Dr. Tichakunda Chabata
- Courses: 0
- Website: http://www.nust.ac.zw
Extension: 2278
Email: tichakunda.valentine.chabata@nust.ac.zw; tvchabata
PhD (Physics)
Optical communications, Optical fibre Networks, Optical fibre sensing, Industrial application of Lasers and Optics and Renewable energy research.
Publications by Dr. Tichakunda V. Chabata
V. Chabata1, D. Kiboi Boiyo1, E. K. Rotich Kipnoo1, R. R. G. Gamatham2, A. W. R. Leitch1,and T. B. Gibbon1 “Signal Monitoring and Performance Stability evaluation tool in a High Speed Optical Communication Network” (Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics· VOL. 127, Issue 20, October 2016 pg 9001-9007).
V. Chabata, D. Kiboi , E. K. Rotich Kipnoo, R. R. G. Gamatham, A. W. R. Leitch and T. B. Gibbon. “Reconfigurable Signal Analyzer for Performance Monitoring in High Speed Intensity Modulation Coherent Detection Optical Communication Systems” (submitted to African review of Physics Journa, Jan 2016).
Conference papers
V. Chabata, D. Kiboi Boiyo, E. K. Rotich Kipnoo, R. R. G. Gamatham, A. W. R. Leitch and T. B. Gibbon, “Directly Modulated 10.3 Gb/s Coherent Detection Scheme for Passive Optical Access Network in the Fibre-to-the-Hut Technology”. Proc of the 18th annual Southern African telecommunication networks and application conference, (SATNAC), Arabella Hotel, Hermanus, South Africa's 6th -9th September 2015.
V. Chabata, D. Kiboi Boiyo, E .K. Rotich Kipnoo, R. R. G. Gamatham, A. W. R. Leitch, T. B. Gibbon, “Performance Comparison between the Traditional Intensity Modulation Direct Detection and Coherent Detection in a High Speed Optical Fibre Communication System”,. “Presented at the 60th annual conference of South African Institute of Physics (SAIP), Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, the Boardwalk Convention Centre, Port Elizabeth, 29th June- 3rd July 2015.
Kiboi Boiyo, T. V. Chabata, E.K. Rotich Kipnoo, R.R.G. Gamatham, A.W.R. Leitch and T.B. Gibbon, ”Crosstalk Penalties in Optical Transport for Next-Generation Flexible Spectrum Networks”.(Proc of the 18th annual Southern African telecommunication networks and application conference, (SATNAC), Arabella Hotel, Hermanus, South Africa's pp 6th -9th September 2015.
Kiboi Boiyo, T. V. Chabata, E. K.Rotich Kipnoo, R.R.G. Gamatham, A. W. R. Leitch and T. B. Gibbon, Reconfigurable wavelength selective switching for 10 Gbps optical fibre ring networks”, “Presented at the 60th annual conference of South African Institute of Physics (SAIP), Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, the Boardwalk Convention Centre, Port Elizabeth, 29th June- 3rd July 2015.
K. Rotich Kipnoo, T. V. Chabata, R. R. G. Gamatham, A. W. R. Leitch and T. B. Gibbon, “Experimental Demonstration of Raman Amplification in Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers for Extended Reach Access Networks” Proc. of the 17th annual Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC), Boardwalk-Port Elizabeth, South Africa, pp. 21-24, 31st Aug to 3rd Sept 2014.
V. Chabata, E.K. Rotich Kipnoo, R. R. G. Gamatham, A. W. R. Leitch, and T. B. Gibbon. A single DFB laser for multilevel directly modulated signal for high speed optical fibre communication system”,.“Proc. 59th Annual Conference of the South African institute of physics (SAIP), University of Johannesburg, 7-11th July 2014.
T.V. Chabata, E. Rotich, R.R.G. Gamatham, A.W.R. Leitch, and T.B. Gibbon,“A higher order modulation format for 20 Gbps in a high capacity optical communication system”.Proc. 7th African Laser Centre (ALC) Annual Workshop and 3rd Moroccan Days on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (MDNN3), MAScIR, FSR –UM5, Rabata – Morocco. 3 -5 Nov 2014.
V. Chabata, R. R. G. Gamatham, H. Y. S. Kourouma, E. K. Rotich Kipnoo, A.W. R. Leitch, and T. B. Gibbon, “Digital Signal Processing Algorithm for Signal Analysis and Performance Monitoring in an Optical Communication Link.“Proc. 58th Annual Conference of the South African institute of physics (SAIP), University of Zululand, 8-12th July 2013.
T.V. Chabata, R.R.G. Gamatham , H. Y. S. Kourouma, E. K. Rotich Kipnoo, A.W.R. Leitch, and T.B. Gibbon, “Digital Signal Processing Algorithm for Signal Reconstruction and Performance Measurement for a Single Photo-detector Optical Communication System”. Proc. 16th annual Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) Spiers, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa 1-4th Sept 2013.
K. Rotich Kipnoo, H. Kourouma, T. V. Chabata, R. R. G. Gamatham, A. W. R. Leitch and T. B. Gibbon, “Optimizing VCSEL Transmission for Longer Reach in Optical Access Networks”.Proc. 16th annual Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) Spier, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa 1-4th Sept 2013.
T.V. Chabata, E. Rotich, R.R.G. Gamatham, A.W.R. Leitch, and T.B. Gibbon, “Digital signal processing (DSP) procedures for an externally modulated laser carrier signal in a direct detection optical communication link’’. Proc. 6th African Laser Centre (ALC) Student Workshop, Zevenwacht Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa 21-23th Nov 2013. (The second best PhD presentation award)
T.V. Chabata, E. Rotich, R.R.G. Gamatham, A.W.R. Leitch, and T.B. Gibbon “Performance comparison of OOK, NRZ and DPSK modulation formats in an optical transmission system”, Proc. 5th African Laser Centre (ALC) Student Symposium, University of Namibia, Windhoek ,Namibia 14 -18th Nov 2012.
Schools, Workshops and Trainings
- Photovoltaic Research: Summer School Berlin-Nairobi exchange Programme held from 1 July – 14 July 2007), JKUAT, Kenya.
- Winter College on Medical Physics (ICTP)- Trieste Italy: (1 September-19 September 2008).
Teaching Teacher Workshop (Optics): Mangwe Valley Lodge, Pretoria, South Africa from 18 – 23 September 2016.