
Prof dr Allan Sebata

Acting Executive Dean

Prof. Allan Sebata is the Acting Executive Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology. He is a Professor of Rangeland Ecology. Prof. Sebata obtained his PhD in Rangeland Ecology in 2012 from the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Zimbabwe. He also holds an MSc in Animal Science and a BSc Honours in Agriculture (Animal Science) from the University of Zimbabwe. He has previously worked for the government of Zimbabwe and an agricultural parastatal in Zimbabwe. Prof. Sebata joined the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in August 2005 as a lecturer, was promoted to senior lecturer, associate Professor and full Professor. He currently serves as an associate editor of the Rangeland Ecology and Management, a journal of the Society of Range Management published by Elsevier.

Skills and competencies:

Rangeland ecologist; Animal / Wildlife nutritionist; Animal scientist 

Research interests:

Rangeland ecology, animal /wildlife nutrition 

Recent publications

Sebata, A., Fynn, R.W.S., Keemekae, T., Reynolds, S., Huruba, R., Murwira, Mubaira, K.D., Kamanda, M., Muzvondiwa, J.V., MacFadyen, D.N., 2023. The role of ancient human settlements in creating nutrient hotspots in a savanna ecosystem, central Zimbabwe. Journal of Arid Environments 219, 105080.

Huruba, R., Nemera, S., Ngute, F., Sahomba, M., Mundy, P.J., Sebata, A., MacFadyen, D.N., 2022. Short duration overnight cattle kraaling in natural rangelands: Does time after kraal use affect their utilization by wildlife and above ground grass parameters? PLoS ONE 17(4): e0248795.

Huruba, R., Ndlovu C., Mundy, P.J., Sebata, A. & MacFadyen, D.N., 2021.  Short duration overnight cattle kraaling in natural rangelands leads to increased tree damage by elephants. Journal of Tropical Ecology 38, 1-8.

Nyamukanza, C.C. & Sebata, A., 2020. Effect of leaf type on browse selection by free-ranging goats in a southern African savanna. PLoS ONE 15(11): e0242231.

Nyamukanza, C.C. & Sebata, A., 2020. Response of Ziziphus mucronata and Acacia nilotica saplings to increasing clipping intensity in a southern African savanna. Plant Ecology 221, 1167-1176.

Nyamukanza, C.C. & Sebata, A., 2020. Effect of different nitrogen fertilizer application rates on Dichrostachys cinerea and Acacia karroo sapling growth, foliar nutrient and antinutrient concentrations in a southern African savanna. Ecological Research 35, 154–161.

Mandinyenya, B., Monks, N., Mundy, P., Sebata, A. & Chirima, A. 2020. Habitat choices of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and plains zebra (Equus quagga) in a heterogeneous protected area. Wildlife Research 47, 106-113.

Mandinyenya, B., Monks, N., Mundy, P.J., Sebata, A. & Chirima, A., 2019. Habitat use by giraffe and greater kudu in the Zambezi National Park, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Ecology 57, 286–289.

Mandinyenya, B., Monks, N., Mundy, P.J., Sebata, A. & Chirima, A., 2018. Habitat use by a mixed feeder: impala Aepyceros melampus in a heterogeneous protected area. Journal of Tropical Ecology 34, 378–384.

Huruba, R., Mlambo, T, Mundy, P.J., Sebata, A. & MacFadyen, D.N. 2018. Short duration overnight cattle kraaling in natural rangelands: implications for grass composition, quality, above ground biomass, species diversity and basal cover. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 257, 144-151.

Huruba, R., Mundy, P.J., Sebata, A., Purchase, G.K. and MacFadyen, D.N., 2017.  Impala, Aepyceros melampus: does browse quality influence their use of sites originally utilised as short-duration kraals in a southern African savanna? The Rangeland Journal 39, 113-121.




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