Dr. Yevonnie Chauraya - Chaiperson
Welcome to the Department of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, which is housed in the Faculty of Medicine at the National University of Science and Technology. The Department of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences became a fully-fledged department in 2013 after disengaging from the Division of Basic Medical Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine.
The department aims to ensure high-quality education and training of nurses and midwives addressing all the components of Education 5.0 in alignment with producing graduates who will provide homegrown solutions to address the health needs of the populace. The department also intends to ensure that professional personnel who possess the appropriate qualifications appropriately train sufficient nurses and midwives with advanced nursing knowledge, skills, and behaviors.
Currently, the department runs two programs, namely, Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Midwifery, which is a three-year part-time program, and Masters in Midwifery Education, which is an 18-month full-time program. Modules taught in the BSc program are Anatomy of the Male and Female Reproductive Systems, Physiology of the Reproductive Systems, Embryology, Applied Biochemistry, Applied Biophysics, Microbiology and Parasitology. Psychology in Reproductive Health, Sociology in Reproductive Health, Philosophical Basis of Midwifery, Professional Issues in Midwifery, Theories and Models of Midwifery Care, Research 1, Normal and Abnormal Pregnancy, Normal and Abnormal Labour, Normal and Abnormal Puerperium, Normal New-born and Neonate, Abnormal New-born and Neonate, Health assessment. MWB 2201 Abortion Care Needs, Pharmacology for Midwives, Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues, Research 11, Community Midwifery, Mental Health Issues in Midwifery Practice, Child Health and Immunization, Approaches to Midwifery Education, Leadership and Management. Financing and Marketing Health Services, Health Policy and Planning and Research Project.
Courses taught in the Masters in Midwifery Education program are; Embryology and Neonatology, Midwifery Education 1, Advanced Health Education, and Advanced Issues in MCH/Midwifery Practice. Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Informatics, Midwifery Education 11, Leadership and Management in Midwifery Education, Research Methods and Dissertation.
A new programme, Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Nursing Sciences (Normal Entry), which is a 4-year full-time program, is scheduled to start in January 2024 and will go a long way in alleviating the shortage of nurses with advanced nursing skills in the country.
Our Department in Numbers
The entry requirements are as per NUST University General Regulations. The prospective student must be a Registered General Nurse with Midwifery qualification. Must have at least 2 years’ working experience as a midwife. The student must be registered with the Nurses Council of Zimbabwe and have a minimum of 5 ‘O’ level passes at Grade C or better including English Language and a Science subject. ‘A’ level passes will be an added advantage
The entry requirements are as per NUST University General Regulations. The prospective student must have at least 2 ‘A’ level passes in Science subjects and at least 5 ‘O’ level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics, English Language and a Science subject.
The entry requirements are as per NUST University General Regulations. The prospective student must possess a first degree in Nursing Sciences, be a Registered General Nurse with Midwifery qualification. Must have at least 2 years’ working experience as a midwife. The student must be registered with the Nurses Council of Zimbabwe and have a minimum of 5 ‘O’ level passes at Grade C or better including English Language and a Science subject. ‘A’ level passes will be an added advantage.
Career prospects for the Nursing and Midwifery programmes
Successful candidates become advanced nurse practitioners who are able to function in any health care setting and are capable of applying the International Council of Nurses fundamental professional responsibilities of a nurse. The graduates are also expected to have acquired the requisite knowledge, skills, abilities and clinical judgement expected of a NUST graduate and be able to practice within Nurses Council of Zimbabwe expectations.
Our Services and Projects
The Department is part of the drive by the University to establish an excellent teaching and specialist hospital at Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Ekusileni Hospital. Nursing and midwifery students on clinical attachment will be seconded to the hospital when operational.
Up Coming Events
Twelve (12) Undergraduate students in Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Midwifery are graduating this year.
In the Community
Department participates in community service activities and career guidance in line with the duties of a lecturer.
Staff Profiles
- MSc (Medical-Surgical Nursing)
- In final stages of PhD program in Child health and nutrition (University of Pretoria),
- BSc Nursing Sciences (Nursing Education)
- Diploma in Midwifery
- Diploma in General Nursing
- International Certificate in Paediatric Nursing in the Hospital and in the Community
- Occupational Safety Health Environmental Management Course
- Certificate in Paediatric Nutrition
- Internship certificate in teaching paediatric nursing (University of Cape Town).
- Good Clinical Practice in Child Nursing student with University of Cape Town
Contact Us
Mrs Yevonnie Chauraya (Chairperson), email:
Mrs Hlalani Moyo (Senior Secretary), email: