Donald Mlambo (Dr, Associate Professor)


Donald Mlambo (Dr, Associate Professor)

  • Qualifications: MSc in Forestry (Belarussian State Technological University), MSc in Environmental Policy and Planning (University of Zimbabwe), PhD in Forest Resources (National University of Science and Technology)
  • Skills and competencies: Forest Management Certification; Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation, Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Research Interests: Forest ecology and management, natural forest regeneration, Biodiversity conservation


Research and Publications:

Some selected recent publications

  • Mlambo, D., Chiparange, F.T., 2021. Effects of conspecifics and rocks on seedling recruitment of Brachystegia spiciformisin a dry miombo woodland in southern Africa, Acta Oecologica 113,103777.
  • Mhiripiri S., Mlambo, D., 2021. The effects of land use and microsite availability on early seedling recruitment of Acacia tortilis (synonym: Vachellia tortilis) in a southern African savanna. Tropical Ecology 62:82-94.
  • Ngwenya, B.T., Ndagurwa, H.G.T., Huruba, R., Mlambo, D., Mawanza, M., Muvengwi, J., MacFadyene, D.N., Chirima, A., 2021. The coupling effects of pyrodiversity and land use on termite assemblages in semi-arid savanna. Global Ecology and Conservation 28:e01643.
  • Mlambo, D., 2021. Ecological intensification: A step towards biodiversity conservation and management of terrestrial landscape. In: Jhariya, M.J., Meena, R.M., Banerjee, A (Eds) Ecological Intensification of Natural Resources for Sustainable Agriculture. pp 77-102. Springer Nature.
  • Mahla, N., Mlambo, D., 2019. Influence of two co-occurring invasive plant species on resident woody species and surface soil properties in Chipinge Safari Area, Zimbabwe. Tropical Ecology 60:129-139. DOI: 10.1007/s42965-019-00016-1.

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