Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
Greetings! This is indeed an exciting time to be an Industrial and Manufacturing Engineer. The world is changing at a fast pace, and with it the roles of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers are changing and becoming increasingly important. Businesses across the entire world are looking for the best and most efficient ways to manage processes and drive down costs. As a result, the systems and process-oriented skills of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers are valued more than ever before. Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers are positively impacting business in their various roles in areas such as production engineering and management, process improvement and optimization, quality management, maintenance engineering and management, business process engineering, logistics and distribution, supply chain management and optimization, product design and development, and information technology. The Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering was established in 1991 and has over the years been at the forefront of developing cutting-edge solutions in areas of manufacturing, engineering, mining, agriculture, water and sanitation, transport and logistics. Our key focus areas are:
1. Engineering Design and Product Development
2. Manufacturing Systems Engineering
3. Manufacturing Processes
4. Operations Management
5. Automation and Robotics
Our Programmes
At least 3 `A' level passes in Pure/Additional/Mechanical Mathematics and Physics and either Chemistry/Computer Science/Engineering Drawing, Design Technology, with ‘O’ level pass in Chemistry.
ND in Mechanical, Production, Plant Engineering, Draughting & Design and Refrigeration or equivalent plus 2 years post ND working experience
HND in Mechanical, Production, Plant Engineering, Draughting & Design and Refrigeration or equivalent plus 1-year post HND working experience.
Prospects for graduates:
Production Manager/ Engineer, Design Engineer, Maintenance Manager/Engineer, Projects Engineer, Risk Engineer, Quality Assurance Manager, Entrepreneur
Entry Requirements
The normal entry requirement for the Master of Engineering shall be an Honours Bachelor's Degree at the level of at least a Lower Second Division in the related engineering discipline or related disciplines as specified by the Department. In some cases, applicants with qualifications which are deemed to be equivalent to the Honours Bachelor's Degree may be accepted under the Special Entry requirement.
Prospects for graduates:
Operations Manager, Manufacturing Manager, Operations Executive, Projects Manager, SHEQ Manager, Technology Manager, Design Engineer, Logistics Manager
Entry Requirements
The normal entry requirement for the Master of Engineering shall be an Honours Bachelor's Degree at the level of at least a Lower Second Division in the related engineering discipline or related disciplines as specified by the Department. In some cases, applicants with qualifications which are deemed to be equivalent to the Honours Bachelor's Degree may be accepted under the Special Entry requirement.
Prospects for graduates:
Operations Manager, Manufacturing Manager, Operations Executive, Projects Manager, SHEQ Manager, Technology Manager, Design Engineer, Logistics Manager
PhD Programmes
A relevant Master's degree in Engineering.
Entry Requirements
A relevant Master's degree in Engineering.
Entry Requirements
A relevant Master's degree in Engineering.
Goriwondo W and Mhlanga S were part of a facilitating team ran a short course entitled “Research Method and Proposal Development September 2011 (8 participants under Research & Innovation Office).
PhD Industrial Engineering (Stellenbosch University, SA), MEng. Manufacturing
Engineering & Operations Management (NUST, ZW), BTech Hons Production
Engineering (CUT, ZW), Post-graduate Diploma in Higher Education (NUST-ZW),
Research interests: Advanced Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, CAD/CAM,
Engineering Design, Materials Engineering, Technology Management and Artificial
Email: OR
Journal articles, books and book chapters
1. Tayisepi, N., Mugwagwa, L., Munyau, M. and Muhla, T.M., 2023. Integrated Energy
Use Optimisation and Cutting Parameter Prediction Model-Aiding Process Planning
of Ti6Al4V Machining on the CNC Lathe. J. Eng. Res. Rep, 25(10), pp.226-242.
2. Mugwagwa, L; Yadroitsava, I., Makoana, W. and Yadroitsev, I. (2021). “Chapter 9 -
Residual stress in laser powder bed fusion.” In “Fundamentals of Laser Powder Bed
Fusion of Metals, 1 st Edition”, pp 245-276. Elsevier, 2021.
3. Mugwagwa, L., Dimitrov, D., Matope, S. and Yadroitsev, I., (2019). “Investigation of
the effect of scan vector length on residual stresses in selective laser melting of
maraging steel 300”, The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 30(4),
4. Mugwagwa, L., Yadroitsev, I. and Matope, S. (2019). “Effect of process parameters
on residual stresses, distortions, and porosity in selective laser melting of
maraging steel 300”, Metals, 9(10), 1042.
5. Mugwagwa, L., Dimitrov, D., Matope, S. and Yadroitsev, I. (2019). “Evaluation of
the impact of scanning strategies on residual stresses in selective laser melting”,
Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 102(5), pp. 2441-2450.
6. Mugwagwa, L., Dimitrov, D., Matope, S. and Yadroitsev, I. (2018). “Influence of
process parameters on residual stress related distortions in selective laser
melting”, Procedia Manufacturing, 21, pp 92 – 99.
7. Goriwondo W M (ed), Mhlanga S (Ed) and Mugwagwa L (Ed), The Sixth
International Conference Proceedings on Manufacturing Processes, Systems and
Operations Management held at Elephant Hills, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (24-25
March 2015)
8. Zimwara, D., Mugwagwa, L., Maringa, D., Mnkandla, A., Mugwagwa, L.R and
Ngwarati, T.T., 2013. Cost of quality as a driver for continuous improvement-case
study–company X. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring
Engineering (IJITEE), 2 (2), pp. 132-139
9. Zimwara, D., Mugwagwa, L. and Nherera, K., 2013. Soft computing methods for
predicting environmental quality: A case study of the Zimbabwe sugar processing
industry. US–China Public Administration, 10(4), pp.345-357.
10. Mugwagwa, L., Nyanga, L and Mhlanga S. (2013) Design of a fuzzy controller for
the continuous casting process, International Journal of Engineering Science and
Technology, 5, 1, pp. 213 – 220
11. Gwangwava, N., Mugwagwa, L. and Ngoma, S., 2013. Design of a Dual Operating
Mode Sheet Folding Machine, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Robotics Research (IJMERR), 2(4)
12. Mugwagwa, L., Nyanga, L. and Mhlanga, S., 2012. Neural Network Breakout
Prediction Model for Continuous Casting. International Journal of Engineering and
Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2(2), pp. 380 – 383
Conference papers in conference proceedings
1. Mugwagwa, L., Yadroitsev, I and Matope, S. (2019) A method for selecting residual
stress management techniques in selective laser melting, 20th Annual Conference
of the Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa (RAPDASA), 6 – 8
November 2019, Bloemfontein, pp. 178-180
2. Mugwagwa, L., Dimitrov, D., Matope, S. and Venter, A.F. (2017). “Residual stress
distributions within components manufactured using selective laser melting”,
Proceedings of the 18 th Annual International RAPDASA Conference, 7 – 10
November 2017, Durban, South Africa, pp. 153 – 164
3. Muvunzi, R., Dimitrov, D., Matope, S. and Mugwagwa, L., 2018, April. Application
of surface modification Technologies to improve performance of hot sheet metal
forming tools: A review. In Proceedings of the EAI International Conference on
Research, Innovation and Development for Africa, Victoria Falls (pp. 65-74).
4. Mugwagwa, L., Dimitrov, D., Matope, S. and Muvunzi, R. (2016). “Residual stresses
and distortions in selective laser melting – a review”, Proceedings of the 17 th
Annual International RAPDASA Conference, 2 – 4 November 2016, Vanderbijlpark,
South Africa
5. Mugwagwa, L., Dimitrov, D., Matope, S. and Becker, T. (2016). “A methodology to
evaluate the influence of part geometry on residual stresses in selective laser
melting”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive
Manufacturing, 27 – 29 January 2016, Stellenbosch, South Africa, pp. 133 – 139
6. Chelaine Mmadi, Nicholas Tayisepi and Lameck Mugwagwa, (2015), Towards
Sustainable Agricultural Inputs Supply – Implications of the Design and
Automation of a Fertiliser Bag Lining Station – A Case Study. In 6 th MPSOM
Proceedings,23-24 March 2015, Victoria Falls, pp. 84 – 92 2.
7. Tafadzwa Sonia Mponda, Nicholas Tayisepi, Lungile Nyanga and Lameck
Mugwagwa (2015), Design of an Automatic Log Sorting System, MPSOM
Proceedings, pp. 138 - 147 3.
8. Mugwagwa, L., Dimitrov, D. and Matope, S. (2014). “Exploring opportunities for
improvement in selective laser melting”, Proceedings of the 15 th Annual
International RAPDASA, Conference, 6 – 7 November 2014, Stellenbosch, South
Africa, pp. 21 – 29
9. Zimwara, D., Mugwagwa, L. and Chikowore, T.R., 2012. Air pollution control
techniques for the cement manufacturing industry: a case study for Zimbabwe,
Presented at the 42 nd Computer and Industrial Engineering International
Conference, Cape Town, IN CIE42 proceedings, 37, pp.1-13.
10. Mhlanga, S., Matope, S., Mugwagwa, L., Phuthi, N. and Moyo, V.S., 2013.
Academic staff development strategies in engineering fields of study: case study of
Zimbabwe. Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial Conference of the South African Society
for Engineering Education, Cape Town. 11-12 June, 2013, pp 1118 – 127
11. Jindu, N., Zimwara, D., Mugwagwa, L and Gwangwava, N (2012), Managing
abattoir waste through the design of a cow dung briquette-making machine [an
alternative source of renewable energy], Research and Intellectual Exposition, 3 –
7 September 2012, Harare.
12. Mugwagwa, L., Makhurane, M., Dlodlo, Z.B. and Mhlanga, S (2011), Low Cost Steel
Manufacturing Through Integrated Continuous Casting and Steel Rolling Process,
The 6th International Conference of the Africa Materials Research Society,
December 11 – 16, 2011, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
PhD Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (BIUST-BW), MEng. Manufacturing
Engineering & Operations Management (NUST, ZW), BEng. Industrial &
Manufacturing Engineering, Post-graduate Diploma in Higher Education (NUST,
ZW), MZweIE, Pr. Eng. ECZ, Member of Writing Team APET Experts’ Report on 3-D
PRINTING Technology for AUDA - NEPAD.
Research Interests: Additive manufacturing, engineering design, advanced
manufacturing technology, climate change.
Projects: Girl child empowerment, coaching and career guidance at schools for
STEM-based careers
Journals papers published
1. Nyathi, T.N., Nyadongo, S.T. and Muusha, P., (2023). Design and Implementation
of an Intelligent Spray-Painting System for a Panel Beating Shop: Enhancing
Efficiency and Precision in Vehicle Painting. International Research Journal of
Modernization in Engineering Technology. DOI, 10.
2. Ncube, H.R., Nyadongo, S.T. and Muusha, P., (2023). Design and Optimization of
an Activated Carbon Handling System for Improved Gold Recovery. International
Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology. DOI, 10.
3. Meda, L.N., Nyadongo, S.T. and Dukuswa, I., 2023, June. Optimization of baking
parameters in producing bread through development of a generic control system.
In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2581, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
4. Nyadongo, S. T., Olakanmi, E. O., & Pityana, S. L. (2022). Analysis of dry sliding
wear performance of tribaloy T-800/Tungsten carbide coating deposited via laser
cladding assisted with preheating. Journal of Materials Engineering and
Performance, 1-15.
5. Nyadongo, S. T., Olakanmi, E. O., & Pityana, S. L. (2021). Experimental and
numerical analyses of geometrical and microstructural features of Tribaloy T-800
composite coating deposited via laser cladding-assisted with pre-heat (LCAP)
process. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 69, 84-111.
6. Nyadongo, S. T., Pityana, S. L., & Olakanmi, E. O. (2021). Isothermal Oxidation
Performance of Laser Cladding Assisted with Preheat (LCAP) Tribaloy T-800
Composite Coatings Deposited on EN8. Coatings, 11(7), 843.
7. Olakanmi, E. O., Malikongwa K., Nyadongo S. T., Shaik Hoosain S. & Pityana S. L.
(2020) Consolidation mechanism, microstructural evolution and corrosion
resistance of Inconel 625 coatings, Surface Engineering, DOI:
8. Olakanmi E. O., Nyadongo S. T., Malikongwa K., Lawal S. A., Botes A., Pityana S. L.
(2018). Multi-variable optimisation of the quality characteristics of fiber-laser
cladded Inconel-625 composite coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology 357 pg
9. Gwangwava N., Nyadongo S. T., Mathe C. Mpofu K. (2013). Modular clusterization
product design support system. International Journal of Advances in Computer
Science and Technology (IJACST), Vol. 2, No. 11, Pages 8-18
Conferences (refereed)
2. Nduna N., Nyadongo S. T., Munyau M. (2021). Reliability Centred Maintenance of
Refuse Trucks for Maintenance and Cost Optimization. A Case Study of X Town
Council.3rd International Conference on Engineering Facilities, Maintenance &
Management Technologies (EFM2T’21), BIUST, Palapye – Botswana (Online), 28-
29 Oct 2021
3. Meda N. L., Nyadongo S. T., Dukuswa I. (2021). Optimization of Baking Parameters
in Producing Bread through Development of a Generic Control System 3rd
International Conference on Engineering Facilities, Maintenance & Management
Technologies (EFM2T’21), BIUST, Palapye – Botswana (Online), 28-29 Oct 2021
4. Gwebu A, Nyanga L., Nyadongo S.T., Van der Merwe A.F., Mhlanga S (2014),
Effect Of Mould Temperature On The Filling Behavior Of Molten Resin In Plastic
Injection Moulding Of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), SAIIE26 Proceedings,
14th – 16th of July 2014, Magaliesburg, South Africa © 2014 SAIIE, pp 1167-1 –
MEng Manufacturing Systems and Operations Management (NUST, ZW), BEng
(Hons) Industrial Engineering (NUST, ZW).
Research interests: Energy efficiency Improvements and Maintenance
MEng Manufacturing Engineering and Operations Management (NUST, ZW), BEng
(Hons) Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (NUST, ZW). Postgraduate
Diploma in Higher Education (NUST, ZW), ND Automotive Engineering, NC Motor
Mechanics, Green & Yellow Belt Lean Six Sigma, MZweIE ,AMSAIIE.
Research interests: Process Continuous Improvements, Asset Maintenance and
Management, Optimisation of Production lines, Renewable Energy
MEng Manufacturing Systems and Operations Management (NUST), BEng (Hons)
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (NUST), McKinsey Lead Forward
Certificate (McKinsey & company), Fundamentals of Waterfall Project
Management (Project Management Institute), Introduction to 4IR (CSIR), GZweIE.
Research interests: Sustainable Education, Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning, Operations Research, Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Renewable
energy, Manufacturing Strategy, Sustainable Project Management.,
Journals published
1. Muhla T., Mapindu I., Munyau M., Mashava D., Mhlanga S., Goriwondo, W,M.,
(2024). Agility as a strategy in Zimbabwean manufacturing. Zimbabwe Journal of
Science and Technology, Vol 17, pp 65-76
2. Tayisepi N., Svosve R., Tigere G., Mnkandla A,N., Mapindu I., (2023). Comparative
Optimisation of the Cutting Parameters for Surface Quality and Energy Efficiency
during the Machining Manufacturing of Teak, Saligna and Pine Wood Materials.
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, DOI: 10.9734/jerr/2023/v25i111023
3. Chingozha M, P., Ruvengo L., Mapindu I., Shava G., (2022). Restructuring Higher
Education to achieve quality and innovation: A literature Review. Journal of
Current Engineering and Technology. ISSN: 2582-1210.
Conference presentations
1. Mashava D., Muhla M,T., Mapindu I., Munyau M., (2023). Deep Learning-based
Gearbox Multiple Components Failure Diagnosis using Time-Frequency Domain
Image representations. 3rd Education for Sustainable Development
Interdisciplinary Conference 2023, Faculty of Science and Technology Education.
2. Muhla M,T., Mapindu I., Munyau M., (2023). COVID-19-inspired online learning in
Zimbabwe: effects on science and technology education. 2nd Education for
Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Conference 2023, Faculty of Science
and Technology Education.
3. Mapindu I., Muhla M,T., Munyau M., (2023). Restructuring Stem Education For
Innovation And Entrepreneurship: A Novel Model For Sustainable Education 2nd
Education for Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Conference 2023, Faculty
of Science and Technology Education.
MSc Renewable Energy, Bachelor of Technical Education Honours Degree in
Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Technicians Part 2 (City and
Guilds), Diploma in Technical and Vocational Education, Advanced Craft certificate,
Class One Turner Machinist.
Research interests: Mechanical Designs, Solar thermal systems, Solar photovoltaic
Energy optimization.
Email: and
Cert. in Basic Machineshop Eng (Westgate)
BTech (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (UZ), MZweIE
Research interests: Quality Systems, Environmental Management, Manufacturing
Journal publications
1. Goriwondo, W.M., Zimwara, D., Mhlanga, S, Mutopa, C.T., Nkomo, F, Gutu, T and
Ngwena, P., (2012), Challenges Faced by Manufacturing Companies in Sustaining
Conformance to ISO9001:2008 in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of a Textiles
Manufacturing Company, International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-1, December 2012,
pp 31-37
2. Zimwara, D., Goriwondo, W.M, Mhlanga, S., Chasara, T., Chuma, T., Gwatidzo, O.
and Sarema, B (2012), World Class Manufacturing status Assessment for a
Margarine Producing Company in Zimbabwe, International Journal of Innovative
Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-1,
December 2012, pp 52-57
3. Genesis Murehwa, Davison Zimwara, Wellington Tumbudzuku, Samson Mhlanga,
(2012), Energy Efficiency Improvement in Thermal Power Plants, International
Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-
3075, Volume-2, Issue-1, December 2012, pp 52-57
4. Davison Zimwara, LameckMugwagwa, Lazarus Z. Duri, (2012), Environmental
Protection Through Sound Air Pollution Control Techniques for the Cement
Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study for Zimbabwe, Journal of US-China Public
Administration, July 2012, Vol. 9, No. 7, 737-748, ISSN 1548-6591.
5. Davison Zimwara, Lameck Mugwagwa,Knowlegde Nherera (2013), soft computing
methods for predicting environmental quality: A case study of Zimbabwe sugar
industry, , Journal of US-China Public Administration, April 2013, Vol. 10, No. 4,345-
357, ISSN 1548-6591.
6. Davison Zimwara, Lameck Mugwagwa,Daniel Maringa,Albert Mkandla,Lindleen
Mugwagwa, Talent Ngwarati(2013). Cost of quality and driver for continous
improvement, case study for company X in Zimbabwe, International Journal of
Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-
2, Issue-2, January 2013, pp.131-139
7. Steadyman Chikumba, Davison Zimwara (2006). Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering Training and Future Contributions to Economic Development in
Zimbabwe , Engineering Education for Sustainable Development, Proceedings of
the 3rd African Regional Conference on Engineering Education University of
Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa 26-27 September 2006, pp 391-398 refereed
8. Davison Zimwara and Charles Mbohwa (2015). Challenges of implementing world
class manufacturing techniques in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Journal of science and
technology, vol. 10, pp152-162
9. D. Zimwara and C. Mbohwa 2014) Using advanced management techniques as
competitive weapon to achieve world class status: a case study of Zimbabwean
companies. Zimbabwe Journal of science and technology, vol. 9, pp. 28-40
10. D. Zimwara and C. Mbohwa (2014) Using bench marking in manufacturing as an
improvement tool to achieve world class status a case study of a Zimbabwean
company, Zimbabwe Journal of science and technology vol. 9 pp. 98 – 111.
11. D. Zimwara and C. Mbohwa (2016). Towards a world class manufacturing status:
an assessment of advanced manufacturing technologies used in Zimbabwe, The
Zimbabwe institution of Engineers journal of science, engineering and technology,
vol. 3(1) pp. 1-6
12. I. Mashonganyika, S. Mhlanga, W. Tumbudzuku, D. Zimwara (2016). Design and
feasibility assessment of implementation of a single wire earth return( SWER)
systems as a potential solution to rapid rural electrification in Zimbabwe, The
Zimbabwe institution of Engineers journal of science, engineering and technology,
vol. 3(1) pp. 65- 70
13. D.Zimwara (2016) Analysis for total quality management (tqm) implementation in
manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe” was accepted for publication in our
Journal. The date of acceptance was 30.03.17 publication pending.
14. D. Zimwara and C. Mbohwa (2017) Factors that influence the implementation of
world class manufacturing in Zimbabwe: Case study of a beverage manufacturing
company. Zimbabwe Journal of science and technology.
15. D. Zimwara, H. Ngarivume and W. Goriwondo ( 2018) Dispersion modelling and
leachability of heavy metals from tailings dam material of a gold cyanidation plant
in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Journal of science and technolog, pp 47-68.
16. H. Ngarivume and D.Zimwara ( 2018) Any analysis of physico- chemical
parameters from a gold mine processing plant an environmental pollution
indicator. Zimbabwe Journal of science and technology.
17. D. Zimwara, H. Ngarivume and W. Goriwondo (2019). An assessment of
environmental pollution in gold extraction and processing plant at a Zimbabwean
mine.The Zimbabwe institution of Engineers journal of science, engineering and
technology, Vol.4, iss.1 pp. 17- 29.
18. D.Zimwara and C. Mbohwa (2019). Development of a world class manufacturing
implementation framework for Zimbabwean companies, The Zimbabwe
institution of Engineers journal of science, engineering and technology, Vol.4,
iss.1 pp. 2- 16.
19. Machingura, T and Zimwara D.(2020) Green manufacturing implementation in
Zimbabwe: an assessment of current issues, Zimbabwe Journal of science and
Technology.vol.5 pp.68-79
20. . D.Zimwara, E Maphosa, W.M Goriwondo, S.T. Nyadongo (2021) Modelling the
environmental impacts of noise and dust from quarry stone mining in Harare –
case study of Pomona quarry, Zimbabwe Journal of science and Technology.
21. Edwin Taurai Makhaza, *William Msekiwa Goriwondo and Davison
Zimwara(2022)Development of a dynamic lean assessment model to evaluate the
impact of lean improvement techniques on a manufacturing system: case study of
xy manufacturing
Conference papers
1. Nkhoma T C, Tshuma J and Zimwara D, (2011), Environmental management
through the design and use of membrane bioreactor for the treatment of tannery
wastewater, 6 th International Conference of the Africa Materials Research Society,
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
2. Zimwara,D.,Goriwondo,W.G, Mbowa,C(2013), Critical leadership skills that
support the manufacturing function of an organization: a case study for Bulawayo
companies, 1 st international conference on transformational leadership in Africa
(ICTLA,2013) Elephant Hills Zimbabwe 17-20 June 2013
3. Rusere, P N, Mugabe I M, Tayisepi N and Zimwara D, (2011), An Integrated
Approach for Sustanable Business Growth through Human Life and Environmental
Conscoius Manufacturing Engineering Processes: A Case Study of Wood Waste re-
utilization to Producing Fuel Briquettes at Factory G, ZIE 6 th Congress, 27 th
September -1 st October 2011, Holiday Inn, Mutare, Zimbabwe,
4. Tayisepi N, Madzudzo E, Mhlanga S, Zimwara D, (2011), Ergonomics, a platform for
sustainable business, through mechanisation of Wire Product Bobbins loading
Systems at the Wire Manufacturing Plants in Zimbabwe: Case study of the Barbed
Wire Bobbins Stacker Conveyor Designed and Manufactured for Company X, ZIE 6 th
Congress, 27 th September -1 st October 2011, Holiday Inn, Mutare, Zimbabwe, 15
5. Moyo, M., Nyoni A.B, Zimwara D, Mhlanga S, and Mashingaidze M M (2011),
Challenges facing the Textile Manufacturing Industry in Zimbabwe and the Way
Forward, ZIE 6th Congress, 2 7th September - 1st October 2011, Holiday Inn, Mutare,
6. Zimwara D, Mashingaidze MM, and Tayisepi N, (2011), Unlocking the
Manufacturing Potential of Zimbabwe Industries: A Case Study of Bulawayo
Companies, ZIE 6 th Congress, 27 th September -1 st October 2011, Holiday Inn,
Mutare, Zimbabwe
7. Zimwara D, Manhongo T T, Nyanga L, Goriwondo W M (2011), Waste
Management Through Design Of A Biogas Digester For The Production Of Biogas
From Municipal Solid Waste-Case Study Of Bulawayo City,. International
Conference on Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering and Engineering
Management for Sustainable Global Development (ISEM), 21-23 September 2011,
Spiers Hotel, Cape Town
8. Mafuratidze F, Zimwara D, Nyanga L and Moyo C, (2011), Challenges of
Engineering Design function in Zimbabwe industry, International Conference on
Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering and Engineering Management for
Sustainable Global Development (ISEM), 21-23 September 2011, Spiers Hotel,
Cape Town
9. Zimwara D , Nyoni N, Chikuku T and Musaidzi H (2011), The role of Green
Manufacturing /Cleaner Production in obtaining ISO 14001 certification for
Tobacco Processing Companies in Zimbabwe, International Conference on
Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering and Engineering Management for
Sustainable Global Development (ISEM), 21-23 September 2011, Spiers Hotel,
Cape Town.
10. M Makhurane, D Zimwara, and B Ngarakana (2012), Improving Energy Usage
through the Development of an Energy Monitoring and Targeting System (Case
Study: X Phosphate Industries), Proceedings of the IASTED International
Conference Power and Energy Systems (AfricaPES 2012) September 3 - 5, 2012
Botswana, Africa, pp 52 -56
11. Mugwagwa L, Zimwara D. Chikowore T R (2012) Air Pollution Control Techniques
For The Cement Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study For ZimbabweComputers
and Industrial Engineering 42, CIE42 Proceedings, 16-18 July 2012, Cape Town,
South Africa © 2012 CIE & SAIIE, pp 37_1 – 37_13
12. W.Goriwondo, Davison Zimwara and N.Tayisepi; (2008) Using wind energy for
harvesting and providing sustainable safe ground water for rural community in
Masendu Ward in Zimbabwe. Proceedings of third International Conference on
Appropriate Technology, Rwanda 2008.
13. Davison Zimwara, Samson Mhlanga;(2002) Value engineering and its application
in Zimbabwe through six sigma quality systems.2002, ZIE conference, in Bulawayo,
14. Davison Zimwara, Mhlanga, S;(2002) Industrial engineering applied as a tool box
for the industry.2002, ZIE Conference, Bulawayo,
15. D. Zimwara, M.Mashingaidze, N.Tayisepi, (2011)..Unlocking the manufacturing
potential of Zimbabwe industries.A case study of Bulawayo companies.
Proceedings of the 6 th ZIE congress, Mutare 27 September 2011.
16. Davison Zimwara, William Musekiwa Goriwondo, Mary Dlodlo, (2012), Provision
of rural communities with a lease of life through ground water abstraction and
management of surface stored water: a case study of a semi arid district in
Zimbabwe, Mauritius 2012
17. W.Goriwondo, Davison Zimwara and N.Tayisepi,(2011) Wind usage as an
alternative of energy for rural communities.Research EXPO, UZ 2011 Poster
18. Davison Zimwara and N.Tayisepi, W.Goriwondo, (2010), Wind Mill design and
usage as an alternative of energy for rural communities Zimbabwe internal trade
fair NUST stand 2010 Poster presentation
19. N.Jindu, D.Zimwara, L.Mugwagwa,N.Gwangwava(2012) Managing abattoir waste
through the design of cow dung briquette making machine(an alternative source
of renewable energy) research and intellectual exposition, Harare 3-7 September
2012,University of Zimbabwe
20. B. Sarema,D.Zimwara (2013),Utilisation of fly ash from thermal power plant in
Zimbabwe7 th ZIE congress Great Zimbabwe hotel ,Masvingo,Zimbabwe 25-28
september 2013
21. I. Mashonganyika,D.Zimwara, S. Mhlanga, (2013) Feasibility assessment of
implementation of a single wire earth return(SWER) system as a rapid potential
solution to rural electrification in Zimbabwe,7 th ZIE congress Great Zimbabwe
hotel, Masvingo, Zimbabwe 25-28 September 2013
22. Davison Zimwara,(2013) Investigation of plastic bags usage: a survey of Bulawayo
retail sector, 7 th ZIE congress Great Zimbabwe hotel ,Masvingo, Zimbabwe 25-28
September 2013
DEng Industrial Engineering (TUT-RSA), MEng Manufacturing Engineering &
Operations Management (NUST-ZW), BEng (Hons) Industrial & Manufacturing
Engineering (NUST-ZW), Post-graduate Diploma in Higher Education (NUST, ZW),
ND Mechanical Draughting and Design Technology (HEXCO - ZIM),, NC Mechanical
Draughting and Design Technology(HEXCO, ZW),. MZweIE, Pr. Eng. ECZ.
Research interests: Artificial Intelligence, Medical Engineering, Reconfigurable
systems, Agricultural Engineering Design, Cloud Manufacturing, Manufacturing
process planning, CAD modelling
1. Sibanda, V., Murena, E., 2023. Realisation of Design Methodologies and Tools in
Modern Manufacturing Systems, Procedia CIRP, Volume 119, 2023, Pages 468-
473, ISSN 2212-8271,
2. Murena, E., Mpofu, K., Ncube, A. T., Makinde, O., Trimble, J. A. & Wang, X. V.
2021. Development and performance evaluation of web-based feature extraction
and recognition system for sheet metal bending process planning operations.
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1-23.
3. Murena, E., Sibanda, V., Sibanda, S. And Mpofu, K., 2020. Design of a Control
System for a Vending Machine. Procedia CIRP, 91, pp.758-763.
4. Sibanda, V., Munetsi, L., Mpofu, K., Murena, E. and Trimble, J., 2020. Design of a
high-tech vending machine. Procedia CIRP, 91, pp.678-683.
5. Matenga, A., Murena, E. And Mpofu, K., 2020. Application of Artificial Intelligence
to an Electrical Rewinding Factory Shop. Procedia CIRP, 91, pp.735-740.
6. Matenga, A., Murena, E. And Mpofu, K., 2020. Prescriptive Modelling System
Design for an Armature Multi-coil Rewinding Cobot Machine. Procedia CIRP, 91,
7. Murena, E., Mpofu, K., Makinde, A, O., Trimble A, J., Wang, X, V., 2018)]. Web-
based process planning system concept selection using a Weighted Decision
Matrix and Analytical Hierarchy Process: A case study of sheet metal bending
operations. Procedia Manufacturing
8. Matenga, A., Murena, E., Kanyemba, G., Mhlanga. S., 2018. A novel approach to
developing a flexible automation system for rewinding an induction motor stator
using the robotic arm. Procedia Manufacturing
9. Matenga, A., Murena, E., Kanyemba, G., 2018. Sustainable remanufacturing low
low-voltage induction motor stator experimental setup for developing a software-
based system Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Operations Management, 2018
10. Murena, E., Mpofu, K., Trimble, J., & Gwangwava, N.2017. Model for Developing a
Feature Recognition System for a Reconfigurable Bending Press Machine. Procedia
CIRP, 63, 533-538.
11. Murena, E., Mpofu, K., Trimble, J., & Manjoro, E. 2016. A Methodology to improve
sheet metal bending CAPP for reconfigurable bending press machines using a web-
based system. In 7 th International Conference on Appropriate Technology
“Sustainable Technologies to Empower Communities (p. 81).
12. Murena, E., Mpofu, K., & Trimble, J. 2016. Framework for Developing a Web-Based
Process Plan for Reconfigurable Press Brake Bending Machine. In The International
Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA’16).
13. Mangena, N., Murena, E., Mhlanga, S., Tayisepi, N. 2015. Development of a
System for Designing Customized Dental Implants, International Conference on
Industrial Engineering and Operations Management At Dubai, UAE, Volume:
Proceedings of 2015
14. Murena, E., Mhlanga, S, Mbohwa, C., Tayisepi, N., 2014. Design of a Digital
Imaging Programme and Machining System for Human Bone Implants,
International Conference Proceedings of PSRC, pp. 1-5, Vol 3, ISBN: 978-93-82242-
1. Murena, E., Mpofu, K. (2020) Cloud-based Process Planning for Reconfigurable
Bending Press Machine Application No. 2020/01961 (Patent Granted)
MEng Manufacturing Engineering and Operations Management (MEOM), BEng
(Hons) Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME), MZweIE AMSAIIE Pr. Eng
(ECZ) Pr. Eng (ECSA)
Research interests: Productivity Improvement, Business Process Mapping and
Process Optimisation, Renewable Energy, Asset Management
Email: or
1. Sarema, B., Muhla, T., & Mhlanga, S. (2023). Periodical shutdown maintenance in
the mining sector: Is it the best approach?. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol.
2581, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
2. Sarema, B., Muhla, T., & Mhlanga, S. (2023). Investigation into the residential solar
water heating systems maintenance management a case study of a Bulawayo
Suburb in Zimbabwe. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2581, No. 1). AIP
3. S. Matope, G. P. Chirinda and B. Sarema (2022) ‘Continuous improvement for cost
savings in the automotive industry’, Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 22, p. 15319, doi:
4. Mhlanga S, Muusha P and Sarema B, (2022), Design of a small-scale solar maize
dryer, Euro2022, ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for
Buildings and Industry 25 - 29 September 2022, Kassel, Germany 2022 (poster)
5. Mabasa, C. C., Sarema, B., and Mhlanga, S., (2022). Design of a Solar Thermal
Driven Air Conditioning System for a Local Hospital in Zimbabwe. 2 nd International
Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC) 2022, Graz, Austria, 5-7 April, 2022
6. Muza, O., Sarema, B., and Mhlanga, S., (2022). Design of a Solar Heating System
for a Hospital Maternity Ward in Zimbabwe. 2 nd International Sustainable Energy
Conference (ISEC) 2022, Graz, Austria, 5-7 April, 2022
7. Magweva Sosten, Sarema Blessed, and Mhlanga Samson (2021). Design of a Solar
Multifruit dryer. Southern African Sustainable Energy Conference (SASEC2021).
Lanzerac Wine Estates, South Africa, November 17-19, 2021, pp 29-35.
8. Sarema Blessed, Matope Stephen and Sterzing Andreas (2021) Steps in process
parameter optimisation and control systems for the deep-drawing process.
Southern African Institute of Industrial Engineers (SAIIE32) Annual Conference.
Glenburn Lodge, Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa, October 4-6, 2021, pp 332-
9. Pungu Bernard, Sarema Blessed, Chikowore Takawira R and Matope Stephen
(2021) Development of a quality loss function model for coal procurement for
thermal power stations in Zimbabwe. Southern African Institute of Industrial
Engineers (SAIIE32) Annual Conference. Glenburn Lodge, Muldersdrift, Gauteng,
South Africa, October 4-6, 2021, pp 379-390.
10. Sarema Blessed and Matope Stephen (2021) An Overview of the Application of
Sentiment Analysis in Quality Function Deployment. Conference on e-Business, e-
Services and e-Society. I3E 2021 Galway, Ireland, September 1-3, 2021,
Proceedings, pp 519-531.
11. Sarema, B and Matope, S (2020). Proposed Roadmap for Product and Process
Redesign in the Migration from Joining Processes to Monolithic parts Production
for Sheet-metal Components. International Conference on Industrial Engineering
and Operations Management. Harare, Zimbabwe. December 7-10, 2020.
12. Chinhengo, I; Goriwondo, W. M.; and Sarema, B. (2020). Application of Lean Tools
in Planned Maintenance: Case Study of a Coal Handling Plant at a Thermal Power
Station. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations
Management. Harare, Zimbabwe. December 7-10, 2020.
13. Mutubuki G, Sarema B, MnkandlaA, Mhlanga S, (2018). Design of a hybrid vapour
absorption milk chiller (Solar and biogas) for small scale dairy farms in Zimbabwe.
International Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC) 2018, Graz, Austria, 3-5
October, 2018
14. Muchengeti G, Sarema B, Mhlanga S, (2018). Exploring solar thermal integration
opportunities for the tourism and hospitality sector in Zimbabwe. International
Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC) 2018, Graz, Austria, 3-5 October, 2018
15. Gwangwava N, Sarema B, Mhlanga S and Goriwondo W, (2018) Manufacturing
Information and Database Systems Adoption and Usage Trends in Zimbabwe’s
Industries. Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology (ZJST), Vol. 13 [2018] e-ISSN
2409-0360 Zimbabwej.sci.technol
16. Mhlanga S, Mpwaha I, Sarema B and Schwarzmuller A, (2016), Design of a Low-
Cost Mobile Solar Powered Desalination Unit for Rural Areas Saline Groundwater
(“Bringing Back the Smile to Gwanda”). International Conference on Solar
Technologies & Hybrid Mini Grids to improve energy access, Bad Hersfeld,
Germany, 21 – 23 September, 2016
17. Sarema B and Goriwondo W (2015) Development of a model for recycling scrap
metal in Zimbabwe Case study-Bulawayo Metal Industries. 6th International
Conference on Manufacturing Processes, Systems and Operations Management,
Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe 24-25 March 2015
18. Sarema B, Zimwara D, Siziba A; Mabvuu N; and Ngoma, S. (2013). Utilization of
coal ash from thermal power plants in Zimbabwe. 7th Zimbabwe Institution of
Engineers, Great Zimbabwe Hotel (Masvingo) 25-28 Sept. 2013
19. Zimwara D, Sarema B, Mashonganyika I, Masaire K, Mwoyongewenu B, Mapanda
P: (2013). Investigation of plastic bags usage: a survey of Bulawayo retail sector.
7th Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers, Great Zimbabwe Hotel (Masvingo) 25-28
Sept. 2013
20. Goriwondo W M, Sarema B, and Mhlanga S (2013). Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering role in Industry and Zimbabwe’s economic revival. 7th Zimbabwe
Institution of Engineers, Great Zimbabwe Hotel (Masvingo) 25-28 Sept. 2013
21. Zimwara D, Goriwondo W M, Mhlanga S, Sarema B, Chasara T, Chuma T, and
Gwatidzo O, (2012). World Class Manufacturing status Assessment for a Margarine
Producing Company in Zimbabwe, International Journal of Innovative Technology
and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075,Volume-2, Issue-1, December
MEng in Manufacturing Engineering and Operations Management (NUST) , BEng
(Hons) Degree in Production Engineering (CUT).
Research interests: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Green
Technologies, Tool and die design, Maintenance , ,
Journals published
1. Tayisepi, N., Mugwagwa, L., Munyau, M., & Muhla, T. M. (2023). Integrated Energy
Use Optimisation and Cutting Parameter Prediction Model – Aiding Process
Planning of Ti6Al4V Machining on the CNC Lathe. Journal of Engineering Research
and Reports, 25(10), 226–242.
2. Muhla T., Mapindu I., Munyau M., Mashava D., Mhlanga S., Goriwondo, W, M.,
(2024). Agility as a strategy in Zimbabwean manufacturing. Zimbabwe Journal of
Science and Technology, Vol 17, pp 65-76
Conferences (refereed)
1. Nduna N., Nyadongo S. T., Munyau M. (2021). Reliability Centred Maintenance of
Refuse Trucks for Maintenance and Cost Optimization. A Case Study of X
TownCouncil.3rd International Conference on Engineering Facilities, Maintenance
& Management Technologies (EFM2T’21), BIUST, Palapye – Botswana (Online), 28-
29 Oct 2021
2. Mashava D., Muhla M, T., Mapindu I., Munyau M., (2023). Deep Learning-based
Gearbox Multiple Components Failure Diagnosis using Time-Frequency Domain
Image representations. 3rd Education for Sustainable Development
Interdisciplinary Conference 2023, Faculty of Science and Technology Education.
3. Muhla M, T., Mapindu I., Munyau M., (2023). COVID-19-inspired online learning in
Zimbabwe: effects on science and technology education. 2ndEducation for
Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Conference 2023, Faculty of Science
and Technology Education.
4. Mapindu I., Muhla M, T., Munyau M., (2023). Restructuring Stem Education for
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A Novel Model for Sustainable Education 2nd
Education for Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Conference 2023, Faculty
of Science and Technology Education.
MEng Manufacturing Systems and Operations Management (NUST), BEng (Hons)
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (NUST). GZweIE
Research interests: Human-Centred Design, Human Factors Engineering, Advanced
Manufacturing Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Sustainable Engineering,
Sustainable Education, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Logistics and
Journals published
1. Muhla T., Mapindu I., Munyau M., Mashava D., Mhlanga S., Goriwondo, W,M.,
(2024). Agility as a strategy in Zimbabwean manufacturing. Zimbabwe Journal of
Science and Technology, Vol 17, pp 65-76
2. Tayisepi N., Mugwagwa L., Munyau M., Muhla T,M., (2023). Integrated Energy Use
Optimisation and Cutting Parameters Prediction Model_Aiding Process Planning of
Ti6AI4V Machining on the CNC Lathe. Journal of Engineering Research and
Reports, 25(10), 226-242.
Conference presentations
1. Mashava D., Muhla T,M., Mapindu I., Munyau M., (2023). Deep Learning-based
Gearbox Multiple Components Failure Diagnosis using Time-Frequency Domain
Image representations. 3rd Education for Sustainable Development
Interdisciplinary Conference 2023, Faculty of Science and Technology Education.
2. Muhla T,M., Mapindu I., Munyau M., (2023). COVID-19-inspired online learning in
Zimbabwe: effects on science and technology education. 2nd Education for
Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Conference 2023, Faculty of Science
and Technology Education.
3. Mapindu I., Muhla T,M., Munyau M., (2023). Restructuring Stem Education For
Innovation And Entrepreneurship: A Novel Model For Sustainable Education 2nd
Education for Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Conference 2023, Faculty
of Science and Technology Education.
4. Sarema B., Muhla T. M., Mhlanga S. (2021). Periodic Shutdown Maintenance in the
Mining Sector: Is it the best approach? 3rd International Conference on
Engineering Facilities, Maintenance & Management Technologies (EFM2T’21),
BIUST, Palapye – Botswana (Online), 28-29 Oct 2021
5. Sarema B., Muhla T. M., Mhlanga S. (2021). Investigation into the solar water
heating systems maintenance management: A Case Study of a Bulawayo suburb in
Zimbabwe. 3rd International Conference on Engineering Facilities, Maintenance &
Management Technologies (EFM2T’21), BIUST, Palapye – Botswana (Online), 28-
29 Oct 2021
B. Tech. Ed Mechanical Engineering (NUST), Dip Ad Ed Vocational and Technical
Training (UZ), Mechanical Engineering Technicians (City and Guilds of London),
FETC (City and Guilds of London), ZNCC Mech. (HEXCO), AMITD (UK), Artisan
Turner Machinist – Class One.
Research interests: Mechanical Aids and equipment for physically disabled
persons, with a keen interest on wheelchair users. Renewable energy.
Email: and
Operations Management (NUST, ZW), BTech (Hons) Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering (NUST, ZW), Executive Diploma in Business Leadership (ZOU, ZW),
HND - Mechanical Engineering (HEXCO, ZW), Dip. Tech. Voc. Ed - Tertiary (HEXCO,
ZW), Class One Fitter/Turner Machinist (MPD 28:02), Pr. Eng - MZweIE, ECZ
Research interests: Energy efficiency of Manufacturing Processes, High speed
machining/ High performance cutting of intricate materials, Computer Integrated
Email: Alt
Peer reviewed publications
1. N Tayisepi and E Mahopolo, (2024) Longitudinal Honing Input Parameter
Characterisation with Surface Finish and Energy Use during the Precision
Machining of Motor Vehicle Cast Iron Cylinder Reliner Sleeves, International
Journal of Research in Engineering and Management 7 (1), 1-8
2. Tayisepi N, Rindai Svosve, Godfrey Tigere, Albert Nkulumo Mnkandla & Innocent
Mapindu (2023) Comparative Optimisation of the Cutting Parameters for Surface
Quality and Energy Efficiency during the Machining Manufacturing of Teak, Saligna
and Pine Wood Materials, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, Vol 25
(11), p73-87
3. Tayisepi N, (2023), Analysis of Surface Roughness, Micro hardness Transition and
Specific Energy use Relationship during the outside Turning of Grade 5 Titanium
Alloy, Ti6Al4V, using Carbide tipped Tools on a CNC Lathe, International Research
Journal of Engineering and Technology 10 (12), 714 -723.
4. Tayisepi N, (2023), Specific Energy Use and Chip Morphology Characterisation
during Mechanical Finish Machining Of Titanium Alloy–Ti6Al4V, IJERT, Vol 12(12) p
1 - 11)
5. Tayisepi N, Lameck Mugwagwa, Margret Munyau & Takudzwa M. Muhla (2023),
Integrated Energy Use Optimisation and Cutting Parameter Prediction Model -
Aiding Process Planning of Ti6Al4V Machining on the CNC Lathe, JERR Vol 25 (10),
ISSN: 2582-2926, p226-242
6. Tayisepi N (2022), Towards Energy Efficient Machining of Titanium Alloys –
Ti6al4v: Characterising Chip Morphology Impact on Specific Energy Use During
Mechanical Finish Processing, Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology Volume
17 (1)
7. Nicholas Tayisepi, Rindai Svosve, Davison Zimwara & William M Goriwondo
(2022), Comparative Assessment Of The Influence Of Cutting Parameters On
Surface Quality And Energy Use During The Machining Of Teak, Saligna And Pine
Wood, Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology Volume 17(1) p90 -104.
8. Nduna M, Goriwondo W M, Tayisepi N, (2021), Effectiveness And Impact
Determination For ERP Systems: A Case For Manufacturing Entities In Zimbabwe,
Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology, e-ISSN 2409-0360 Volume 16 (1) p36-
9. Nicholas Tayisepi, (2021), Characterisation Of Energy Efficiency Affecting
Machining Response Parameters With Cutting Conditions During The Turning
Operations Of Ti-Alloy Ti6Al4V, International Journal of Research in Engineering &
Management (ISSN: 2456-1029)(SJIF: 2.228), Volume 5 (1), p 24-34
10. Tayisepi N, Samambgwa S and Madyira D, (2021), Energy Efficient Machining:
Interaction of Cutting Parameters with Specific Cutting Energy and Surface
Roughness during the Dry Machining of EN19 Material, ZIE - Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology, Volume 5 (1) p 32 – 48.
11. Tayisepi N (2020), Towards Goal Programme Optimisation of Machining
Parameters During The Production of Ti-Alloy Components, Zimbabwe Journal of
Science & Technology Volume 15 (1)p101-115
12. Tayisepi N (2017) Energy Efficiency during the Outside Turning of Ti6Al4V,
Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg,, D. Ing Thesis.
13. Tayisepi N, Laubscher RF, Oosthuizen G A, (2016), Investigating the Energy
Efficiency and Surface Integrity when Machining Titanium Alloys, COMA16 -
International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, 27 – 29 January 2016,
Stellenbosch, South Africa
14. Madyira D M, Tayisepi N and Vaz N, (2015), Effect Of Chemical Treatment On
Mechanical Properties Of Coir Fiber – Epoxy Resin Composite:, 6th International
Conference on Manufacturing Processes, Systems and Operations Management
ISBN 978-0-7974-9536-4, 24th – 25th March 2015, Victoria Falls
15. Mmadi C, Tayisepi N, Mugwagwa L, (2015), Towards Sustainable Agricultural
Inputs Supply – Implications Of The Design And Automation Of A Fertiliser Bag
Lining Station – A Case Study:, 6th International Conference on Manufacturing
Processes, Systems and Operations Management ISBN 978-0-7974-9536-4, 24th –
25th March 2015, Victoria Falls
16. Madyira D M, Tayisepi N, (2015), Viability Of Biomass Solar Drying Monitoring
Using Humidity: 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Processes,
Systems and Operations Management ISBN 978-0-7974-9536-4 , 24th – 25th
March 2015, Victoria Falls
17. Mponda T S, Tayisepi N, Nyanga L, Mugwagwa L, (2015), Design of an Automatic
Log Sorting System:, 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Processes,
Systems and Operations Management ISBN 978-0-7974-9536-4, 24th – 25th
March 2015, Victoria Falls
18. Madyira D M, Tayisepi N, (2015), Performance Analysis of a Chilled Ceiling
Displacement Ventilation System: 6th International Conference on Manufacturing
Processes, Systems and Operations Management ISBN 978-0-7974-9536-4, 24th –
25th March 2015, Victoria FallsOosthuizen G, Laubscher R.F, Tayisepi N, (2014),
Investigating the Effect of Tool Wear and Surface Integrity on Energy Efficiency
during the Machining of Ti-alloys, SAIIE26 Proceedings, 14th – 16th of July 2014,
Muldersdrift, South Africa
19. Oosthuizen G, Laubscher RF, Tayisepi N, Mulumba J, (2013), Towards Energy
Management During the Machining of Titanium Alloys, SAIIE25 Proceedings, 9th –
11th of July 2013, Stellenbosch, South Africa
20. Oosthuizen G, Tayisepi N, Skrjanc M, Butala P, (2012), An Open Collaborative
Manufacturing Concept for Socio-Economic Development, 10th Global Conference
on Sustainable Manufacturing, Istanbul, Turkey, 14-19
21. Tayisepi, N, and Mhlanga S, (2012), Marula Nut Decortications Machine
Development: Growing Industry and Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in Chivi and
Masendu Districts in Zimbabwe, 3rd Annual International Conference on
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (CSBD) 15 – 16 May 2012,
University of Johannesburg Soweto Campus, Johannesburg, South Africa
22. Mushuku T N, Mhlanga S, Tayisepi N, Goriwondo, W.M, (2011), Effective
Maintenance and Production Planning using Linear Programming and Simulation
at NF Oil Plant, 40th Annual Operations Research Society of Southern Africa
(ORSSA) Conference, 18-21 September 2011, Elephant Hills, Victoria Falls,
23. Tayisepi, N, Lawrence N and Mhlanga S, (2011), Coordinating Price and Capacity
Decisions in Inventory Systems with Stochastic Demand: A Case Study of a
Chemical processing Plant in Zimbabwe, 40th Annual Operations Research Society
of Southern Africa (ORSSA) Conference, 18-21 September 2011, Elephant Hills,
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
24. Tayisepi N, Madzudzo E, Mhlanga S, Zimwara D, (2011), Engineering Design
Fostering Sustainable Business Growth and Wealth Creation through Systematic
Mechanisation, Ergonomics and Material Handling Systems of Wire Product
Bobbins Loading at Manufacturing Plants in Zimbabwe: Case Study of the Barbed
Wire Bobbins Stacker Conveyor Designed and Manufactured for Company X, 6th
Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers Congress 27 September 2011 – 1 October 2011,
Holiday Inn Hotel, Mutare, Zimbabwe
25. Zimwara D, Mashingaidze M M, Tayisepi N, (2011), Unlocking the Manufacturing
Potential of Zimbabwean Industries: A Case Study of Bulawayo Companies, 6th
Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers Congress 27 September 2011 – 1 October 2011,
Holiday Inn Hotel, Mutare, Zimbabwe
26. Rusere P N, Tayisepi N, Mugabe I, Zimwara D, (2011), An Integrated Approach for
Sustainable Business Growth through Human Life and Environmental Conscious
Manufacturing Engineering Processes: A Case Study of Wood Waste Re-utilization
to Producing Fuel Briquettes at Factory G, a Timber Products Manufacturing
Company in Mutare, Zimbabwe, 6th Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers Congress
27 September 2011 – 1 October 2011, Holiday Inn Hotel, Mutare, Zimbabwe
27. Goriwondo, W.M., Zimwara, D, Tayisepi, N, (2008) Using Wind Energy for
Harvesting and providing sustainable safe ground water for a Rural Community in
the Masendu Ward in Zimbabwe, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference
on Appropriate Technology, Kigali, Rwanda
MSc in Advanced Manufacturing Systems (Brunel-UK), BEng (Hons) Industrial
Engineering (NUST-ZW), PGC Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education
Management (Wits - SA) 2010, Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering Education
& Project Management (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China), 2009, Certificate
–Feasibility Study and Development of Renewable Energy Projects, Kafue Gorge
Training Centre, Zambia in partnership with SACREEE and IRENA, 2021, MZweIE, Pr
Eng ECZ, Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) Soltrain+ Project Country Coordinator, EU-
ZW Project Coordinator
Research interests: Renewable Energy (Solar Thermal), Manufacturing Systems
(22) Samson Mhlanga | LinkedIn
Journal articles, books and book chapters
1. Mashayamombe, Tafadzwa & Muusha, Peace & Mhlanga, Samson & Muusha,
Ngonidzashe. (2023). Design of a Remote Monitoring System for Solar Thermal
Energy: A Case Study in an Educational Institution. International Journal of
Research Publication and Reviews. 4. 2436-2445. 10.55248/gengpi.4.1123.113130.
2. Norman Gwangwava, Khumbulani Mpofu and Samson Mhlanga (2015): Chapter
14: Big Data and Data Modelling for Manufacturing Information Systems. In
“Handbook of Research on Trends and Future Directions in big Data and Web
directions/124160 (accepted in-print)
3. Goriwondo W M (ed), Mhlanga S (Ed) and Mugwagwa L (Ed), The Sixth
International Conference Proceedings on Manufacturing Processes, Systems and
Operations Management held at Elephant Hills, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (24-25
March 2015)
4. Mabvuu N, Nyanga L, Matope S, Van de Merwe A F, Mhlanga S (2014), Towards
The Implementation Of E-Manufacturing: Design Of An Automtic Tea Drying
Control System, South African Journal of Industrial Engineering November 2014
Vol 25(3), pp 199-211
5. Mhlanga S, Goriwondo WM and Tapedzisa C, (2013), Cleaner Production
Techniques for Mitigation of Tannery Waste: Case Study ABC, Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology, Vol.1, No. 2, pp 31-47.
6. Gwangwava N., Mhlanga S. and Goriwondo W., (2013), Implementation of a
computerized balanced scorecard (BSC) system in a manufacturing organisation in
Zimbabwe, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN:
2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-6, pp. 236 – 240
7. William Msekiwa Goriwondo, Samson Mhlanga, Taonga Mutsambwa (2013),
Agility for Sustainability in Zimbabwe: A Case Study for Manufacturing Companies
in Bulawayo, Journal of US-China Public Administration, January 2013, Vol. 12, No.
1, 1187-1200, ISSN 1537-1514.
8. Lameck Mugwagwa, Lungile Nyanga, Samson Mhlanga, (2012), Neural Network
Breakout Prediction Model For Continuous Casting, International Journal of
Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-X, Issue-
X, 8 pages
9. Goriwondo, W.M., Zimwara, D., Mhlanga, S, Mutopa, C.T., Nkomo, F, Gutu, T and
Ngwena, P., (2012), Challenges Faced by Manufacturing Companies in Sustaining
Conformance to ISO9001:2008 in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of a Textiles
Manufacturing Company, International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-1, December
2012, pp 31-37
10. Zimwara, D., Goriwondo, W.M, Mhlanga, S., Chasara, T., Chuma, T., Gwatidzo, O.
and Sarema, B (2012), World Class Manufacturing status Assessment for a
Margarine Producing Company in Zimbabwe, International Journal of Innovative
Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-1,
December 2012, pp 52-57
11. Genesis Murehwa, Davison Zimwara, Wellington Tumbudzuku, Samson Mhlanga,
(2012), Energy Efficiency Improvement in Thermal Power Plants, International
Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-
3075, Volume-2, Issue-1, December 2012, pp 52-57
12. Gwangwava N and Mhlanga S, (2011) "Automation of QFD an e-Learning Tool for
Product Development with an Integrated Product Data Management Platform in
e-Business ," International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and
e-Learning vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 384-389, 2011.
13. Mhlanga S (Ed) and Trimble J (Ed), (2004), Proceedings from the First International
Conference on Appropriate Technology, Rainbow Hotel, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
14. Mhlanga S (Ed) and Kanhukamwe Q C (Ed) (2002), The Fifth International
Conference Proceedings on Manufacturing Processes, Systems and Operations
Management in Less industrialised Regions held at ZITF in Zimbabwe (May 2002)
Conferences (refereed) (sample of 64 papers)
1. Sarema, B., Muhla, T., & Mhlanga, S. (2023). Periodical shutdown maintenance in
the mining sector: Is it the best approach?. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol.
2581, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
2. Sarema, B., Muhla, T., & Mhlanga, S. (2023). Investigation into the residential solar
water heating systems maintenance management a case study of a Bulawayo
Suburb in Zimbabwe. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2581, No. 1). AIP
3. Mhlanga S, Muusha P and Sarema B, (2022), Design of a small-scale solar maize
dryer, Euro2022, ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for
Buildings and Industry 25 - 29 September 2022, Kassel, Germany 2022 (poster)
4. Kudakwashe Ndhlukula and Samson Mhlanga, (2022) Solar Thermal Roadmap And
Implementation Plan: From Start To Current: Casestudy Zimbabwe, 2nd
International Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC), Congress , Graz, Austria, 05-07
April 2022 pp 255-256 (poster)
5. Chirwa Mabasa, Blessed Sarema and Samson Mhlanga (2022), Design Of A Solar
Thermal Driven Air Conditioning System For A Local Hospital In Zimbabwe, 2nd
International Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC), Congress , Graz, Austria, 05-07
April 2022 pp 515-518 (poster)
6. Oscar Muza, Samson Mhlanga and Blessed Sarema (2022) Design Of A Solar
Heating System For A Hospital Martenity, Ward In Zimbabwe, 2nd International
Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC), Congress , Graz, Austria, 05-07 April 2022
pp 548-549 (poster)
7. Mhlanga S and Mpwaha, I, Sarema B, Schwarzmuller A, (2016), Design of a Low
Cost Mobile Solar Powered Desalination Unit for Rural Areas Saline Groundwater
(“Bringing Back the Smile to Gwanda”), International Conference on Solar
Technologies & Hybrid Mini Grids to improve energy access Bad Hersfeld,
Germany, September 21 – 23, 2016, pp 276-281
8. Sarema B., Goriwondo W. M., Mhlanga S. and Zimwara D., (2015), Scrap Metal
Supply Chain Modelling For Economic And Environmental Sustainability In
Zimbabwe Using The Case For Bulawayo Metal Industries, 6th International
conference on Manufacturing Processes, Systems and Operations Management-
MPSOM, Elephant Hills, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 24-25 March 2015. Pp 41-52
9. Mhlanga S, and Schwarzmuller A, (2014), Solar Energy Mobile Training Units
(S.O.E.M.T.U.) and National Energy Policy of Zimbabwe, International Conference
on Solar Energy Technology in Development Cooperation, November 6-7th 2014,
Frankfurt, Germany, pp 198-203,
MEng Manufacturing Engineering and Operations Management (NUST), BEng
(Hons) Mechatronics (CUT), Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (NUST),
Research interests: Automation & Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Process Control
& optimisation, Renewable Energy ,
Journal publications
1. Chikumbirike M.O., Kanyemba, G., Chirinda P, Matope S (2021) Design of an
automated monitoring and control system for the soft drink capping machine and
process mixer, South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 32 (3), 225-237
2. A. Matenga, E. Murena, G. Kanyemba, S. Mhlanga (2018) A novel approach for
developing a flexible automation system for rewinding an induction motor stator
using robotic arm, Procedia Manufacturing, Volume 33, Pages 296-303
Conference papers
1. Chiduwa, A., Nyanga, L., Mhlanga, S., Van der Merwe, A.F. and Kanyemba, G.,
(2013), Investigation Of The Effects Of Lubricant Fat Content On Drawn Copper
Wires, SAIIE25 Proceedings, 9th -11th July 2013, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
2. Mutangi, T., Nyanga L, Van der Merwe A. F., Kanyemba G and Chikowore, T.K.,
(2013), A Linear Programming Model For Malt Blending, SAIIE25 Proceedings, 9th -
11th July 2013, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
3. Mahlangu, M., Kanyemba, G., Mhlanga, S and Sibanda, V.M., (2016), Design of a
Smart Water Metering System , Research & Intellectual Outputs Expo, Science,
Engineering & Technology (RIOSET), 31 August – 3 September 2016, NUST,
Zimbabwe. (Poster)
MEng Manufacturing Engineering and Operations Management (NUST), BEng
(Hons) Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (NUST). AMSAIIE.
Research interests: Continuous Improvement, Advanced Manufacturing, Materials
Engineering, Additive Manufacturing, Renewable Energy.
1. S. Matope, G. P. Chirinda and B. Sarema (2022) ‘Continuous improvement for
cost savings in the automotive industry’, Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 22, p.
15319, doi: 10.3390/su142215319.
2. A. T. Chafa, G. P. Chirinda and S. Matope (2022) ‘Design of a real time water
quality monitoring and control system using Internet of Things (IoT)’, Cogent
Engineering, vol. 9, no.1, p. 2143054, doi: 10.1080/23311916.2022.2143054.
3. M. T. Mpofu, G. P. Chirinda and S. Matope (2022) ‘Implementation of a robotic
arm for pallet loading and unloading in the beverage industry’, in Southern
African Institute for Industrial Engineering (SAIIE33) Annual Conference,
Zimbali, Durban, South Africa, October 3-5, 2022, pp. 29–43.
4. Gibson P. Chirinda and Stephen Matope (2021) 'Cars on a weight loss: the
development of a methodology for the topology optimization of monolithic
components – emerging trends, challenges and opportunities', Proceedings of
the 4th European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Operations Management, Rome, Italy, August 2-5, 2021, pp. 1320–1326.
5. Gibson P. Chirinda, Stephen Matope and Andreas Sterzing (2021) 'Monolithic
design of automobile sheet metal components for the deep drawing process',
Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering (SAIIE32) Annual
Conference. Glenburn Lodge, Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa, October 4-6,
2021, pp 87-97.
6. Wayne Tsimba, Gibson P. Chirinda and Stephen Matope (2021) ‘Machine
learning for the remanufacturing of worn-out gears and bearings’, South
African Journal of Industrial Engineering (SAJIE), 32(3), pp. 135–150. doi:
7. Munashe O. Chikumbirike, Givemore Kanyemba, Gibson P. Chirinda and
Stephen Matope (2021) ‘Design of an automated monitoring and control
system for the soft drink capping machine and process mixer’, South African
Journal of Industrial Engineering (SAJIE), 32(3), pp. 225–237. doi: 10.7166/32-
8. Gibson P. Chirinda and Stephen Matope (2020) 'The lighter the better: weight
reduction in the automotive industry and its impact on fuel consumption and
climate change', Proceedings of the 2nd African International Conference on
Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Harare, Zimbabwe,
December 7-10, 2020, pp. 520-533.
9. Gamuchirai Mutubuki and Gibson P. Chirinda (2020) ‘Green manufacturing for
waste reduction in the food industry’, Proceedings of the 2nd African
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations
Management Harare, Zimbabwe, December 7-10, 2020, pp. 1666–1682.
MEng Manufacturing Systems and Operations Management (NUST-ZW), BEng
(Hons) Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (NUST-ZW), Post Graduate
Diploma in Project Management (Project Management Zimbabwe), Occupational
Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Course OSHEMAC (NSSA),
Advanced Diploma in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (City and Guilds of
London), NC Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (HEXCO, ZW), Class 1
Journeyperson Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Research interests: Heating, Ventilating, Air-conditioning, and Refrigerating
Systems (HVAC&R), Thermodynamics, Solar thermal systems, Asset Maintenance
and Management, Green Technologies
Email: and
MSc Mechanical Engineering (PAU/ JKUAT, KE), BEng (Hons) Industrial and
Manufacturing Engineering (NUST). GrZwIE
Research interests: Product Design and Development, Automation and Control,
Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing, Deep Learning and Machine
Learning, Systems Reliability, Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics, Condition
Monitoring, Renewable Energy, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, CAD
Journals published
1. Mashava, D., Kimotho, J. K., & Muvengei, O. M. (2022). Gearbox Multiple Faults
Diagnosis under Stationary and Non-Stationary Operating Conditions Using
Convolutional Neural Networks. Engineering Advances, 2(1), 1-17.
2. Sinkhonde, D., & Mashava, D. (2022). Analysis of milling treatments of waste clay
bricks effect on density and compressive strength of cement paste. Results in
Materials, 16, 100346.
3. Muhla, T., Mapindu, I., Munyau, M., Mashava, D., Mhlanga, S., & Goriwondo, W.
(2022). Agility as a strategy in Zimbabwean manufacturing industries. Zimbabwe
Journal of Science and Technology, 17(1), 65-76.
4. Mukoya, E., Rimiru, R., Kimwele, M., & Mashava, D. (2022). K-Means Clustering
with Deep Learning for Fingerprint Class Type Prediction. IJCSNS, 22(3), 29.
5. Fokui, W. S. T., & Mashava, D. (2021). Arduino-based night return mechanism for
passive solar trackers. Int J Adv Appl Sci, 10(4), 335-342.
6. Fokui, W. S. T., Rukerandanga, F., Mashava, D., Polline, M., & Jouontso, Y. (2021,
March). Solar Intelligent Integrated Hand Washing Machine (Washa Max). In
Proceedings of the Sustainable Research and Innovation Conference (pp. 21-25
Conference presentations
1. Mashava, D, Muhla, T, Munyau, M & Mapindu, I (2023, October) Deep Learning
based Gearbox Multiple Components Failure Diagnosis using Time Frequency
Domain Image Representations. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Education for
Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Research Conference (ESDIR). National
University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe.
2. Mashava, D., Kimotho, J. K., & Muvengei, O. M. (2021, October). Gearbox Multiple
Faults Diagnosis under Stationary and Non-Stationary Operating Conditions Using
Convolutional Neural Networks. Paper presented at the Sustainable Research and
Innovation Conference (SRIC), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
Technology, Kenya.
3. Fokui, W. S. T., Rukerandanga, F., Mashava, D., Polline, M., & Jouontso, Y. (2021,
March). Solar Intelligent Integrated Hand Washing Machine (Washa Max). Paper
presented at the Sustainable Research and Innovation Conference, Jomo Kenyatta
University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya.