Student Health Services


The NUST Clinic caters for the welfare of all registered undergraduate students.

The clinic operates Monday to Friday from 0830hrs to 1630hrs and is closed on weekends and holidays. For emergencies, after hours a resident nurse is available to attend the patients.

A Sessional doctor attends to patients as shown in the timetable below.

Monday: 1400 - 1600

Tuesday: 1400 - 1600

Thursday: 1400 – 1600

Services at the clinic include:

  • Treatment of minor ailments such as headaches, common colds, chest infections, Period pains, diarrhoea, and eye infections.
  • Treatment of chronic illnesses such as asthma, mental problems, heart conditions and high blood pressure.
  • Contraceptives such as oral contraceptives, injectables, implants, IUCD (Loop), Condoms both male and female and emergency contraception.
  • HIV Testing and Counselling (both voluntary and provider-initiated)
  • Conducting various blood investigations such as full blood count, malaria, urine for pregnancy test
  • Provision of drugs such as antibiotics, painkillers and anti-acids
  • Treatment of Sexual Transmitted Infections.
  • Vaccinations
  • Referral for life-threatening illnesses and specialised services
  • Provision of First aid during examinations and sporting activities, away from the clinic
  • Support visits to hospitalised students


ST Johns:0789669739

City Council: 02922-71717/8/9

EMRAS: 02922-62611/62188

Transfer to UBH.

Students are reminded to have their Medical Aid Cards and Student cards on them always.

Medical Aid

All students are required to register with Maisha and Cimas and they pay a fee of USD 30 per semester, as part of their semester fees. For this, the student is issued with a Medical Aid Card, which can be used to access health services at government, mission, and municipal hospitals or clinics in Zimbabwe. However, in cases of emergency such as a need for cancer treatment or heart surgery, the University may facilitate the treatment of students in private foreign health institutions.


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