credits

The module aims at identifying and evaluating options for strengthening the performance of public organizations and managing changes in the public sector.  Topics include: concepts and thesis of strategic management in public sector; vision, mission and objectives; development of strategy process; strategic planning; implementation; monitoring; evaluation and taking corrective steps; management of change in organization. It also requires students to distinguish between strategy process, strategy content and strategy context and merging the three dimensions into a comprehensive view of strategic management. It also covers advanced topics in the strategy field and challenges in strategy implementation faced when operating in the global environment.


CFS 5303   Public Sector Risk Management                                                                       18 Credits

The module provides the opportunity to view risk management strategically than more conservatively as compliance to regulations, providing effective risk management systems and tools and incorporating effective use of information and technology in managing risk.  It examines a variety of frameworks and models of risk with respect to regulation, policy, and decision-making. The aim is to enable management to effectively deal with uncertainty and its associated risk and opportunities, enhancing the capacity to build value, to deliver more effective services more efficiently and economically.  Topics include: risk assessment and analysis methodology (quantitative and qualitative); sources of risk; risk management process; identifying events; appropriate risk management strategies; control activities; information and communication tools; public sector risk structures and processes.


CFS 5308   Customs Management and Reform                                                                   18 Credits

The module enables students to apply contemporary administration methods and the newest management practices in practical everyday activities, analyse practical situations, evaluate arising problems and make proper decisions; use national and international networks and customs computer databases; apply special international trade customs policy, international carriage and logistics knowledge; implement contemporary customs tasks and functions and form customs strategy.  Specific topics include: comparative analysis of public administration; administrative legal relations in customs activities administration of customs; strategic development of the state; customs policy of different regional blocs; international trade; protection of intellectual property in international trade; customs strategies of different regional blocs. Further, the course addresses issues relating to customs reform and modernization, mainly, the requirements for reform and modernization of customs structures, policies and procedures; the significance of international conventions, such as the Kyoto Convention and the role of the World Customs Organization (WCO) in supporting customs reform and modernization; the design and implementation of strategic planning for customs administration; challenges to the change process; strategic planning and change management techniques and strategies to support a reform and modernization process.


CFS 5309   International Supply Chain Management                                                           18 Credits

The module provides an understanding of the effective operation of the international supply chain and the role of customs (both for imports and exports) inside it, the needs of its component parts and the opportunities it presents for effective control and trade facilitation.  It provides a detailed study of: the WTO instruments for trade facilitation and safeguard measures; the Revised Kyoto Convention; the SAFE Framework of Standards; supply chain management; opportunities and barriers; stakeholder requirements (banking and insurance sector, importers and exporters, logistics and transportation companies, clearance agents, public, international associations and organisations, national bilateral and multilateral agencies, and the final clients); capacity to integrate customs inside the supply chain.


CFS 5313   Comparative Tax Policy and Reform                                                                 18 Credits

The module provides an overview to the principles and policies that underlie and shape tax systems and reforms.  Principles of good tax policy are explained and applied to various tax rules and tax system features.  Policy issues of key types of taxes are examined.  Students will gain a broader appreciation of the tax law beyond its technical application, as well as how tax, economic, social and environmental policies interact.  In addition, the course examines key tax policy issues that arise in different countries, with a particular focus on the design and structure of the income tax.  It will consider comparative analysis of tax systems, and tax policy principles including equity, efficiency, and ability to pay, progressivity and tax expenditures.  Specific topics include: tax rates, definition of income, personal deductions, that tax unit, taxing corporate and capital income, and tax administration and management on a comparative basis.   An understanding of fundamental tax reform will be gained through study of why major reform is often proposed, the key types of proposals and the issues that arise.


CFS 5105 Research Methodology                                                                                     20 Credits

At the end of this course, the students should be able to: • understand some basic concepts of research and its methodologies • identify appropriate research topics • select and define appropriate research problem and parameters • prepare a project proposal (to undertake a project) • organize and conduct research (advanced project) in a more appropriate manner • write a research report and thesis • write a research proposal (grants) focusing on the field of public finance/revenue/economics, customs and taxes.


CFS 5400 Dissertation                                                                                                    70 Credits

The dissertation, which is compulsory, helps students to consolidate theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the Taught Section of the programme by completing a research project under the supervision of the Department staff and or professionals in sectors relevant to the topic being pursued.


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