Mr Nicholas Ncube


Mr Nicholas Ncube


Qualifications: MSc in Remote Sensing (University of London); BSc (Hons) Agriculture in Animal Science (University of Ibadan); Post-Graduate Diploma in Remote Sensing (University College London); Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (National University of Science and Technology).

Skills and competencies: Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Digital Image Processing, Land Evaluation, Land Use and Panning, Spatial Analysis and Management.

Research Interests: Remote Sensing, Landcover Change, Climate Change, Agroforestry, Land Use Planning, strategic environmental impact assessments and analysis (SEAN).

Research and Publications 

Some selected publications: 

  • Chirima, A., Mundy, P., Ncube, N. & Van Rooyen, A.F., 2018. Vegetation changes in the Miombo woodlands in Northwestern Zimbabwe: A case study of Nkayi district 1990 to 2017. In: Sebata A (ed.) (2018) Vegetation. InTech Open. pp. 43-57.
  • Chinyama, A., Chirima, A., Chuma, C., Makaya, E., Ncube, N., Ndlovu, SA. & Kativhu, T. 2019. Zambezi River Basin Groundwater Hydrology Characterisation in Zimbabwe in Water and Cooperation within the Zambezi River Basin (WACOZA). Southern Africa Centres of Excellence CoEs)/AU/NEPAD
  • Roth, M., Sukume, C., Mupambireyi, D., & Ncube, N. 2003. Farm Size Protection, Informal Subdivisions: The Impact of Subdivision Policy on Land Delivery and Security of Property Rights in Zimbabwe. Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe/Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Ncube, N., Mumera, M. & Mariwi, F. 2003. Agricultural Land Use Planning Module. Ministry of Lands and Rural Development, Harare, Zimbabwe


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