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Faculty of Engineering
Engineering is the art of distilling relevant scientific knowledge for the purpose of bringing useful items, materials or services into being. The engineer seeks to quantify all the variables that are germane to a project, makes informed estimates where hard data is not available, and sets down a logical progression towards solving problems, which others can readily understand and use as a basis for action.
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Chemical Block, Main campus
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Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering webpage. The faculty is composed of five engineering departments. These departments offer undergraduate courses leading to a Bachelor of Engineering Honours degree in Chemical Engineering, Civil and Water Engineering, Electronic Engineering, and Fibre and Polymer Materials Engineering. In addition, the Faculty offers post-graduate courses and research degrees in various engineering disciplines leading to Master of Engineering, Master of Philosophy, and Doctor of Philosophy. The five departments follow the Education 5.0 philosophy promulgated by his Excellence, The President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. They provide effective teaching and learning, research, community service, innovation, and business development.
The Faculty of Engineering is one of the three pioneer faculties of the National University of Science and Technology (NUST). It was founded in 1991 as the Faculty of Industrial Technology and changed its name to the Faculty of Engineering in 2019. From inception and ever since then, the faculty has grown in terms of student enrolment, staff, and research output, published in high Impact Scientific and Engineering journals. The faculty aspires to produce knowledge through innovative research to provide solutions to engineering and other problems faced by the communities. Priority is given to national problems using the philosophy of “heritage-based education 5.0” to harness local solutions for local problems. The flair of our output is not limited to local, but provides regional and global solutions using science, engineering, and technology.
The faculty participates in engineering calls to help the communities and the nation at large. During COVID-19 times, the faculty helped the nation and the community by way of producing Sanitisers and related disinfectants. The production helped the whole country. The faculty is also involved in consultancies on engineering issues with parastatals and local municipalities.
We maintain continuous engagement with the industry for feedback and relevance. Since its establishment, the Faculty has grown in terms of staff and students graduating from the Faculty.
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Why Choose Us
A Wealth of Experience, a Reputation for Excellence
Affordable Cost
Convenient Schedules
Quality Control