Allan Sebata, (Dr, Associate Professor)


Allan Sebata, (Dr, Associate Professor)

Associate Professor)

Qualifications: PhD Rangeland Ecology (National University of Science & Technology); MSc in Animal Science (University of Zimbabwe), BSc Honours in Agriculture (Animal Science (University of Zimbabwe)

Skills and competencies: Rangeland & Restoration Ecologist; Animal / Wildlife Nutritionist

Research Interests: Rangeland ecology with special interest in restoration of degraded rangelands in arid and semi-arid savanna ecosystems, wildlife / animal nutrition, wildlife ecology.  

Research and Publications 

Some selected recent publications:


  • Huruba, R., Nemera, S., Ngute, F., Sahomba, M., Mundy, P.J., Sebata, A., MacFadyen, D.N., 2022. Short duration overnight cattle kraaling in natural rangelands: Does time after kraal use affect their utilization by wildlife and above ground grass parameters? PLoS ONE 17(4): e0248795.
  • Huruba, R., Ndlovu C., Mundy, P.J., Sebata, A. & MacFadyen, D.N., 2021. Short duration overnight cattle kraaling in natural rangelands leads to increased tree damage by elephants. Journal of Tropical Ecology 38, 1-8.
  • Nyamukanza, C.C. & Sebata, A., 2020. Effect of leaf type on browse selection by free-ranging goats in a southern African savanna. PLoS ONE 15(11): e0242231.
  • Nyamukanza, C.C. & Sebata, A., 2020. Response of Ziziphus mucronata and Acacia nilotica saplings to increasing clipping intensity in a southern African savanna. Plant Ecology 221, 1167-1176.
  • Mandinyenya, B., Monks, N., Mundy, P., Sebata, A. & Chirima, A. 2020. Habitat choices of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and plains zebra (Equus quagga) in a heterogeneous protected area. Wildlife Research 47, 106-113. 


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