Dr Nemache Mawere - Chairperson
Welcome to the Department of Psychiatry and Social Behavioral Sciences. The department takes pride in offering the best knowledge and teaching methods to medical students in the faculty of medicine. The department teaches several courses under the new Bachelor of Science in Medical Sciences (BMS) program as well as the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). We provide core courses in Psychiatry and Social Behavioral Sciences. Our department is aimed at improving the quality of medical doctors in the country by training them on the important aspects of communication, policy, psychology, and human behavior. Psychology courses aim to enhance theoretical knowledge of psychopathology, therapeutic interventions, and therapeutic modalities through lectures and clinical instruction. Here is a list of the core topics we teach in the faculty.
- Information literacy and Digital Skills
- Introduction to medical ethics and medical law
- Language and communication skills
- Health governance, policy management and health care financing
- Sociology and Psychology for health Sciences (Sociology and Psychology for health Sciences I and Sociology and Psychology for health Sciences II)
- Health Information Systems,
- Health Management Systems,
- Psychology of Health,
- Sociology of Health and Illness,
- Health communication Skills,
- Health Policy and Leadership,
- Organisational Behaviour and Health Governance.
Our department also takes pride in the resources and skills that it hosts in developing new curriculum and degree programs. Our team has recently successfully developed 4 new degree programs that have been approved by the university and will be rolled out soon. The details of the programs are as follows:
Master of Science in Global Health (MGH) (Coming Soon),
BSc (Hons) Degree in Health Information Management (HIM) (Coming soon)
BSc (Hons) Degree in Physiotherapy (Coming Soon)
BSc (Hon) Occupational Therapy (Coming soon)
Module on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (Coming soon)
Chairperson of Dept of Psychiatry and Social Behavioural Sciences
Contact: or ;
Psychiatry (Part IV-Introduction, History, and Mental State Exam, Substance Use Disorders, Psychopharmacology, Child Psychiatry, Organic Mental Disorders-Modules); Social Behavioural Sciences (Part II-Psychology of Health and Medical Ethics and Law module); Biomedical Sciences (Part I-Psychology of Health module, Medical Ethics, and Medical Law module)
MBChB’ Diploma in Mental Health, MMed (Psychiatry)-all from the University of Zimbabwe
Work Experience:
Worked in various Mines and Industries; Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services; Ministry of Health and Child Care (currently Chief Medical Officer for Ingutsheni Central Hospital)
Zimbabwe College of Psychiatry, National Mental Hospital Board-Zimbabwe
Research Area:
Addictions, Community and Forensic Psychiatry
Research Consortia-: None
Publications: None
Keynote Speaker-NSSA Occupational Health Conference and Psychologists Annual Conference. Presenter at several conferences on Mental Health
Community Work:
Presentations to community groups, print and electronic media (radio and Television)
Contact details
Lecturer & Registered Clinical Psychologist.
Courses being taught
- Introduction to Behavioural Sciences
- genetics and Behaviour Western perspectives on genetics (Galton, twin studies) and behavior
- Child Development-Psychological aspect
- Attachment
- Social Learning Theory: Bandura
- Psychodynamic Approach to Personality Development
- Erickson’s Theory of Personality
- Cognitive Development: Piaget
- Moral Development: Kohlberg; Meadows
- Personality Development
- Psychology of the Sick and the Sick Role
- Psychotherapies
- Psychological Aspects of Medical Conditions
- Conversion disorders
Educational background, including any awards or honors
- D. Candidate in Public Health, University of KwaZulu-Natal under the African Mental Health Research Initiative (AMARI).
- MSc in Community Psychology (2016), Midlands State University
- BSc Honours in Psychology (2008), University of Zimbabwe
- Diploma Human Rights Certificate - Mental Health, Human Rights and Recovery, World Health Organization, 15 April 2021
- Certificate in Problem-Solving Therapy November 2019, Friendship Bench
- Certificate in Systemic Counselling July 2018, NUST Centre for Continued Education
- Certificate in Psychological First Aid, World Health Organization, 18 September 2020
- Emotionally-Focused Therapy for Couples; Externship (2021) & Core Skills (2022)
- Emotionally-Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) Level One (2023)
Work history (public/private sectors) and international experience (if applicable)
Clinical Psychologist at Ingutsheni Central Hospital since 2009.
Membership in professional organizations
Registered with the Allied Health Practitioners Council and is the current Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Psychological Association Clinical Division.
Research interests
Common Mental Disorders, Couples Therapy, understanding and improving the mental health of the LGBTQ Community, Minority Groups, Human Rights Activism, Trauma
Any research groups or consortia you're involved with
An African Mental Health Research Initiative (AMARI) PhD Fellow
Publications, research projects, conferences, exhibitions
- Attended conferences as an AMARI PhD Fellow to present my PhD Work:
- Lilongwe, Malawi, March 2018
- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 2019
- Cape Town, South Africa, March 2020
- AMARI Virtual Annual Scientific Meeting, August 2021
- Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, June 2022
Details of your community service involvement
Talks on mental health on many different platforms
Contact details
Courses being taught
Sociology and Psychology of Health Sciences, Social and Behavioural Sciences
Education including Awards and Honours
PhD in Anthropology (UKZN)
MSc in Sociology and Social Anthropology (UZ)
BSc Honors in Sociology (UZ)
Post. Grad Diploma in Tertiary Education (BUSE)
Executive Certificate in Community Development and Humanitarian Project Management (UZ)
Research Interests
Medical humanities, Women's rights and equality, Gender-based violence, Women's health, Spatial justice, Spatial analysis
Current research: Post – Doctoral Researcher, Medical Humanities Project titled: Reimagining Reproduction- Making Babies, Kin and Citizens in Africa, Center for the Advancement of Education, University of Pretoria
Contact Details;
Courses being Taught
Social Behavioural Sciences
Education including Awards and Honours
- PhD in Education Policy Studies (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) (2019)
- and the title of her thesis is “Examining Relations between Educational Policy and higher
- education students' access to industry in Zimbabwe”; Masters in Education Administration,
- Planning and Policy Studies (ZOU), 2002; BA Honours in Philosophy (UZ), 1992; Certificate in
- Education, Gweru Teachers’ College, 1985.
- Awarded prize for presenting at the Research Day, Research and Innovation Office, National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Bulawayo, Zimbabwe on 20-21 June 2019.
- Awarded as Presenter Assistant for the African Doctoral Academy (ADA) Summer School on 11 January 2020, Grant Writing Fundamentals Course, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
- Nominated as Secretary to the Postdoctoral Society (PDS) Executive Committee for 2020, and invited to serve on a panel discussion - How to make the most of your PhD? ADA Summer School, 13 January 2020, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
- Awarded with an Erasmus Travel Grant on a Staff/Teacher Exchange Programme to Uppsala University, Sweden, May 2020 to date.
Work History (Public/Private Sectors)
- Lecturer, February 2022 to date, Department of Psychiatry and Social Behavioural Sciences
- January 2010 to January 2022, Assistant Registrar, NUST Faculty of Medicine.
- Part-time lecturer at Blended Education College of Sothern Africa (BECSA) in the Educational Foundations Department, Theory of Education, Philosophy of Education since February 2020 2023.
- April 2009 to December 2010, Senior Administrative Assistant, NUST Graduate School of Business.
- August 2008 to 31 October 2008, Acting Assistant Registrar in the Human Resources Department, Academic and Non-Academic Staff.
- April 2007 to 31 October 2008, Senior Administrative Assistant in the Examinations Section, NUST and acted for three months in the position of an Assistant Registrar.
- September 2006 – March 2009, Director of the TOMSTOP Bridal and Photography Company.
- December 1998 – August 2006, Principal Lecturer, Head of Subject and later Acting Lecturer-in-Charge of the Theory of Education Department, United College of Education.
- Eleven years of teaching experience with the Ministry of Education, January 1986 to March 1990 and January 1993 to October 1998 (Forms 1-4) and Head of Guidance and Counseling Department.
International Work Experience
Awarded with an Erasmus Travel Grant on a Staff/Teacher Exchange Programme to Uppsala University, Sweden, May 2020 to date
Membership in Professional Organizations
Not applicable
Research Interests
Education Policy; Urban Social Policy, Social inequality; Management/Administration/Leadership; Business Communication; Training and Development; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM); Entrepreneurship; Poverty and Inequality; Labour Markets; Human Capital; Gender Issues (promotion of child and women rights and health); Cultural effects on health; Immigration effects on mental health; Higher Education; Teaching and Learning; Social Justice; Decoloniality; Global Health for sustainability; Patient care.
Research Groups/Consortia
- Psychiatry and Social Behavioural Sciences Departmental Research group, NUST
- The Partnership in Education Training and Research Advancement (PETRA), University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, NUST, Midlands State University, Africa University, and 2 United States universities (University of Colorado Denver, Stanford University).
- Children and Parents (CHAP) Research Group, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Publications, Research Projects, Exhibitions, Conferences, etc.
- Dube, S.P. 2018. An investigation of the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) initiative in the Zimbabwean education system. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 9(1):3329–3334. DOI – 10.20533/ijcdse.2042.6364.2018.0445 JO - International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies ER -
- Dube, T; Zikhali, W; Chinjova, F. & Dube, S. P. 2018. The application of the servant leadership management model by selected non-governmental organizations in Zimbabwe – A case of cultural heritage and governance study of western region non-governmental organizations. International Journal on Communication and Information Sciences, Harare.
- Dube, S.P.; Waghid, Y.; Dube, T. & Luzane, T. L. 2018. An examination of the stakeholder involvement as a democratic effort to link university education to industry expectations – A case of Zimbabwe. Vol 4 DOI- 10.20533/ijibs.2046.3626.2018.0026 JO- International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies ER -
- Dube, T; Zikhali, W; Chinjova, F. & Dube, S. P. 2018. The application of the servant leadership management model by selected non-governmental organizations in Zimbabwe,
- Dube, S. P. 2019. Examining Relations between Educational Policy and Higher Education Students’ Access to the Industry in Zimbabwe. C. contributor.advisor Waghid, Y. University, Faculty of Education. Policy Studies.
- Dube, S.P., 2023. The human capital and human capability models: Showing the connection between graduation and employment. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 12(7), pp.617-625.
- Dube, S.P., 2023. Sports as a Gender Based Violence (GBV) mitigation strategy in higher education institutions. Journal for Educators, Teachers, and Trainers, (141).
- Dube, S.P., 2024. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Student Midwives Towards Clinical Learning at Midwifery Training Institutions. Journal for Educators, Teachers, and Trainers, Vol. 15(2).
- Tshababa, M., Songo, S., Senderayi, P., Nyati, C., Mutanana, N., Mawere, N., Luzane, T. L., Dube, S. P. & Mutambara, J., 2022. Towards a Biopsychosocial Approach to Medical Education and Practice in Zimbabwe: The Pros and Cons. Zimbabwe Journal of Health Sciences (ZJHS), Volume 2, Issue 1, September 2022 ISSN: 2791-0148.
- Dube, S.P; Waghid, Y; Dube, T. Chaplain; Chamisa, J. A., 2022. "Decoloniality and Educational Change: Cultivating a Living Philosophy to Overcome Decoloniality and Violence in African Universities.” Volume. Volume. 7 Issue. 7, July - 2022, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT), ISSN - 2456-2165, PP :- 607-616.
- Josh, J. & Dube, S. P. 2011. Should a man go to Cosmetology School?
- Dube, S P; Phuthi N; Waghid, Y. An investigation of the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) initiative in the Zimbabwean education system Canada International Conference in Education, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Canada. 26-29 June 2017
- Dube, S P; Luzane, T; Waghid, Y. Examining Relations between Educational Policy and Higher Education Students’ Access into the Industry in Zimbabwe Canada International Conference in Education, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Canada. 25-28 June 2018
- Dube, T; Dr Zikhali, W; Chinjova, F; Dube, S P. The application of the servant leadership management model by selected non-governmental organizations in Zimbabwe Canada International Conference in Education, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Canada. 25-28 June 2018
- Dube, T; Dr Zikhali, W; Chinjova, F; Dube, S P. The application of the servant leadership management model by selected non-governmental organizations in Zimbabwe – A case of cultural heritage and governance study of western region non-governmental organizations International on Communication and Information Sciences, Rainbow Towers, Harare. 21-23 August 2018
- Dube, T; Dr Zikhali, W; Dube, S P. The application of the servant leadership management model by selected non-governmental organizations in Zimbabwe – A case of cultural heritage and governance study of western region non-governmental organizations Research Day, Research and Innovation Office, National University of Science and Technology. Bulawayo. 20-21 June 2019
- Dube, S P; Waghid, Y (Supervisor); Luzane, T. Examining Relations between Educational Policy and Higher Education Students’ Access into the Industry in Zimbabwe Research Day, Research and Innovation Office, National University of Science and Technology. Bulawayo. 20-21 June 2019
- Dube T; Dube, S P. At Risk Populations: University Students Mental Health and Special Populations Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention, NUST Ceremonial Hall, Bulawayo. 30-31 January 2020
- Dube, S P; Waghid, Y; Dube T, Decoloniality and Democratic Citizenship Education International Annual Conference, United Kingdom Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) – Virtual presentation. 2 July 2020
- Dube, S P. Attended as Organizing Secretary for Stellenbosch University Postdoctoral Executive Committee Member Virtual Postdoctoral Research Summit. 29-30 October 2020
- Dube, T; Dube, S P; Mawere, N Extending a welcome to at-risk populations - A case study of higher education institutions in Zimbabwe. Theme: University students’ mental health and special populations. International Annual Conference, United Kingdom Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) – Virtual presentation 17-21 May 2021
- Dube, T; Dube, S P; Mawere, N Extending a welcome to at-risk populations - A case study of higher education institutions in Zimbabwe. Theme: University students’ mental health and special populations. (ICSCH) The Society for Academic Research, 29-30 June 2023, Hotel Courtyard by Marriott, 475 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4Y 1X7, Canada. 29-30 June 2023
- Dube, S. P.; Moyana, T.; Chamisa, J. A.; Gandawa, P. Impact of the Inculturation of Gender Based Violence (GBV) on Mitigation Strategies: Violence against Women in State Universities, Zimbabwe. Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future: O3 PLUS conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Comprehensive Sexuality Education Conference (15-16 November 2023), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). 15-16 November 2023
- Mantula, F.; Ndebele, R. & Dube, S. P. Exploring drug abuse and gender-based violence at the National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe. Our rights, Our lives, Our future: O3 PLUS 2nd International Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Comprehensive Sexuality Education Conference - THEME: Nexus between Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). 22-23 April 2024
Community Service/Engagement
- Attended and participated at an International Conference on ‘Health and Environmental Issues’ hosted by the University of Zimbabwe Religious Studies, Classics and Philosophy Department-1991.
- Cambridge ‘O’ Level Marker for Examinations since 1988 and appointed into the position of a Team Leader in 1994.
- Resource person for Religious Studies Panel Discussions for Matabeleland South region January 1989-April 1990 and Scripture Union Adult Advisor 1986-2006, 2009 to date lead a congregation of Christian believers.
- Attended and participated in a training course for the AIDS program in secondary schools – in June 1995 and for colleges in 1999 and now participate in counseling sessions for individuals and/or groups.
- An Organizing Secretary for the Public Health Research Team at NUST from January 2008 to October 2009.
- A member of the United College of Education Research Committee responsible for organizing and participating in college workshops for students, teachers, and lecturers from 1998-2007, and also a member of the United College of Education Library Committee (1998-2006).
- Secretary to Strategic Planning Meetings at NUST 2010-2015 and participated in the 2015-2020 and 2019-2023 NUST five-year strategic plans and also participated in a Strategic Planning workshop organized by Elangeni Training Centre, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe that formulated a five-year strategic plan for United College of Education from June 2006.
- Hosted international students (Study Abroad students on homestays at my house). The students were on an international study in Grassroots Development & NGO Management. (1997 to 2000).
Contact Details:
Courses being Taught
Sociology and Psychology for Health
Education including Awards and Honours:
Ph.D. in Psychology, MSc in Community Psychology, BSc Honours Psychology, Diploma in Education, Diploma In French Studies A1,
Work History (Public/Private Sectors)
- Full-time Lecturer, National University of Science and Technology, January 2022- Present
- Full-time lecturer, Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences, July 2021-December 2021
- Full-time Lecturer, Police Staff College, January 2019-July 2021
- Police Detective, Criminal Investigation Department, January 2010- January 2019
International Work Experience
- N/A
Membership in Professional Organizations
- Allied Health Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe
Research Interests
- Community Psychology
- Health psychology
- Forensic Psychology
Research Groups/Consortia: N/A
Publications, Research Projects, Exhibitions, Conferences.
- Tshababa, M., Chireshe, R., Mutambara, J. (2023). The Nexus Between Personal Life Events of Medical Students and Distress: A Case of Two Newly Established Medical Schools In Zimbabwe: Oikos: The Ezekiel Guti University Bullen of Ecology, Science, Technology, Agriculture, Food Systems Review and Advancement, 2(1&2), 43-60
- Tshababa, M., Songo, S., Senderayi, P., Nyati, C., Mutanana, N., Mawere, N., Luzane, T.L., Dube, S.P. & Mutambara, J. (2022). Towards a Biopsychosocial Approach to Medical Education and Practice in Zimbabwe: The Pros and Cons: Zimbabwe Journal of Health Sciences, 2(1), 165-178
- Basera, V., Sakadzo, N., Denhere, P., Kuranga, C., Tshababa, M., Chisiri, B., Siziba, S., & Gurira, R. (2022). Implications of Covid 19 in Zimbabwe: An Expert Analysis: Zimbabwe Journal of Health Sciences, 2(1), 25-48
- Ngwenya, T., Tshababa, M., Chijoko, E. M, Tshuma, E., Makaza, S. (2022). Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for improving policing in Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Journal of Psychology (1) (1), 18-38
- Mutanana, N., Senderayi, P., Tshababa, M. (2022). The Construction of Male Sexual Assault: Lived Experiences of Zimbabwean Men: Zimbabwe Journal of Psychology (1) (1) 84-104
- Senderayi, P., & Tshababa, M. (2021). Personality and Coping Strategies Associated with Job Stress among Zimbabwean Teachers’ College Lecturers. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 33(1&2), 128-148.
- Chijoko Edmore M., Tshababa, M., Jagada, C., Tshuma, E., Singende, M., Ngwenya, T., & Musavengana, C. (2020). Roles of Police in Conflict Management: A Critical Review of Literature. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 4(11), 288-294.
- Tshababa, M. (2020). Role of Psychology in Crime Investigation and Expediting Justice: A review. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 4(9), 621-624.
- Nyathi, C., Senderayi, P., Tshababa, M., & Mutanana, N. (2020). Responsibilities of Nurses in the Management of Admitted Patients with HIV and AIDS-Related Illnesses. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 4 (8), 636 - 646
- Mutanana, N., Tshababa, M., Senderayi, P., & Nyathi, C. (2020). Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Theories and Models Influencing Epilepsy Management. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 4(9), 599-603
- Tshababa, M., Mutanana, N., & Senderayi, P. (2019). Stress and Coping among Police Officers: An Integrated Review of Literature. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 5(5), 159-164
- Senderayi, P., Tshababa, M., Mutanana, N., & Nyathi, C. (2019). Big Five Personality Traits and Job Burnout: Testing a Collectivistic Teachers’ College Lecturer Sample. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 3(10), 499-507.
Community Service/Engagement
- Career guidance and counseling member
Temporary Full-Time Lecture
Contact Details
Courses being Taught
Health Policy
Communication Skills
Education including Awards and Honours
- Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health - University of KwaZulu-Natal (July 2018 - April 2019)
- Master of Philosophy in Public Health - University of KwaZulu-Natal (July 2016 - April 2018)
- Bachelor of Sciences (Hon) Degree in Publishing Studies - National University of Science and Technology (Sep 2010 - Nov 2014)
- Certificate: Tech for Good: The Role of ICT in Achieving the SDGs – SDGAcademyX online (2020)
Work History (Public/Private Sectors)
- UKZN (Aug 2019- Aug 2022) – Post-doctoral research fellowship
- MAMBO PRESS (Jan 2013 – Aug 2013) and (Aug 2015- Mar 2016) - Internship
International Work Experience: N/A
Membership of Professional Organizations: N/A
Research Interests
- Neglected Tropical Diseases
- One Health
- Adolescent Mental health
- Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health
Research Groups/Consortia
- KwaZulu-Natal Ecohealth Program – South Africa
- Research Xcellas - Botswana
- ZARD (Zano Research and Development) – South Africa
Publications, Research Projects, Exhibitions, Conferences, etc.
- Mulungu, C., Mindu, T., & Mulungu, K. (2024). Effectiveness of online counseling during COVID-19 in Zambia. A client and therapist's perspective. BMC psychology, 12(1), 132.
- Mindu T, Mutero IT, Ngcobo WB, Musesengwa R, Chimbari MJ. (2023). Digital mental health interventions for young people in rural South Africa: prospects and challenges for implementation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
- Hadebe, I, M., Manyangadze, T., Kalinda, C., Mindu, T., Chimbari, M, J. (2023). Infection rates of Fasciola Intermediate Host snail species and their in Africa: A systematic review. Tropical Medicine.
- Dube, A., Kalinda, C., Manyangadze, T., Mindu, T., & Chimbari, M. J. (2023). Effects of temperature on the life history traits of intermediate host snails of fascioliasis: A systematic review. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17(12), e0011812.
- Chanhanga, N., Mindu, T., Mogaka, J., & Chimbari, M. (2023). The Impact of Targeted Treatment and Mass Drug Administration Delivery Strategies on the Prevalence and Intensity of Schistosomiasis in School-Aged Children in Africa: A Systematic Review. Infection and Drug Resistance, 2453-2466.
- Mutero, I. T., Mindu, T., Cele, W., Manyangadze, T., & Chimbari, M. J. (2022). Engaging youth in stakeholder analysis for developing community‐based digital innovations for the mental health of young people in the Ingwavuma community, in KwaZulu‐Natal Province, South Africa. Health & Social Care in the Community.
- Tseole NP, Mindu T, Kalinda C, Chimbari MJ. (2022). Barriers and facilitators to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) practices in Southern Africa: A scoping review. PloS one.
- Mindu, T., Chimbari M. (2021). The factors affecting uptake of schistosomiasis research findings and recommended methods for dissemination of findings in Ingwavuma area, uMkhanyakude district, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Journal of Public Health in Africa.
- Mindu, T., Chimbari M.J., Kabuyaya M. (2020). Edutainment and infographics for Schistosomiasis health education in Ndumo area, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. Cogent Medicine.
- Kalinda, C., Mindu, T., & Chimbari, M. J. (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis quantifying schistosomiasis infection burden in pre-school aged children (PreSAC) in sub-Saharan Africa for the period 2000–2020. PLoS One, 15(12), e0244695.
- Mindu T, Chimbari MJ, Gunda R. (2018). A review of methodologies for research uptake in eco-health projects conducted in rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Communicare: Journal for Communication Sciences in Southern Africa.
Community Service/Engagement: N/A
Contact Details
Courses being Taught
Communication Skills, Global Health
Education including Awards and Honours
PhD in International Health (LMU, University of Munich); MSc in Public Health (University of London); MA in Language & Communication (University of Zimbabwe); BA in Linguistics (University of Zimbabwe)
Work History (Public/Private Sectors)
Josephine has more than 10 years of experience in research, consultancy, and lectureship. She has worked with organizations such as Devsol Consulting, Levin Sources, IMPACT, Conservation International Guyana, EDA/EPRM, World Bank-Delve, ZELA, and AIHA.
International Work Experience
Josephine is currently working on a project on the reduction of exposure to dust and the prevention of TB (AIHA Micro-grant) in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Uganda. She has been actively involved in Planet Gold Risk Assessment and Responsible Mining Standards in Guyana, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Josephine had the opportunity to conduct surveys and training in Small-Scale Mining in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi Zambia, and Mongolia.
Membership in Professional Organizations
Member: International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) June 2020-current
Co-Chair: Mining Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 2021 to Current
Member: Occupational Safety and Health Africa: 2020 to Current
Member: Uganda National Association of Community Occupational Health 2017 to Current
Research Interests
Occupational Health Safety: Preventive Efforts Against Dust Exposure and TB in the Informal Sector; Human Behavior and Occupational Health &Safety in the Informal Sector; Occupational Health & Climate Change; Green Energy Transition and Enhancement of Health & Safety in Green Minerals in Artisanal & Small-Scale Mining (ASM); HIV & TB Prevention in Workplaces in the Informal Sectors such as ASM. Workplace Stress and Mental Health in the Informal Sector
Research Groups/Consortia: NA
Publications, Research Projects, Exhibitions, Conferences, etc.
Conference Presentations
- The 34TH Congress on Occupational Health (ICOH) 2034 International Congress 28 April -03 May 2024 Palais des Congrès - Marrakesh – Morocco ‘Enhancement of Protective Workplace Practices Among Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Miners in Zimbabwe’
- The 11th International Conference on Children’s Conference on Children’s Health and the Environment, 27-28 October 2023, Tashkent, Uzbekistan – Virtual ‘Gendered Workplace Exposures and Factors Affecting Women & Children in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) in Zimbabwe’
- The 18th Joint Annual Scientific Health Conference (JASHC) September 20th – 22nd 2023 ‘Risk Mitigation Among Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Miners in Zimbabwe’
- 2023, Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda
- Responsible Mining Conference, Panelist presentation “Improving Awareness of Health and Environmental Issues Related to Women” Responsible Gold Mining Conference January 18-20, 2023 Atlantic Conference Center, Pegasus Suites & Corporate Center, Guyana-Virtual – Pre-Recorded Session ‘Improving awareness of health and environmental issues related to women’
- The 3rd MinOSH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE JASH/MINOSH Conference 22 September 2022 SEPTEMBER 21st-23, 2022 Speke Resort- Munyonyo, Kampala ’Accidents, Injuries and Safety Among Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Miners in Zimbabwe
- The 15th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP). 25th-29th July 2022 Virtual Pre-Recorded Session ‘Hazards and Control Measures Among Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Miners in Zimbabwe’
- The 10th International Conference on Children’s Health and the Environment – Virtual Pre-Recorded Session. November 2020 ‘Health Impacts of Mercury Among Children and Adolescences in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Communities’
- Covid-19 and the Far-reaching Effects Among Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Miners in Zimbabwe
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Women in ASM
- Four Covid-19 Impacts in ASM in Uganda and Policy Recommendations to Address Them
- COVID-19 Impacts on Artisanal Gold Mining Communities in Zimbabwe
- Moyo D, Singo J, Bashwira M, Akilimali M, Mutemeri N, Tekinbas E, Langlois M, Ponnan N “Account for Gendered Differences in Occupational Health and Safety Efforts at Mine Sites’ in World Bank (2023) 2023 State of the Art in Artisanal and Small-Scale-Mining pp105-118
- Singo J, Isunju JB, Moyo D, Steckling-Muschack N, Bose-O’Reilly S, Mamuse A. (2022) Hazards and control measures among artisanal and small-scale gold miners in Zimbabwe. Annals of Global Health. 2022;88(1). DOI: https://doi. org/10.5334/aogh.3621
- Singo J, Isunju JB, Moyo D, Bose-O’Reilly S, Steckling-Muschack N, Mamuse A. (2022) Accidents, injuries, and safety among artisanal and small-scale gold miners in Zimbabwe. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2022;19(14):8663.
- Singo J, Moyo D, Isunju JB, Bose-O’Reilly S, Steckling-Muschack N, Becker J, et al. (2022) Health and safety risk mitigation among artisanal and small-scale gold miners in Zimbabwe. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2022;19(21):14352. ijerph192114352
- Becker J, Furu P, Singo J, Shoko D, Elbel J, Bose-O'Reilly S, et al. (2022) Determinants of health and health need assessment of artisanal and small-scale gold miners in Kadoma, Zimbabwe: a mixed method approach. Environmental Research. 2021:111081.
- Becker J, Bose-O’Reilly S, Shoko D, Singo J, Steckling-Muschack N. (2020) Comparing the self-reported health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of artisanal and small-scale gold miners and the urban population in Zimbabwe using the EuroQol (EQ-5D-3L+ C) questionnaire: a cross-sectional study. Health and quality of life outcomes. 2020 Dec;18(1):1-3. DOI: 10.1186/s12955-020-01475-0
- Singo J, Chapanga E. (2017) The classification of Shona nouns into common and proper nouns. NAWA Journal of Language & Communication. 2017 Dec 1;11(2).
- Singo J. (2014) Code-switching in doctor-patient communication. NAWA Journal of Language & Communication. 2014 Jun 1;8(1)
Contact details
Courses being taught
- Communication skills(8 hours – part 1
- Interviewing Skills
- Informed Consent
- Perceptions and interpretations of risk and vulnerability, subcultures e.g. student population
- Risks attendant at different developmental stages and how to deal with these
- Behavioral Socio-cultural economic issues in health care seeking
- Mental Health Promotions in Zimbabwe and other African Countries-stigma
- Confidentiality
- Competence
- Challenges in professionalism
- Systems theory
- Social accountability and Responsibility,
Education including Awards and Honours
PhD Cand. (UNILUS),
HEALZ (UZ-Colorado),
MPH (Loma Linda, USA),
Dip Edu (UNZA, Lusaka Zambia)
An Examination of the Stakeholder Involvement as a Democratic Effort to Link University Education to Industry Expectations – A Case of Zimbabwe. Sithobile Priscilla Dube, Yusef Waghid, Tomson Dube, Timothy Luzane.
Skills include
1 - Classroom Organisation and Management
2 - Curriculum Development
3 - Lesson Planning and Delivery (48 years of experience by God’s Grace)
4 - Module Development
5 - Health Policy and Leadership
6 - Health Governance
7 - Academic Research
8 - Student counselling
9 - Online Teaching and Learning
10 - Team Building
11 - Inter-Cultural and Community Engagement
12 - Strategic Planning
13 - Time Management
14 - Leadership and Management
15 - Languages: English, French, Ndebele, Shona, and 11 regional, and international Languages
Interests and Hobbies
1 - Reading generally and engaging with people variously to uplift and give them hope to achieve
2 - Family and Community Responsibilities
3 - Fitness Sport and empowering people according to perceived needs, especially the youth
4 - Sharing the gospel and Community service
Full-Time Temporary Lecturer
Contact Details
Courses being Taught
Programme Coordinator – BSc Physiotherapy (Hons)
Education including Awards and Honours
- PhD Physiotherapy (Year 3), University of Cape Town, South Africa
- MSc Physiotherapy (With Distinction), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (2020-2021)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Paediatric Physiotherapy, University of Cape Town, South Africa (2018)
- Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Physiotherapy, University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Medicine, Rehabilitation Department (2007-2011)
Work History (Public/Private Sectors)
- Paediatric Physiotherapist, United Bulawayo Hospitals, Zimbabwe (November 2012 to date)
- Paediatric Physiotherapist, Director and Head of Paediatric Department and Director, Madzimbe & Tsiga Physiotherapy Clinic (July 2017 to date)
International Work Experience
Attaché at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa (2018)
Membership in Professional Organizations
- Member, Zimbabwe Physiotherapy Association (ZPA) – 2011 to date
- Member, International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP)
- Associate Member, International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS) – 2018 to date
- African Paediatric Fellowship Programme (APFP) Past Fellow – 2018 to date
- Member, American Academy of Paediatrics – 2022 to date
Research Interests
- Developmental Delay in Children
- Public Health Interventions
- Paediatric Physiotherapy Research focusing on Oncology and Neuro-development
Research Groups/Consortia
- At Risk Surveillance System (ARSS) Research Group
Publications, Research Projects, Exhibitions, Conferences, etc.
- Madzimbe, P. and Potterton, J. (2023). Prevalence of developmental delay and associated risk factors among At Risk Surveillance System (ARSS) children at United Bulawayo Hospitals, Zimbabwe. Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research, 4(2).
- Madzimbe, P. (2022). Pediatric Physiotherapy: Patient Assessment in the African Context. Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
- Madzimbe, P. (2020). Ura Mapako. Chimanimani, Zimbabwe: Dzekanyi Publications.
Represented Zimbabwe internationally at various conferences and workshops:
- Physiotherapy Summer School – Portugal, September 2018
- International Society of Paediatric Oncology Africa Conference – Uganda, March 2022
- South African Society of Physiotherapy Congress – Stellenbosch, South Africa, September 2022
- World Physiotherapy Congress – Dubai, United Arab Emirates, June 2023
- International Society of Paediatric Oncology Research Meeting – Turin, Italy
Community Service/Engagement
- Presents disability and health-related educational talks on Skyz Metro radio on selected Wednesdays
- Provides health education workshops at United Baptist Church, Bulawayo District on selected Sundays
- Father advisor – United Baptist Church, Bulawayo District