Mr Ngqabutho Sibanda

Mr Ngqabutho Sibanda


“Physicists are made of atoms. A physicist is an attempt by an atom to understand itself” ~ Michio kaku. Likewise, I am interested in quantum physics as I find it fascinating to understand the fundamental unit of everything. I am open to conduct research in the areas of medical and fundamental theoretical condensed matter physics. I hold a B.Sc, (Hons) degree in Applied Physics and as-well as an M.Sc. degree in Medical Physics all from the National University of Science and Technology (NUST). l have taught various courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and among other, these include --- medical physics, solid state physics, material science, electronics etc. I am a registered medical physicist in Zimbabwe who is motivated to partake in any activity in the radiotherapy and nuclear medicine.


MSc in Medical Physics
BSc Hons in Applied Physics

Taught Courses

-Solid state Physics
-Material Science
-Classical Mechanics
-Radiation and Medical Physics
-Nuclear Medicine


None yet


None yet

Field of Specialization

Medical Physics


Internal dosimetry



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