Bachelor of Science Honours in Radiography

Bachelor of Science Honours in Radiography

Offered in Conventional
  • 00:00:00Course Duration
  • UndergraduateSkill level
  • $745.00
  • 30 November -0001Admission Deadline

To develop knowledge, skills and competences in the field of radiography relevant to various employment capabilities and careers in the world of work and society. To prepare students for further studies and lifelong learning in radiography and related radiation sciences.


Entry Requirements
The programme is governed by the University General Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Honours Degrees. The minimum entry requirement is at least a pass in ‘A’ level Mathematics and a pass in ‘A’ level Physics.

Areas of Study:
Engineering Mathematics, Electronics, Physics, Radiographic Imaging, Psychology and Sociology, Professional Studies in Healthcare, Anatomy and Physiology, Information Management and Research Methods, Radiation Protection in Practice, Quality Management.

Specialist Focus:
Application of imaging technics in diagnosis and treatment of disease. The program aims to meet patient needs by encompassing the technological developments and the evolving roles of healthcare practitioners.

Research, teaching and learning are professionally oriented and focused on real life problems.

Distinctive Features:
Solving problems from many branches of science, engineering, information technology and commerce.

Normal entry
Applicants must have obtained a minimum of five passes in the General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level, of an approved Examining Board or equivalent. English Language, Mathematics and a Science subject are obligatory. In addition, an applicant must have at least two passes at Advanced Level of the General Certificate of Education from an approved Board or equivalent. The applicant must have passed Physics and any one of Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology at Advanced Level.

Special entry
Applicants who do not meet the above entry requirements may be considered under special entry with the approval of the University. Students who qualify under this regulation may apply to be exempted from certain modules and examinations. Permission may be given to complete the programme for the Bachelor's Degree in less than the normal required period provided that no student shall be allowed direct entry to the final part of the programme. Normally the exemption will not include the clinical practice component.

Mature entry
Applicants who are 25 years of age at the time of applying for entry into the programme and are not eligible for normal entry may apply for mature entry.
Candidates must have passed at least five approved 'O' Level subjects including English Language and Mathematics and must have demonstrated potential suitability for University studies by virtue of their attainments and/or relevant work experience. Such experience shall be in the medical field.
Normally, applicants should have completed their full-time school or college education at least five years before the time of their application.
For both special and mature entry, applicants will be required to attend a formal interview as part of the final selection procedure.

Teaching and Learning Methods:
Lectures, tutorials, clinical exercises, seminars, group work, case studies, industrial attachment, research project, individual independent study.
Assessment Methods:
Written and oral examinations, tests, seminar presentations, industrial attachment report, final year research project report, continuous assessments.
● Multidisciplinarity: Ability to define and solve problems from multiple academic disciplines and work with professionals from other disciplines.
● Quantitative and innovative reasoning: Capability to draw conclusions for analysis of different case studies and use information from previous cases to for informed decision making and strive to seek new ways of doing things.
● Communication skills: Ability to communicate effectively and to present information orally and in writing to both expert and non-expert audiences
● Analysis and synthesis: Capacity for analysis for selection of optimal treatment choices through use of evidence based patient management.
● Ethical commitment: Professional integrity and awareness of impact of the radiography profession on society and the environment.
● Entrepreneurial skills: Capability to identify and create new business ventures based on knowledge and new thinking paradigms
Discipline specific:
● Deep knowledge: Ability to analyse various cases presented and decide on the best imaging techniques to use.
● Production skills: Ability to formulate and use protocols to better understand safer delivery of treatments
● Technology development skills: Ability to develop and adapt to new technologies in radiography with a view of improving patient care delivery.
● Problem-solving skills: Ability to solve a wide range of problems in radiography by identifying their fundamental aspects and using both theoretical and practical methods
● Analytical and computational skills: Ability to use data to analyse various phenomena and technological issues using appropriate computer packages.
Intended Learning Outcomes
● Ability to approach problems in an analytical and rigorous way, formulating theories and applying them to solve problems in healthcare and other fields;
● Ability to analyse and interpret data, finding patterns and drawing conclusions to support and improve care delivery;
● Ability to develop and optimize scanning protocols
● Ability to breakdown a complex system into simple and understandable components
● Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts in areas of applied radiography
● Ability to present clinical cases with accuracy and clarity
● Ability to identify problems in hospitals and clinics and develop appropriate solutions.
These Regulations shall be read in conjunction with the Faculty Regulations and General Academic Regulations.

SRA 1101 Fundamentals Of Radiography 10 Credits
The module looks at medical terminology; Animal cell anatomy and physiology; An introduction to human microscopic and gross anatomy; physiology and pathology (Tissues ; organs, systems and the whole body); Topographical anatomy; Body cavities and their boundaries and subdivisions; Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation; Positioning terminology; Projection terminology; Principles of radiographic Image formation both in conventional film-screen imaging and digital radiography, principles of radiotherapy - Inter relation of x-ray tube, object and film: direction and centering of the x-ray beam in relation to the object; Two dimensional limitations of a radiographic image, requirement for at least two complementary projections for full demonstration of an object; Image quality (conventional film-screen system and digital imaging): Density, Unsharpness of the image, Contrast of the image, Noise; Introduction to exposure factor selection and an introduction to radiographic imaging and treatment; it is an overview of other imaging and radiotherapy modalities (CT, MRI, Ultrasound, RNI, brachytherapy; teletherapy) etc.
SRA 1102 Professional Studies In Healthcare 10 Credits
The module explores group Dynamics, Stages of group formations, Being an Effective team member; Study techniques; Communication Skills as health workers; Communication with different stack holders; Types of communication channels; Experiential Learning; Reflection – definition, Types of reflection; The process of reflection; Decision-Making and Professional Judgement; Theories of Decision-making; Group decision making; Medico Legal Considerations; Records Relating to Patients; The Patient’s Charter; The radiographer and professional organizations; Research; Introduction to research; The value of research in the health care sector as well as the research process and basic research skills.
SRA 1202 Introduction To Psychology And Sociology 10 Credits
The module looks at sociology: Introduction to sociology; Socialization; Social mobility and Social change; An introduction to sociology of health and illness; Sociological theories (Functionalist theories; Social Action theories; Structural theories; Marxist theories; Feminist theories Conflict versus Symbolic Interaction Theories) Social organization of health care services; The family and impact on health. It also looks at psychology: An Introduction to psychology; Perspectives in psychology (Biological, Behavioural, Cognitive, Psychoanalytic, Phenomenological); Individual differences; Personality and behaviour; Trait approach, Psychoanalytic approach, Behaviourist approach; Phenomenological approach; Humanistic psychology; An Introduction to Abnormal psychology as well as social psychology;
SRA 1204 The Appendicular Skeleton 10 Credits
The module outlines imaging equipment necessary for radiography of the upper limb; Osteology, arthrology, pathology, radiographic techniques and patient care required for radiography of the hand, pathological image appearances related to the above areas; Application of CT in imaging of the above areas; Osteology, arthrology, pathology, radiographic technique and patient care required for radiography of the humerus, elbow, shoulder girdle and shoulder joint of ambulant patients of all
ages; Normal and common pathological radiographic anatomy related to the above areas; Role of imaging in patient management of upper limb; Exposure factor manipulation and effect on image quality; Osteology, orthology, pathology, radiographic technique and patient care required for radiography of the foot, lower ankle, lower leg, femur and hip of ambulant patients of all ages and the role of CT in imaging of the above.
SRA 1214 Occupational Health, Safety And Welfare Services 10 Credits
The module examines the hazardous Substances Act, Safety in processing areas, Design of the X-ray department and its impact on health and safety, infection control, Communicable diseases, Notifiable diseases, Fire hazards and precautions, Local rules, Health and safety regulations, The employer's responsibilities, The employee's responsibilities, Moving and lifting techniques, Correct methods and hazards of lifting and moving patients, Electrical hazards and precautions, Injury on duty, Design of the imaging/ radiotherapy departments, Consideration of their design which affect patient care, Facilities, amenities and safety factors to be included; Welfare issues and health insurance.
SRA 1216 Introduction To Radiobiology And Radiation Protection 10 Credits
The module covers ionising radiation, biological effects of ionising radiation, radiobiology, dosimetry, clinical dosimetry, principles of radiation protection, radioactive waste management, external radiation hazard, internal radiation hazard, ionising radiation regulations, Quality assurance in radiation monitoring, radiation protection, justification, dose limitation, dose optimisation, Non-ionising radiation, biological effects as well as sources and protection from non-ionising radiation.
SPH 1101 Mechanics And Relativity 10 Credits
This module highlights kinematics and Kinetics: Inertial frames of reference; Motion in two and three dimensions; Dynamics of system of particles; Interactions between bodies, relative motion; Conservation of momentum and energy; Motion of systems of particles with variable mass; Collisions of particles. It also looks at rotational Dynamics: Rotation of rigid bodies; Moment of Inertia and its calculations for bodies of various shapes and about different axes; work and energy in rotational motion; Angular momentum; Principles of conservation of angular momentum as well as gravitation: Kepler's laws of planetary motion; Gravitational potential; Gravitation and gravity; Effect of earth's rotation on "g"; Gyroscope; Motion of a satellite; Coriolis force; The fundamental forces and their unification and inertial forces in linearly accelerating frame. The module also looks at oscillatory motion: Simple harmonic motion; Mechanical oscillators; Superposition of S;H;M's; Damped and forced S;H;M;, Lissajous Resonance and properties of Matter: Hooke's law; Moduli of elasticity and their inter-relationship; Applications of elasticity. The module also highlights fluid mechanics: Fluid at rest; Surface tension and capillarity; The continuity equation; Various types of flows; Boundary layers and turbulence; Steady state flow of fluids; Bernoulli's equation; Viscous flow and Viscosity and friction: Nature of frictional forces; Motion in frictional medium; Rolling and sliding friction as well as relativity: Space-time frames of reference; Galileo's principle of relativity; Simultaneity of events; Einstein's Special theory of relativity; Lorentz transformations; Momentum and energy systems.
SPH 1104 Modern Physics 10 Credits
The module explores the particle nature of radiation: Planck's postulate and thermal radiation, Blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect, X-ray production and pair production; Interaction of radiation with matter-photon emission and absorption; Stationery states, discrete energy spectrum and the continuous energy spectrum; The Frank-Hertz experiment; Spontaneous and stimulated emission. The module also covers the Wave nature of particles: De Broglie's Postulate; The electron diffraction experiment; The wave-particle duality; The uncertainty principle; Matter waves and their properties; The Thomson and Rutherford atomic models; The stability of the atom and Bohr's Postulates and his model of the atom; Atomic spectra; The Hydrogen Atom; Correction for finite nuclear mass as well as the Nuclear Models: Nuclear properties, sizes and densities, masses and densities; The Nuclear Models - Liquid drop; The deuteron; Shell Fermi gas models; Binding energy nuclear forces; Magic numbers and the nuclear decay and nuclear reactions, e-capture,αand β emission; Fission and fusion and other nuclear reactions; The origin of elements and an introduction to Elementary Particles: Isospin, Pions, Leptons and Families of elementary particles.
SPH 1105 Electricity & Magnetism 10 Credits
This module examines the static Electric fields: Coulomb's Law; The electric field; Motion of point charges in electric fields; Lines of force; Electric dipoles in electric fields; Electric flux; Gauss's Law; Applications of Gauss law; Electric Scalar Potential of a system of point charges; Capacitors in circuits; Energy stored in a capacitor; Dielectrics; Applications of Static electricity in Industries;
Electric Current and Resistance: Electric conductors; Current and current density; Kirchhoff's Rules; DC Network Theorems; RC circuits; Wheatstone's bridge; More complex circuits; Measurement of current, Potential Difference and Resistance; Changing sensitivity of Instruments; Thermoelectricity;Magnetic fields: The force between currents; Definition of magnetic field and Magnetic flux Density; Magnetic intensity, Magnets in magnetic fields and Magnetic dipole moment; Torque on a current loop in a uniform magnetic field; Motion of charges in magnetic fields; Biot-Savart Law; Ampere's Law; Magnetic field of a solenoid and a bar magnet; Induction and Inductance: Faraday's and Lenz's Law; Self and Mutual Inductance Generation of High voltages using principles of induction; Energy storage in inductors and B fields; Electric motors and generators and the Lorentz force. The module also looks at electromagnetic Oscillations and Alternating Currents: L-R, L-C, and L-CR circuits; Basic Alternating current circuits; Phasor notation; Power in AC circuit; A-C network Theorems; AC bridges; Frequency filtering and tuning circuits; Transformers, capacitor and inductor circuits with generator as well as Eddy currents.
SMA1116 Engineering Mathematics IA 10 Credits
This module looks at calculus in one Variable: Limits and continuity of functions; Differentiation; Leibniz's Rule; L'Hopital's Rule; Elementary functions including hyperbolic functions and their inverses; Integration - techniques including reduction formulae; Applications - arc-length, area, volumes, moments of inertia, centroids; Plane polar coordinates; Complex Numbers: Basic algebra; De Moivre's theorem; Complex exponentials; Linear Algebra: Vector algebra in 2 and 3 dimensions; Scalar and vector products; Equations of lines and planes.
SMA1216 Engineering Mathematics IB 10 Credits
The module explores functions of Several Variables: Partial derivatives, chain rules; Applications - maxima and minima problems, Lagrange multipliers; Linear Algebra: Matrices - basic operations,rank, inverses; Systems of linear equations – Gauss elimination; Determinants and their properties; Eigenvalues and eigenvectors; Linear independence; Ordinary Differential Equations; First Order differential equations - separable, linear; Integrating factors; Linear second order equations with constant coefficients; Variation of Parameters; Systems of equations and applications of differential equations to mechanics, physics and engineering.


SRA 2103 The Urinary System 10 Credits
This module examines anatomy physiology and pathology of the urinary tract and pelvic cavity, Imaging of the Abdomen and Urinary tract, Plain radiography, Contrast examinations, CT, RNI, Ultrasound, Relevant Equipment and Imaging equipment for Abdomen, Role of imaging in patient management, Patient care and management, The use of resources and associated risk, Use of contrast agents/isotopes, Radiation doses, Imaging relevant i;e; exposure factors, film selection, intensifying screens, magnification and FFD methods of maintaining contrast etc Phlebotomy, ;venepuncture, Equipment relevant; Technique: To include basic projections and specialised views, paediatric technique neonate and baby to be included, modifications of technique in accident and emergency patients, non-ambulant patients; C O P relevant to each section as well as the role of other imaging modalities in imaging the abdomen i;e; CT, USS, RNI, MRI etc.
SRA 2104 The Axial Skeleton 10 Credits
The module highlights the anatomy and physiology of the spine, pelvis and thoracic cage; Radiographic anatomy and common pathology of the spine, thoracic cage and pelvis e;g; metastatic, degenerative and inflammatory processes; The cause and nature of fractures of these areas such as crush impacted, pathological, comminuted and transverse; Patient care and management with particular reference to patients whose condition is comprised by age and/or trauma; Applied specialist communication techniques; The radiographic techniques for AP and lateral projections of each anatomical area of the vertebral column; AP pelvis/hips, lateral hip, lateral neck of femur; Projections of sternum and ribs; The application of CT examinations to the diagnosis and management of conditions related to the pelvis and vertebral column, the protocols and procedures associated with such examinations; X-ray table design and use; Stationary and moving grids and their applications to imaging the spine and pelvis; Exposure factor manipulation and its effects on image quality.
SRA 2105 The Respiratory System 10 Credits
This module outlines anatomy physiology and pathology of the thoracic cavity, excluding heart and great vessels; Imaging relevant exposure factors, film selection, intensifying screens, magnification and FFD methods of maintaining contrasts etc; Equipment relevant, i;e; dedicated chest units; Technique: To include basic projections and specialised views, paediatric techniques neonate and baby, modifications of technique in accident and emergency patients, non-ambulant patients; C O P relevant to each section as well as the role of other imaging modalities in imaging the chest i;e; CT, USS, RNI, MRI, etc and the critical Pathways: - Patient Care and Management.
SRA 2107 The Cardiovascular And Lymphatic System 10 Credits
The module examines anatomy, physiology and pathology of the cardiovascular system, lymphatic and reticulo -endothelial system; Imaging relevant above systems; Special cassette, exposures,screens; Equipment relevant: Special angio units and associated details; Relevant technique; Role of other imaging modalities in imaging the cardiovascular system; Matching imaging methods to pathology i.e.; the use of a modality to produce the optimum image and the most effective health care within the available resources; The place of imaging in the patient's pathway through the hospital i;e; to emphasise the role that imaging has in influencing patient management; Patient care and management and basic life support cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
SRA 2110 Radiographic Imaging And Instrumentation 10 Credits
The module looks at the production of x-rays – characteristic x-rays, bremsstrahlung; Nuclear decay, the electromagnetic wave spectrum and significance in imaging, The x-ray tube design, types of x-ray tubes, x-ray generators- types and application, image intensifier and the fluoroscopy machines; The control panel, X-ray interaction processes with matter and their implications for imaging; Control of x-ray tube output, reciprocity law, reciprocity failure; The latent image, image quality metrics; Radiographic image receptors, historical image receptors - film/screen systems and image processing; Radiographic image digitisation; Modern image receptors; Computed radiography systems, Digital radiography (DR) systems; Image quality and dose optimisation in DR; Image post-processing, image viewing, digital image display, specifications of monitors (display units) in digital radiography, printers, image quality in digital radiography era and information management systems –PACS, HIS, RIS, telemedicine.
SPH 2203 Instrumentation Physics 10 Credits
The module looks at measurement Systems: Purpose, structure and elements; Static characteristics of measurement instruments, repeatability, tolerance, calibration, measurement standards, frequency response of measurement elements, error calculations and error compensation; Noise and interference in measurement circuits, random signals, probability density, spectral density and autocorrelation functions, noise reduction methods, economics, reliability and choice of measurement systems. It also looks at transducers: Principles and types; Capacitive, resistive, inductive, electromagnetic, thermoelectric, elastic, piezoelectric, piezo-resistive, electrochemical, gas, ion selective electrodes; signal conditioners and data acquisition: Applications and limitations of op-amps, instrumentation amplifiers, current transmitters, frequency to voltage converters, current to voltage converters, energy to voltage converters, phase locked loops, ADC and DAC application in instrumentation systems, analogue and digital recorders, digital printers; introduction to flow measurement: Velocity, volume flow-rate, mass flow-rate, types of flow meters - ultrasonic, Doppler flow meter, pulse transmission and reflection, medical imaging flow measurement; radiation Measurements: Photo-multiplier tubes, scintillators, ionisation chambers, infrared detectors, semiconductor detectors, nuclear instrumentation and standards.
SPH 2206 Digital Electronics 10 Credits
The module looks at denary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary Numbers; Various codes used; Binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; logic Gates, Semiconductor Diodes & Transistor as switching devices NAD, NOT, NOR, OR and Exclusive 'OR* gates Boolean Algebra; Principle of Duality De Morgan's theorem; Half Adder and Full Adder; Karnaugh Map (2, 3, and 4 variables); Mini-terms and Maxi-terms; Use of K-Map using Mini-terms to simplify logic functions; Canonical forms of a function; Symmetric functions; Equivalence and Non-Equivalence Symmetry; Incompletely specified functions; Combinational gates; Logic gate Analysis and Synthesis, logic Technology: D-T and TTL logic; Fan in, fan out and noise margins; Logic Threshold; Interfacing logic devices. The module also looks at sequential Logic Systems: Flip-flops, 'SR*, JK, D and T type; Race around condition in clocked flip-flop; Master Slave flip-flop; Shift Registers; SIPO, SISO, PISO, and PIPO; Shift left to right; Schmidt Trigger; Types of memory used in computers; Counters: Synchronous and non-synchronous; Binary & Denary counters; Divide by n or Modulo ‘n’ counters; Up and down counters, series and parallel carry modes; ADC and DAC: Sample and Hold circuit, Resolution of conversion, Successive Approximation ADC, Counter Ramp ADC; Weighted Resistor ladder DAC; Counter Properties.

SRA 3103 The Reproductive System 10 Credits
This module reviews the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system; begin to critically assess the available optimum imaging modalities; review the range of pathologies most commonly found within the reproductive system; match available imaging modalities to both patients’ needs and pathology; the role of radiography in the application of therapeutic methods within the reproductive system; assess the critically image produced by a variety of imaging methods applied to the reproductive system and the risk associated with imaging and therapeutic methods applied to the reproductive system. The module looks at the illustrative module content: Anatomy, physiology and pathology of the male and female reproductive system; Imaging relevant to the reproductive system; Equipment relevant to the reproductive system; Technique of demonstrating the reproductive system: Relevant care of patient and the role of other imaging modalities in demonstrating the reproductive system.
SRA 3108 The Digestive System 10 Credits
This module reviews the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal system; begin to critically assess the available optimum imaging modalities; review the range of pathologies most commonly found within the gastro-intestinal system; match available imaging modalities to both patient needs and pathology; the role of radiography in the application of therapeutic methods within the gastro-intestinal system; assess critically image produced by a variety of imaging methods applied to the gastro-intestinal system; review the risk associated with imaging and therapeutic methods applied to the gastro-intestinal system. The module looks at the illustrative module content: Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) i;e; Alimentary tract i;e; division and boundaries, The tongue, The teeth, mouth oral cavity, Salivary glands, Pharynx, Oesophagus, Stomach, Small and large intestines, Liver, Biliary tract, Pancreas, Physiology of digestion i;e; mechanical and chemical processes of digestion, metabolism; Imaging relevant to the GIT; Equipment relevant to the GIT Technique of demonstrating the GIT; COP relevant; role of other imaging modalities in demonstrating the GIT.
SRA 3109 Specialised Imaging Techniques 10 Credits
This module deals with the principles and applications of radionuclide imaging, SPECT, PET, hybrid systems, bone mineral densitometry, mammography sport science imaging, molecular imaging and interventional techniques; clinical applications and protocols are discussed for each technology.
SRA 3116 The Neuro-Endocrine System I 10 Credits
The module explores the anatomy, physiology and pathology for the central and peripheral nervous system and organs of the endocrine system in all patients of all ages; Central Nervous System: Nervous tissue, brain, spinal cord meninges, cerebrospinal fluid, blood barrier system; Peripheral Nervous System: Cranial nerve, sensory, motor and integrative system, spinal nerves and plexuses, reflexes; Autonomic Nervous System: Structural and functional differences between somatic efferent and autonomic portions of the nervous system; Principal structural features of the autonomic nervous systems; Structure, physiology and neurotransmitters of the sympathetic and parasympathetic division of autonomic nervous system; Post synoptic receptors; Visceral autonomic reflexes and components; Hypothalamus; Meditation and autonomic nervous system; The Eye and Ear: Special sense organ, structure and function physiology of binocular vision, lacrimal apparatus, nose, tongue, skin sensory function, normal and common pathological image appearances.
SRA 3210 Research Methods 10 Credits
This module introduces students to methods of experimental design, data acquisition and analysis. The biostatistics section seeks to impart a conceptual understanding of the statistics used in medical and health research, emphasizing the appropriate use of each test, specifically what each test measures, the underlying assumptions and the meaning of the calculated results. The second part of the module introduces and critically reviews various research designs related to experimental studies, quasi-experimental studies, clinical trials, survey research and qualitative methodology. Weekly tutorials provide an opportunity to take up practical exercises related to lecture material and to obtain feedback regarding research designs submitted in response to stated study questions.
SRA 3211 Ultrasound Imaging 10 Credits
The module explains the physical and biological principles of medical ultrasound; technological aspects of diagnostic ultrasound; informed choices in relation to equipment, technology and technique parameters; Carry out quality assurance procedures and discuss their implications; the role of medical ultrasound in the clinical management and care of patients; apply clinical information to the interpretation of images, discriminating between normal and abnormal anatomy and physiology and recognising common pathology; the role of other imaging modalities in relation to diagnostic ultrasound; Participate in a broad range of clinical procedures; Carry out standard clinical procedures with minimal supervision. The illustrative module content includes the physics of sound, Transducer design and principles of operation, Scan parameters and factors affecting selection, Patient care and management with particular reference to those whose condition is compromised in any way; Quality assurance procedures; The role of ultrasound in conjunction with other imaging modalities and image interpretation.
SRA 3212 Radiography Practice and Different User Groups 10 Credits
The module enables students to adapt radiographic practice to the individual needs of children, the elderly, women, less privileged groups and people with physical and mental disability; assess the needs of specific groups in the provision of imaging services, for example, breast screening for women, the provision of play areas for children, religious or cultural specific needs; assess the implications for the continued provision of imaging services for specific groups following the introductions of concepts such as patient- focused care and the extended role of the radiographer; reflect on the experiences of individuals in the provision of imaging services to specific groups and use communication strategies to improve the delivery of imaging services to specific groups. The illustrative module content includes principles of good radiographic practice in relation to particular user groups; Specific needs of different user groups to promote good radiographic practice; Practical adaptation of radiographic practice to suit specific user groups; Equipment suitable for specific user groups; Patient centred care and user environment.
SRA 3216 The Neuro-Endocrine System II 10 Credits
The module allows students to discuss the features of imaging equipment required for diagnostic imaging of the neuro-endocrine systems; Relate anatomy, physiology and pathology to image appearances of the neuro-endocrine systems; Demonstrate an understanding of techniques and patient care required for patients of all ages and conditions during imaging of the neuro-endocrine systems; Develop further the academic qualities of reflection, criticism and analysis appropriate to the above performance indicators. The module looks at illustrative module content: Equipment relevant to imaging of the nervous system; Technique relevant for imaging central and peripheral nervous systems and organs of the endocrine system; Relevant care of patient; Role and application of radiography CT, MR, U/S and Nuclear Medicine in Imaging of the neuro-endocrine system.
SRA 4102 Applied Psychology and Sociology 10 Credits
The module will enable students to relate the issues raised in the module to the hospital environment and in particular to the field of diagnostic medical imaging and therapeutic radiography, understand the processes that produce individual differences; relate individual differences to the functioning of groups; consider issues of gender, culture etc; especially as they relate to health and social care; recognise issues of dominance and submission in human relationships, relating these to health and illness and to radiographic practice. The module’s illustrative content includes the Application of Applied Sociology and Psychology in health and illness; Culture and tradition and their impact on health; Diversity Issues in health care and illness: Health and Behaviour; Role of Behavioural factors in Disease and Disorder; Behaviour change; Personality and behaviour, and the implications of different theories for treatment of behavioural problems; Psychoanalytic approach, Behaviourist approach; Phenomenological approach (Humanistic psychology); Biological, Cognitive, and trait theories; Understanding Abnormal Behaviour and implications on health and illness; Industrial Psychology; Emotion and Behaviour; Perception and Behaviour; Psychosocial theories and development; Counselling and psychology; Positive psychology; Emotional intelligence; Interpersonal attraction, implications of the theories for liking and disliking patients; Conformity and compliance, Theories of motivation, Introduction and clinical relevance, Self-presentation and survival strategies.
SRA 4118 Image Reporting I 10 Credits
The module is a review of radiographic anatomy, image assessment image quality, pattern recognition in musculoskeletal system (MSK), professionalism and ethical issues in image reporting, use of computer aided diagnosis systems in MSK reporting, MSK radiographic pathology, MSK image reporting language, terminology and protocols, procedures in writing a radiographic report, practical image interpretation of the skeletal system.
SRA 4213 Quality Management 10 Credits
The module aims to critically analyse the content and use of quality assurance programmes in diagnostic imaging departments; understand how quality is directly related to patients' needs at departmental and organisational level; understand how local department quality programmes relate to broader organisational quality objectives; explore common quality assurance tools such as clinical audit; Examine quality models and the concept of TQM; Share with colleagues an understanding of the applications of quality initiatives in their clinical placements; Relate the operations of the imaging department to aspects such as departmental design, equipment selection, procurement and maintenance, human resources, inventory management; Recognise the value of inter-departmental and inter-professional collaboration to achieve organisational objectives. The illustrative module content includes operations in the imaging department, Design considerations in departments, Equipment selection and procurement, Equipment maintenance, Inventory control, Human resources in imaging departments, Organisational structure, Interdepartmental and Inter-professional collaboration; Quality assurance tests on equipment, The principles of quality, organisational quality, Evaluation quality, Quality and the Imaging Department as well as quality and the customer.
SRA 4218 Image Reporting II 10 Credits
The module is a review of chest radiographic anatomy, image assessment, image quality, pattern recognition in the chest, chest pathology and differential diagnosis, use of computer aided diagnosis systems in chest pathology, chest image reporting language and terminology, writing a chest radiographic report, Professionalism and ethical issues in chest image reporting s well as practical image interpretation of the chest.
Careers as diagnostic or therapy radiographers, applications specialists, inspectors, lecturers, research scientists.

Further Studies:
Master’s and doctoral studies in Radiography or in related interdisciplinary programmes

Need Any help!

Mr Walter Magagula

Mr Walter Magagula

Senior Assistant Registrar

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