The ICTS Team

Ms. Novuyo N. T. Bobo
Ms. Novuyo N. T. BoboICT User Support and Training Manager
 MSc Computer Science,
 Fortinet NSE 1-3, Diploma in ICT and Pedagogical Development, 
Thulani Ndlovu
Thulani NdlovuNetworks and Hardware Manager
BEng Hons Electronic Engineering (NUST), 
Post Grad Diploma in Computer Engineering (PLA-UST, China),
 Msc in Communication Engineering (UZ),
CCNA Cyber Ops,
 Fortinet NSE 1-4, 
Oracle Database Administration,
 vmWare VCTA-DCV
Thomson Mpofu
Thomson MpofuBusiness Automation Manager
MSc Big Data Science, 
BSc Hons Computer Science
Ndhlovu Vusumuzi Themba
Ndhlovu Vusumuzi ThembaSoftware Development Manager
MSc Information Systems, 
BSc Hons Computer Science, 
Ngqabutho Nhlabano
BSc Computer Science, 
MSc Information Systems
Sizalobuhle Sithole
Sizalobuhle SitholeNetwork Engineer
Msc Information Systems,
 BSc Computer Science
, CCNA, 
CCNA security, 
Linux Admin
Bongani Dlamini
Bongani DlaminiNetwork Engineer
Bsc Hons Computing
,HND Computing,
CCNA Security,Network+
Tiese D. Chazuza
Tiese D. ChazuzaChief Technician
BSc Computer Science
Maidei Kurebwaseka
Maidei KurebwasekaSoftware Developer
Msc in Information Management,
 BTech (HONS) Computing and Information Technology, 
Linux Administration, 
HND Computer Studies
Mbongeni Hadebe
Mbongeni HadebeSoftware Developer
BEng hons Electronic Engineering, 
Msc Information Systems
Tawanda Muyambo
Tawanda MuyamboSoftware Developer
BEng hons Electronic Engineering.
Evidence Dube
Evidence DubeDatabase Administrator
National Certificate Computer systems Engineering:,
Bachelor of Business management and information Technology,
Henrix Moyo
Henrix MoyoWeb Developer
BSc Computer Science
Tembani Dliwayo
Tembani DliwayoChief Telephonist
Bsc Hons Computing,
HND Computing,
CCNA Security,Network+
Dalubuhle Dlodlo
Dalubuhle DlodloNetwork Technician
MSc Big Data Science (NUST) 2023,
 BSc hons Information Systems[MSU],
 PGD Operations Research & Statistics [NUST], ITIL, 
Prince2 project management, 
HCA [ R&S, Security, IoT, Big Data, Cloud Computing], GCC ACE, CCNP (expired Dec 2020)
Layne Manduli Magagula
Layne Manduli Magagula Telecommunications Technician
BSc Informatics Honors in Informatics Diploma in Telecommunications 
Certificate in Optic Fiber Splicing and Maintenance
Sanelisiwe Nomzamo Dube
Sanelisiwe Nomzamo DubeSoftware Technician
Bachelor of Business Management and Information Technology -Diploma in Information Technology,
Majaha Zinyika
Majaha ZinyikaSoftware Technician
BSc Honors Informatics
Sukoluhle Sifani
Sukoluhle SifaniSoftware Technician
Bachelor of Business Management and Information Technology, Diploma in Information Technology
Lawrence Mkwebu B
Lawrence Mkwebu BSoftware Technician
Bsc Information Systems.
Dingani Tapela
Dingani TapelaHardware Technician
Bsc Information Systems.
Gugulethu Ndlovu
Gugulethu NdlovuHardware Technician
BSc Computer Science
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 
Mthokozisi Mkandla
Mthokozisi MkandlaWeb Administrator
BCom Informatics
Sibonakaliso Hlambelo
Sibonakaliso HlambeloAssistant Technician
-National Certificate Electronic Engineering: Communication Systems(HEXCO 3YRS)
 -Bsc Hons Software Eng(Currently studying part 4)
Thembelihle Siwela
Thembelihle SiwelaData Capture Clerk
National Diploma in Information Technology. -Bsc Honors in Management Information Systems.
Nobuhle Ndhlovu
Nobuhle NdhlovuTelephonist
Alex Mukoka
Alex MukokaCisco Academy Instructor
BSc Computer Science
Sizani  Moyo
Sizani MoyoChief Secretary
Leone Dimairo
Leone DimairoSoftware Development Graduate Trainee
BSc Honors Computer Science
Samuel.M.NdlovuSoftware Development Graduate Trainee
BSc in Informatics
Njabulo M Mlandwa
Njabulo M Mlandwa Software Development Graduate Trainee
BEng Electronic Engineering
Africa Freedom Jatakalula
Africa Freedom JatakalulaSoftware Development Graduate Trainee
BTech Information Technology