International Archives Week 6-10 June 2022

International Archives Week 6-10 June 2022

Venue: Delta Lecture Theatre

Date: Wednesday 8 June 2022

Google Meet Link:



As the premier science and technology university in Zimbabwe, the National University of Science and Technology is thrilled to host and participate in the International Council on Archives (ICA) Week 2022 by commemorating 30 Years of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme in Bulawayo.The University plans to host a one-day commemoration event at its iconic Ceremonial Hall where distinguished scholars and internationally recognised speakers will deliver key presentations on the importance of bridging the gap between archives and the society for which these collections ultimately are purposed to serve. The theme of the ICA Week 2022 is #ArchivesAreYou. This ICA Week 2022 presents a public engagement opportunity to share and promote the undeniable connection and bridge archives have between the documentary heritage of a nation and its national memory, national culture and collective identity. As a University this ICA Week on #ArchivesAreYou will showcase the UNESCO theme at the event on Enlisting Documentary Heritage to Promote Inclusive, Just and Peaceful Societies.  This event will be an outstanding platform to promote public interest and awareness of the successful registration of historical records, the Les registers of Nehanda and Kaguvi, to the UNESCO Memory of the World collection of International registers in 2015. 

The ICA Week 2022 event will host amongst its significant scholars in attendance, representation from the UNESCO Zimbabwe Secretariat, senior staff from the National Archives of Zimbabwe and its parent Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage, the Ministry of Sport Arts and Culture, leading oral historians on culture and heritage, practising and professional archivists, the student cohorts from undergraduate to postgraduate levels within the Faculty of Communication and Information Science. The event will also welcome in attendance interdisciplinary students from the other six Faculties. The extent of the event seeks to attract representatives also from other state universities with a focus, research thrust and interest on archives, information and culture.

  Objectives of Workshop

Borrowing from the ICA objectives, this International Archives Day seeks to:  

  • raise public awareness of the importance of records and archives;
  • raise awareness among senior decision-makers of the benefits of records management for good governance and development;
  • improve the public, private and public sectors' understanding of the necessity of long-term archival preservation and access;
  • showcase the unique, extraordinary, and rare documents preserved in archival institutions; and
  • advance the image of records and archives to enhance their visibility university-wide, nationally and globally.  

Topics to be covered include:

  • Background to the international Archives Week
  • Memory of the world and liberation archives
  • Migrated archives and solidarity in the archival space
  • What it means to be an archivist and what archival records truly reflect
  • Documentation of marginalised communities in Zimbabwe
  • Areas of interest to universities and archives in the preservation of corporate memory
  • Expectations of archives in the realisation of national plans
  • Archival developments in the region – where are we


Expected Outcomes

It is hoped that participants will draw lessons from the workshop and incorporate the necessary strategies into their organisations.  Participants who are from NUST will develop an appreciation of the value of archives, value of liberation archives and be able to share important experiences to enable cooperation and collaboration in managing university records and archives. Students will develop confidence in their degree programmes. 


We have facilitators from UNESCO, Botswana and the National Archives of Zimbabwe assisted by the Records and Archives Management Lecturers.


The National University of Science and Technology looks forward to this exciting day and the participation of UNESCO in commemorating the International Council on Archives Week 2022 #ArchivesAreYou.  Log in on the following link:- Video call link: 

Contact Information

For more information, kindly contact

Prof. P. Dewah, Chairperson Department of Records and Archives Management, NUST

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.







08:00- 08:20am

Arrival Registration

Ms H Dube


National Anthem

All present

08:30- 08:40am


Mr B Ngwenya: NUST Registrar

8:40- 08:50am

Welcome Remarks

Prof M.Dlodlo: VC NUST



Mr Phatisa Nyathi


Unpacking the International Archives Week Theme- Archives Are You.

Dr S. Chabikwa: Dean, Faculty (CIS)


What it means to be an archivist and what archival records truly reflect.

Mrs NLS Makoni (RAM Lecturer)



Management of university corporate memory

Ms Thandolwenkosi Nyathi


The Memory of the world programme and its contribution to the liberation movement

UNESCO Representative

10:15am- 10:30

Archiving marginalised and the underrepresented communities in the national institutional archives

Prof NM Mnjama (University of Botswana)

TEA BREAK            10:30-11:00


Archival developments in the region: where from and where are we going? Any reason to celebrate?

Dr S Keakopa (Gvt EDRMS Advisor-Malawi)


Memory and archives, silences and absences in the archives

Dr M Masuku (NUST PostDoc)


Digital archiving for corporate memory preservation  

Dr O Wutete (NUST RAM Lecturer)

11:50- 11:55am

NAZ as custodial authority of national documentary heritage


National Archives of Zimbabwe (NAZ) Director


Summary of presentations

By Chief Rapporteur

Ms H. Ndlovu (RAM Lecturer)


Vote of Thanks

Prof Y Naik (Pro VC Academic and Research)


Group Photo

NUST media

1240-1300 HRS

Networking and Dismiss


1300 hrs                                          LUNCH                                                                        

                                                    END OF PROCEEDINGS, THANK YOU!