Pro-Vice-Chancellor: Innovation and Business Development


Prof. William Msekiwa Goriwondo

Prof. William Msekiwa Goriwondo is a registered Professional Engineer with an MSc. degree in Manufacturing Systems & Operations Management as well as a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration. He has a proven track record of technical, engineering, operational and strategic leadership, spanning all the way from year 1997, in industry, academia and consultancy. He started his working career in 1997 as Graduate Engineer at BP and Shell Marketing Services before being promoted to become Plant Engineer. Dr Goriwondo then proceeded to be promoted to positions in Continuous Improvement Management, Health Safety and Environmental Management and finally became the Engineering Services Manager for the BP and Shell Marketing Services and Castrol Zimbabwe.

In 2004, he then joined Turnall Fibre Cement as Production Manager where he was responsible for the Sheeting Plant as well as the Pipe Plant. Dr Goriwondo left industry in 2006 to join academia at the National University of Science and Technology in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. He worked as the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), a Senior Lecturer, Researcher and an Engineering & Management Consultant.

He is Member of the Institute of Directors Zimbabwe (IoDZ), Fellow and Board member of the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE). Dr Goriwondo is a researcher with over 25 peer-reviewed publications (Google Scholar h-index of 6) as well as several other technical newspaper articles. He has won prestigious national and International awards such as the K.G Stevens Awards and the Global Engineering Education Award for his work on Project Management and Engineering Education respectively. He has recently been appointed to the ZISCOSTEEL Advisory Committee on technical issues.

In May 2021, Dr Goriwondo was appointed Pro Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Business Development. In his tenure, he intends to harness technologies as provided for by Industry 4.0 (Forth Industrial Revolution) in Education 5.0. He aspires to see NUST as the Centre of Excellence in provision of Innovative Solutions.
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree in Business Administration : Thesis title, “Framework for World Class Manufacturing principle(s) implementation in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe”. (NUST, 2017)
  • Master of Science Degree : Manufacturing Systems & Operations Management (University of Zimbabwe, 2003)
  • Bachelor of Engineering Degree : Industrial Engineering (Honours.) (NUST, 1997)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (NUST, 2014)
  • ZISCOSTEEL - Advisory Board Member - Technical (2021 - current)
  • National Built Environment Professionals (BEP) Covid 19 Facility Working Group - Committee Member (Aug 2020 - Current)
  • Ekusileni Research and Teaching Specialist Project Committee - Project Team Member (Jul 2020 - Current)
  • Waternet / WARFSA/GWP SSA 2020 Symposium. - Local Organising Committee Chairperson (Jan 2020 - Current)
  • Ecohealth 2020 Biennial Conference - Durban. - Steering Committee Member (June 2019 - Current)
  • Higher Education Partnership in Sub-Saharan Africa (HEP SSA) project as spoke of the University of Zimbabwe -  Project Steering Committee Member (2020 - 2021)
  • Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI)- Research and Development Committee Member (May 2019 – Current)
  • Youth Chamber of Commerce - Trustee (February 2018 - Current)
  • Bulawayo Leather Cluster - Advisory Board Member  (May 2018 – 2020)
  • Institute of Directors Zimbabwe (IoDZ)- Member (March 2018 – Current)
  • NUST Executive Management. - Management team member (Jan 2018 - Current)
  • Chinhoyi University of Technology - External Examiner (MSc in Project Management)
  • University of Johannesburg - External Examiner (MTech in Operations Management)
  • Tswane University of Technology. - External Examiner (MTech in Operations Management)
  • NUST Technopark- Board Member (Jan 2018 – Dec 2019)
  • Synergia Engineers (Pvt) LTD - Board Chairperson (Jan 2020 - Current)
  • Special Economic Zones (SEZ) – Bulawayo - Technical Working Group on Bulawayo SEZ.
  • Zimbabwe Coalition on Climate Change (ZCCC) - Technical Team Member (2017 – Current)
  • Research Council of Zimbabwe – Technical Working Group:Knowledge Exploitation – Committee Member (2017/8)
  • International Network on Appropriate Technology (INAT) - Committee Member (2016 – Current)
  • World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO) - Zimbabwe Representative on the Standing Technical Committee (STC) on Engineering and the Environment
  • National Engineering Students Awards Competition(NESAC) - Committee Member (2013 – 2018)
  • NESAC Projects Commercialisation Sub-committee - Chairperson (2013 – 2017)
  • Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE)- Fellow and Board Member (2013 – Current)
  • Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE)- Chairperson: Matabeleland Area (2014 - 2018)
  • Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE)- Vice Chairperson: Matabeleland Area (2013/14)
  • NUST Research Board- Board Member (2010 – 2017)
  • Southern Africa Climate Change Network (SACCNET)- Member (From 2010 - 2014)
  • Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology (ZJST)- Editorial Board Member (From 2011 - 2015)

National University of Science and Technology (NUST):2006 – Current 

Joined NUST in 2006 as a Lecturer, promoted to Senior Lecturer and then to Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in 2018. 

Executive Dean (Jan 2018 – 2021)

Responsible to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the teaching, research, administration and other duties and responsibilities in the Faculty. Provide academic and strategic leadership, playing an active role in organizing and managing the implementation of academic initiatives in the Faculty. Serve as the Executive officer of the Faculty in the implementation of Faculty Policy 

Selected Major Achievements

  • Development and commercialisation of the Hypochlorous Acid project and its associated by-products as the Project team leader involving NUST multidisciplinary teams and Innovation for Africa researchers and industrialists. Formed a spin-off company being incubated under the NUST Innovation Hub.
  • Successful completion of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE-UK) project on “Enhancing Engineering Education in Sub-Saharan Africa” which was funded to the tune of £200,000, followed by a Sustainability Grant of £10,000 for Enhancing Engineering Partnerships in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Initiated and conducted the annual NUST Engineering EXPO for industry-academia engagement
  • Keynote speech during launch of the Science, Technology and Engineering (STEM) initiative in Zimbabwe
  • Recognised by the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Society and received the Global Engineering Education Award In recognition and appreciation of Lifelong Outstanding Teaching and Dedication to Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (Received in Pretoria, South Africa).
  • Successfully applied for funding from various institutions and received grants and consultancy revenue to NUST and recognised by the University and received an Award from NUST.
  • Authored and published over 25 papers in peer-reviewed journal papers and conference proceedings with a current h-Index of 6 on Google scholar. Have been recognised and invited to present papers and keynote speeches at various events (Nationally and Internationally).
  • Engaged as External Examiner for Master of Technology degree programme candidates at University of Johannesburg and Tswane University of Technology (TUT) as well as Chinhoyi University of Technology.
  • Organised and successfully hosted three International conferences as Team leader as well as Organising Secretary. All the conferences made profits that accrued to NUST.
  • Motivated and facilitated professional registration of colleagues in the Faculty of Engineering to the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE) and the Engineering Council of Zimbabwe (ECZ).
  • Organised and initiated participation of NUST Faculty of Engineering in the National Engineering Students Awards Competition (NESAC), a platform where projects with potential for improvement and commercialisation are identified.
  • Selected on as the NUST representative on the EDULINK project and conducted training on Research Methodology for participants in Zimbabwe, Botswana and Sudan.


Turnall Fibre Cement (Pvt) LTD:2004 – 2005

Production Manager

Reporting to the Technical Director. Leading Production Team in optimising resource utilisation (Labour, Equipment and Materials). Chairing the Monthly Operations meeting to review performance of the Supply Chain and mapping the way forward. Custodian of the organisation’s Aggregate Production Plan. Preparing Revex and CAPEX budgets and controlling expenditure of the department. Maintenance of ISO management systems of ISO9001, ISO14001 and OSHAS18000. Operations Management of the value addition chain in the organisation.

Deliverables : Effective co-ordination of the Value Adding Chain to meet customer demands with quality product at optimum production cost. 

Selected Major Achievements

  • Maintained the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management system
  • Upholding of the ISO9001 and the ISO 14001 Quality and Environmental Management Systems respectively.
  • Executed production of the full order for the National Agricultural irrigation pipes project
  • Investigated product quality emanating from processes and reduced percentage of pipe bursts during product testing.
  • Key player in the organisation’s strategic plan
  • Participated in the successful Aggregate planning sessions
  • Spearheading lean manufacturing principles


BP and Shell Marketing Services (Pvt) LTD : 1997 -2003

 Joined BP and Shell Marketing Services as Graduate Trainee Engineer, appointed Plant Engineer and rose through the ranks, holding management positions. Worked as Health, Safety, Environment and Security (HSES) Manager, the Continuous Improvement Manager before being appointed Engineering Services Manager.

 As Engineering Services Manager, was reporting to the Asset and Logistics Manager. Leading the engineering services team on infrastructure development and maintenance. Managing and coordinating activities of outside contractors on engineering projects. Conducting Project Management and Maintenance Management in liaison with Retail and Commercial customers. Revex and CAPEX budgetary control

 Deliverables : Improved equipment availability and reduced life cycle cost. Projects completion within budgeted time frames and cost.

Selected Major Achievements

  • Was commissioned as the responsible person for BP and Shell in accordance with the Factories and Works Act.
  • Reconstruction and rebranding of over 20 retail sites (BP sites) throughout Zimbabwe as the Project Engineer
  • Designed and Managed installations of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) infrastructure at customer sites.
  • Successful implementation of an integrated Quality and Environmental Management Systems resulting in certification to both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as the Project Team Leader.
  • Team leader for the successful rollover during the Y2K Millennium bug projecComplete decommissioning and disposal of a used oil refining plant
  • Outstanding Service Award in 2020 by the IEOM Society International in recognition and appreciation of serving as a Member of the Conference Organising Committee at the 2nd African IEOM International Conference and Outstanding service and support in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management profession.
  • G. Stevens Award in 2019 by the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE), in Recognition for Presentation of a paper of high standard by a corporate member: Presentation titled, Project Management Principles with MS Project.
  • Global Engineering Education Award in 2018 by the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Society, In recognition and appreciation of Lifelong Outstanding Teaching and Dedication to Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (Received in Pretoria, South Africa).
  • National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Special Award (2013) in appreciation of sourcing external grants to the University

Peer Reviewed Journal and Conference Paper Articles

  1. Norman Gwangwava*, Taboka Motlhabane, Richard Addo-Tenkorang, Enoch N. Ogunmuyiwa, Albert U. Ude and William Msekiwa Goriwondo, (2018), Root Cause Analysis for Fuel Losses in Bulk Oil Storage Tanks, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Pretoria / Johannesburg, South Africa, October 29 – November 1, 2018. p 333-345.
  2. Gwangwava N, Sarema B, Mhlanga S and Goriwondo WM., (2018), Manufacturing Information and Database Systems Adoption and Usage Trends in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 13, pp.1-11.
  3. Mapasure T and Goriwondo WM, (2016), Design of a self-sustaining biogas and bio-fertilizer producing plant that uses rumen injesta and manure as raw materials for Zimbabwean abattoirs, 7th International Conference on Appropriate Technology
  4. Sarema B, Goriwondo WM, Mhlanga S and Zimwara D, (2015), Scrap Metal Supply Chain Modelling For Economic And Environmental Sustainability In Zimbabwe Using The Case For Bulawayo Metal Industries, 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Processes, Systems and Operations Management, pp 41-52, 24th – 25th March 2015, Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, ISBN 978-0-7974-9536-4.
  5. Goriwondo WM and Madzivire AB (2015), Framework Towards Successful Implementation of World Class Manufacturing Principe(s). A Multiple Case Study of the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 10, pp 163-175.
  6. Mhlanga S, Msipa CM, Chikowore TR, Mbohwa C, Gwangwava N and Goriwondo WM, (2014), Assessment Of Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation in Zimbabwean Companies and Readiness Tool Towards a Strategic Success Framework, Proceedings of the 26th Southern African Institute of Industrial Engineers (SAIIE26) Annual Conference, 14th – 16th June 2014, Muldersdrift, South Africa.
  7. Sibanda V, Mhlanga S, Mbohwa C, Pretorius Jan-Harm and Goriwondo WM, C, (2014), Freight Traffic Planning and Rolling Stock Scheduling Management Tool, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE'2013) , 27-28 Nov 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa. Mhlanga S, Goriwondo WM and Tapedzisa C, (2013), Cleaner Production Techniques for Mitigation of Tannery Waste: Case Study ABC, Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN:2306-5893, Volume 1, No. 2, pp 31-47.
  8. Goriwondo WM, Sarema B and Mhlanga S, (2014), Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering’s role in Industrial and Economic Revival, Congress Proceedings of The Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers, 25 - 28 September 2013, Great Zimbabwe Hotel, pp. 104-111.
  9. Gwangwava N, Mhlanga S and Goriwondo WM (2013), Implementation of a Computerized Balanced Scorecard (BSC) System in a Manufacturing Company in Zimbabwe, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume 2, Issue 6, January 2013.
  10. Goriwondo, W.M., Mhlanga, S and Mutsambwa, T., (2013), Agility for Sustainability in Zimbabwe: A Case Study for Manufacturing Companies in Bulawayo, Journal of China‐USA Business Review, Volume 12, Number 1, David Publishing Company, pp 38-51, January 2013, ISSN 1537 -1514.
  11. Zimwara D., Mbohwa, C and Goriwondo, W M., (2013), Critical Leadership skills that support the manufacturing function of an organization: A case study for Bulawayo companies, 1st International Conference on Transformational Leadership in Africa, 17-20th June 2013, Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
  12. Goriwondo William Msekiwa, Chikowore Takawira R. and Rwenhamo Tawanda, (2013), Opportunities for Renewable Energy as part of energy sustainability at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Zimbabwe, International Research Conference Proceedings, 16th -18th January 2013, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe
  13. M. Goriwondo and N. Maunga (2012), Lean Six Sigma Application for Sustainable Production: A Case Study for Margarine Production in Zimbabwe, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-1, Issue-5, October 2012, pp 87-96
  14. Goriwondo, W.M., Zimwara, D., Mhlanga, S, Mutopa, C.T., Nkomo, F, Gutu, T and Ngwena, P., (2012), Challenges Faced by Manufacturing Companies in Sustaining Conformance to ISO9001:2008 in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of a Textiles Manufacturing Company, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-1, December 2012, pp 31-37
  15. Zimwara, D., Goriwondo, W.M, Mhlanga, S., Chasara, T., Chuma, T., Gwatidzo, O. and Sarema, B (2012), World Class Manufacturing status Assessment for a Margarine Producing Company in Zimbabwe, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-1, December 2012, pp 52-57.
  16. Mandaza, M., von Leipzig, K.H. and Goriwondo W.M., (2012) Critical Analysis of Behavoural Training Method for SCOR compliant SCM, CIE42 Proceedings, 16 – 18th July 2012, Cape Town.
  17. Goriwondo, W.M, Chipambwa W and Mhlanga, S. (2012), Product Scheduling in a multi-product colour processing facility: Case Study at TN Textiles (Pvt) LTD., International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 3-6th July 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
  18. Mutingi, M., Mbohwa, C., Mhlanga, S. and Goriwondo, W.M. (2012), Integrated Cellular Manufacturing System Design: an evolutionary Algorithm approach,), International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 3-6th July 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
  19. Mushuku T N, Mhlanga S, Tayisepi N, Goriwondo, W.M, (2011), Effective Maintenance and Production Planning using Linear Programming and Simulation at NF Oil Plant, 40th Annual Operations Research Society of Southern Africa (ORSSA) Conference, 18-21 September 2011, Elephant Hills, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
  20. Goriwondo, W.M., Mhlanga S. and Kazembe, T.,( 2011), Optimizing a Production System Using tools of Total Productive Maintenance: Datlabs Pharmaceuticals as a Case Study. . Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
  21. Goriwondo, W.M., Mhlanga S. and Marecha, A. (2011), Use Of the Value Stream Mapping Tool For Waste Reduction In Manufacturing. Case Study for Bread Manufacturing in Zimbabwe. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
  22. Goriwondo, W.M., Mhlanga, S and Dewa M, T., (2010), Research and Development capacity building at Higher Academic Institutions as an innovative solution to enhance economic growth. A Case for NUST in Zimbabwe., 4th Engineers Without Borders International Conference, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 10th – 14th November 2010.
  23. Mhlanga, S., Goriwondo, W.M. and Tapedzisa, C., (2010) Cleaner Production Techniques for Mitigation of Tannery waste: Case Study of ABC, 4th Engineers Without Borders International Conference, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 10th – 14th November 2010.
  24. Goriwondo, W.M., Zimwara, D and Tayisepi, N, (2008) Using Wind Energy for Harvesting and providing sustainable safe ground water for a Rural Community in the Masendu Ward in Zimbabwe, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Appropriate Technology, Kigali, Rwanda
  25. Chikumba, S. and Goriwondo, W.M., (2006), Integrating Lean Management and Six Sigma Methodologies as a Tool for Re - industrialization,; ZIE, ECZ Engineers Without Borders Conference, Victoria


Other Conference Proceedings Publications

  1. Zimwara D, Goriwondo, W.M. and Dlodlo, M. (2012), Provision of Rural Communities with a Lease of life through ground water abstraction and management of surface stored water: A case Study of a Semi-arid District in Zimbabwe. International Conference on Water Management Issues in Africa, 29 -31 March 2012, Port Louis, Mauritius.
  2. Goriwondo, W.M, (2011), An EMS Approach to mitigation of Environmental pollution from Tannery operations utilizing proactive strategies: A case for Leather processing in Zimbabwe, Exchanging Knowledge on Climate Change Impacts and Vulnerability: The Role of Networking, The Fifth TWAS-ROSSA Young Scientists’ Conference and Award Ceremony, 26-27 February 2011, Hilton Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
  3. Zimwara D, Manhongo, T. T., Nyanga L, Goriwondo, W.M., (2011), Waste Management Through Design Of A Biogas Digester For The Production Of Biogas From Municipal Solid Waste-Case Study Of Bulawayo City, International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering and Engineering Management for Sustainable Global Development (ISEM), 21-23 September 2011, Spiers Hotel, Cape Town
  4. Goriwondo, W.M., (2010), Engineering Research On Wind Energy And Its Impact On Provision Of Safe Drinking Water To Improve The Livelihoods Of Rural Communities In Zimbabwe. Afro-Asia Conclave of Young Scientists, India, Feb 2010.
  5. Ndhlovu, P., Goriwondo,W.M., Mashingaidze, M.M., (2009), Role of value addition to mineral resources in enhancing economic growth – a Case for Zimbabwe, 4th TWAS ROSSA Young Scientists Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 2009.
  6. Goriwondo, W.M, (2008), Windmill usage analysis in Zimbabwe and efficient model design for water harvesting. 3'd TWAS ROSSA Young Scientists Conference on Renewable Energy, Nairobi,


Other Publications

Compiled and Edited by : Eng. William Msekiwa Goriwondo, Eng. Samson Mhlanga and Eng. Lameck Mugwagwa, 2015, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Processes, Systems and Operations Management (6th MPSOM) 24th – 25th March 2015, Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe,  ISBN 978-0-7974-9536-4.

Compiled and Edited by : Professor Londiwe Nkiwane, Eng. William Msekiwa Goriwondo, Dr Gwendoline V. Nani and Mr Thabani Mpofu, 2014, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Education Institutions beyond 2015: Equity and Equality. 16th – 17th September 2014, Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE. ISBN 978-0-7974-9552-4.


Articles Published in the Weekly Column on Productivity Focus in The Chronicle Newspaper

The Chronicle Daily Newspaper, Zimbabwe) (Nov 2012  – Dec 2013)

  1. The Manufacturing Sector in Zimbabwe; Issues to tackle for improved Capacity Utilisation and Sector Revival
  2. Of Quality, ISO 9001 and Global Competitiveness in Manufacturing
  3. Role of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering in the economy. A perspective from academia
  4. Value Addition Creates Wealth to Nations. Why not promote is in Zimbabwe
  5. The 2013 National Budget and the Manufacturing Sector in Zimbabwe
  6. Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs)’s critical role in the economy
  7. Important Utilities and Infrastructure in Support of Trade and Productive Capacity Utilisation
  8. Defining Productivity and the shopfloor’s involvement to attain productivity in manufacturing
  9. Requisite Managerial Skills for Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to enhance development and Business Growth
  10. Improving Productivity and Profitability through Ergonomics, Occupational Health and Safety
  11. Project Management Principles : Their importance in delivering value and high productivity within resource constraints
  12. Innovative Research and Development capacity at academic institutions not fully utilised by industry
  13. Tips on Creating a Safe working environment for enhanced Productivity
  14. Capacity and Capacity Utilisation Detailing is Critical for Business Growth
  15. Being a World Class Manufacturing (WCM) Company: An Inspiration for many organisations
  16. The Shop floor teams in manufacturing, technology and productivity improvement
  17. Lean Manufacturing, a strategy for survival to supplement DIMAF
  18. Six Sigma: A Philosophy beyond ISO 9001 in Quality Management
  19. 5S Housekeeping and its impact on Productivity
  20. Equipment Maintenance and Modern Maintenance Management Principles
  21. Transformational Leadership and Business Growth
  22. Health, Safety and Environmental Management for Productivity Improvement
  23. Problem Solving and its impact on Productivity
  24. The Engineering Council of Zimbabwe (ECZ) regulating the operations of Engineers and Engineering Technicians


The Chronicle Daily Newspaper, Zimbabwe) (January – June 2009)

  1. Small to medium enterprises in manufacturing and misconceptions
  2. Occupational health and safety management for productivity improvement
  3. Quality driven commitment to competition through ISO9001
  4. Capacity utilisation for Productive sector revival
  5. Key success factors to be considered by SMEs for business success
  6. Components for increasing productivity from the shop floor
  7. Delivering value and high productivity out of project management principles
  8. Managerial skills for SMEs and the informal sector to enhance development and business growth
  9. Ergonomics consideration at workplaces and Occupational Health and Safety Management systems
  10. Detailing Design and Effective Capacity for organisations is critical for growth
  11. Public utilities and productive capacity that matters
  12. Role of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering in the economy
  13. Innovation, Research and Development capacity at academic institutions not fully utilised by industry.

Post Graduate Projects Supervised

  1. Noah Nyemba, 2016, The minimisation of the make span for the fulfilment of customer orders for Foundry Company X by means of an integer mathematical programming scheduling model
  2. Tamsanqa Moyo, 2016, Optimisation of a Cleaning In Process (CIP) system: Case study of beverage manufacturing.
  3. Tichaona Choto, 2015, Development of a Decision Support System for Asset Maintenance. A case study for an Oxygen Gas Plant.
  4. Ignatius Chigumira, 2014, An analysis of the challenges and strategic characterising the operational dynamics of Ziscosteel’s downstream supply chain industries in the work of its non-operation. A Case Study of Kwekwe Industries.
  5. Silas Gundura, 2014, Challenges in developing manufacturing competitive strategies (MCS).A case study of manufacturing companies in Gweru.
  6. Blessed Sarema, 2014, Development of a scrap metal recycling model for economic and environmental sustainability in Zimbabwe , Case study-Bulawayo Industries
  7. Daniel Maringa, 2013, Development of a Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling System
  8. Oscar Gwatidzo, 2013, An Analysis of Cellular Lean Model to Reduce Work – In – Progress (WIP) Fluctuations in Furniture Manufacturing Industries. With special reference to Litefold Engineering (Pvt) Ltd carpentry workshop.
  9. Walter Chipambwa, 2011, Scheduling in a multi-product colour processing facility, case study -Karina (Pvt) Ltd
  10. Tariro Manhongo, 2011, Anaerobic digestion for municipal solid waste management – Case study of Bulawayo
  11. Vennan Sibanda, 2011, Freight Traffic Planning and Rolling Stock Scheduling to Meet Customer Demands in the National Railways of Zimbabwe
  12. Dudley Jura, 2010, Optimum Ore Processing Plant Location – A Case Study of a Zimbabwean Coal Mining Company
  13. Hopewell Gumbo, 2008, To develop a production line model to improve the Manufacturing Competitive Performance Objectives for the Willsgroove Division of Macdonald Bricks
  14. Simbarashe Ndemera, 2008, Enhancing company competitive performance on the global market by appropriate supply chain design.
  15. Belezela Ncube, 2008, Prognostic engineering of intelligent wayside condition monitoring technologies for railway vehicles’ condition based maintenance strategy.
  16. Rujeko Masike, 2008, Design of a model using Computer Integrated Manufacturing Technology and Artificial Neural Networks, Advanced Manufacturing Techniques to increase productivity in SMEs manufacturing companies in volatile Zimbabwean economy.


  • Strategic planning and management
  • Performance Management       
  • Budgeting and budgetary cost control
  • Leadership and Staff Management
  • Optimisation Systems
  • Team building
  • High Computer literacy
  • Management Systems implementation and Auditing
  • Communication and Assertiveness
  • Project Management
  • World Class Manufacturing (WCM) principles
  • Production and Operations Management
  • Information and Communication Technologies(ICTS)
  • Troubleshooting
  • Certificate of Attendance: NUST Induction, Corporate Governance and Leadership. (NUST, 2018)
  • Certificate of Attendance : ZIMCHE Curriculum Development and accreditation (ZIMCHE, 2018)
  • Certificate and Practicing License : Professional Engineer (Engineering Council of Zimbabwe(ECZ), 2011 with annual renewal)
  • Certificate : Research Methods and Proposal Development (University of Botswana), 2010
  • Certificate of Completion : InterAction Leadership Programme (British Council, 2009)
  • Certificate of Completion : Management Development Part I (Zimbabwe Institute of Management, 2000)
  • Certificate of Attendance : Principles of Management (BP & Shell Marketing Services (Pvt) LTD, 1998)
  • Certificate : Root Cause Analysis (International Risk Control Africa (IRCA): 2000)
  • Certificate : Fundamentals of Risk Assessments (IRCA: 2000)
  • Certificate of Competence : Trainer on Best Practices Shopfloor Modules ( Competitive Capabilities Africa, 1999)
  • Certificate : Quality Assurance Part 1 & 2 (City and Guilds :1996)