A warm welcome to the department of Anatomy and Physiology of the Faculty of Medicine at the National University of Science and Technology. The department was constituted in 2015 after having operated within the Division of Basic Medical Sciences since the inception of the Faculty of Medicine in 2005.
The department aims to teach Anatomy and Physiology, which are foundation subjects in understanding the structure and function of the human body both in health and in disease to both BMS and MBBS students. These are primary foundation courses in all medical and biomedical courses. In all Anatomy courses; (Gross Anatomy, Microscopic Anatomy (Histology), Developmental Anatomy (Embryology)), the regional and systemic approaches are used. Physiology is taught as General and Systemic Physiology. Both courses are taught in face to face and online google classrooms and have a practical component involving the use of laboratories. Both courses are taught in two modules, Anatomy I and Anatomy II, Physiology I and Physiology II. Each module runs for 40 weeks, with a barrier examination at the end of each module.
During these modules, students are expected to be able to use the knowledge gained in the courses and its use in diagnosis and basic treatment of disease and trauma. Students are also expected to identify areas of their interest in research in molecular and cell biology, developmental biology, the neurosciences and in Physiology and the other anatomical sciences.
Faculty consists of 6 full time lecturers and 7 part time lecturers with 3 technical staff. Teaching space is at Ekhusileni Hospital and the Mpilo Campus where all laboratories and Administrative staff are based.
The department currently has 59 students in the MBBS programme in second year and 69 BMS students in their first year.
The department is currently not involved in active research and has no post-graduate programmes. This is expected to change in the near future with improvement in resources both material and human.
The Department is committed to building a diverse community that is welcoming and supportive and one that nurtures education, research, innovation, entrepreneurship and industrialisation, corner-stones for Education 5.0.
There have been no awards in the department this year.
Acting Chairperson’s Profile:
Dr. Yahaya Malango is a registered Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon with the Medical and Dental Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe. He is based at Mpilo Central Hospital Department Of Surgery where he is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon running a firm. His areas of interest in Orthopaedics are in Trauma and the treatment of Club Foot. He also runs a Private Practice.
Dr. Malango has an interest in the teaching of Anatomy since his Medical School years. He was the first clinician to join the Faculty Of Medicine at its pioneering in 2005. He was the second Chairperson of the Division Of Basic Medical Sciences before it was divided into Departments in 2015. He was involved in the development of the first curriculum of Basic Medical Sciences before leaving administration to concentrate on lectureship.
BSc(Medical Science) St. Andrews, MBChB UZ, MCh (Trauma & Orthopaedics) University Of Edinburgh and RCSEd, FCS(Ortho) College Of Surgeons Of East Central and Southern Africa.