Welcome to the Faculty of
Applied Science
- To develop human resources requirements for industry, research institutes, institutions of higher learning and health.
- To attract a high calibre of academics.
- To foster the advancement of knowledge through research.
Our Vision
To be a world-class University in science, technology, innovation, entrepreneurship and business development, spearheading industrialisation locally and beyond.
Our Mission
To lead in human capital development for industrial and socio-economic transformation, with a bias towards science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) based solutions.
Role and contribution of the Faculty to national development guided by Heritage-based Education 5.0.
In 2019 the Faculty came up with the Applied Genetic Testing Center (AGTC) which offers services like (a) Human Identification(b) Medical Diagnostics (c) Forensic Analysis and (d)Relationship DNA testing among others.
- Soil testing and Analysis
- Geological Underground water and wells detection
- Big Data analysis and Surveys.
- Coming up with computer applications for different sectors of the country’s economy.
- Software development projects like in the National Number Plates Project, Cybersecurity and Forensics, Childcare Ministries Community Farming App., Clean Data Centre for collecting Cybercrime etc.
- Fitness Assessment for local and National teams.
Our History
The Faculty of Applied Sciences is one of the three pioneer Faculties at the inception of the University in 1991. The Faculty started with five Departments namely;
- Applied Biology and Biochemistry,
- Applied Chemistry,
- Applied Mathematics,
- Applied Physics, and
- Computer Science.
Dr Maclean Bhala headed the Faculty for the periods 1991-1994 and 2000-2003. The Faculty of Applied Sciences is now home to nine Departments that offer a total of 31 degree programmes, 14 of which are Undergraduate and 11 are Master of Science degree programmes. Its mandate is to teach basic sciences with a special emphasis to their application to real life situations in society and industry, focusing upon technology that leads to entrepreneurial uptake and Research and Development to meet the needs for socio-economic sustainability. Programmes are designed to produce and impart new knowledge that results in new technological developments; thus, produce graduates who, during and after their studies, are actively involved in applying the acquired skills and knowledge to improve their own living standards and those of the communities around them. To realise and achieve this, “learning” is parcelled strategically into nine Sectors or Departments of Applied Biology and Biochemistry, Applied Chemistry, Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics and Operations Research, Forest Resources and Wildlife Management, Environmental Science and Health, and Sports Science and Coaching. The Faculty owes its growth to the leadership of the following Deans:
Dr. MaClean Bhala 1991 - 1994
Prof. Shadreck Dube 1994 – 1996
Dr. Themba Dlodlo 1997 – 1999
Dr. MaClean Bhala 2000 - 2003
Prof. Eddie Mwenje 2004 – 2010
Dr. Dumisani J Hlatywayo 2010 to 2020
Prof Philimon Nyamugure 2020 to current
During the leadership of the above mentioned Deans, the technical support team was led by Senior Registrars such as Mr Fedelis Mhlanga, Ms. Benice Muller, Mrs Cecilia S. Makoni, (Assistant Registrars), Ms. Ika Cheda, Mrs. Constance.V. Ngwenya, Ms. Anna. Danniel (Administrators) Ms. Nonhlanhla Gumede, Ms. Beauty Hanjana, Mrs. Sibonokuhle Dube, Mrs. Peace Gama (Secretaries).
Our Faculty


The late Dr. MaClean Bhala 2000-2003

Prof. Shadreck Dube1994-1996

Dr. Dumisani J Hlatywayo2010-2020

Prof. Eddie Mwenje 2004-2010

Dr. Themba Dlodlo1997-1999