New Senior Officers, Academics Appointed

New Senior Officers, Academics Appointed

THE NUST Council has appointed seven new senior officers to run the University’s crucial portfolios while recruitment of academics is currently underway with 49 experts across faculties having been appointed so far.

Operations Research and Statistics former Chairperson and academic, Prof Philimon Nyamugure has been appointed the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences while long-time media specialist and former Chairperson of the Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Mr Thabani Mpofu has been appointed Director of Communication and Marketing.

The Research and Internationalisation Directorate will now be headed by Dr Nkosikhona Hlabangana an academic and former Chairperson of the Department of Chemical Engineering with the new director for Physical Planning Works and Estates being Mr Bruce Nyoni, who until now was Technical and Projects Manager at the Avenues Clinic in Harare.

Dr Nduduzo Phuthi, a former Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Education has been appointed Director of Institutional Research and Quality Management, a new portfolio created to support institutional quality assurance of services and products.

Another new portfolio to handle NUST legal related issues was created and has been filled by appointment of a Director, Mrs Nanzelelo Ndlovu, a lawyer with vast experience in non-governmental organisations.

A new post of Deputy Dean, Faculty of Medicine has now been filled by renowned Paediatrician, Dr Wedu Ndebele, who has been with the Faculty as lecturer over the years while the Library has appointed Mr Amos Kujenga as that section’s Information Technology Manager. 

These recent appointments come following the retirement of some officers, while some new posts were created to respond to the restructuring and transformation of NUST to meet the goals of Education 5.0.

So far, 49 academic experts have been appointed with the majority of these being in the Faculty of Medicine (21) followed by Science and Technology Education (17), Built Environment (4), Communication and Information Science (4) and Applied Sciences (3).

Giving a charge to the new officers, NUST Council Chairman, Eng Alvord Mabena highlighted that their assumption of duty was not just assuming a position, but the officers will be evaluated based on their actions in office.

“You are not just assuming office and sitting, but we will be expecting to see results of you transforming NUST into a better institution. Of course, you cannot do it alone, you need to seek the help of other officers and expertise for you to achieve your goals,” said Eng Mabena.

He urged the new appointees to discharge their duties fairly and honestly in keep of the University values.

The Vice-Chancellor reiterated that the new appointees have been given the challenge to transform NUST, and be able to compete with its African counterparts with regards to research, quality management, and meeting the goals of Education 5.0.

“Dr Phuthi’s portfolio entails the institutionalising of our research as an institution and also ensuring that our academic and professional mandates meet the quality as prescribed by regulatory bodies,” said Prof Mqhele Dlodlo.

“For the Research and Internationalisation Director, I challenge you to compete and collaborate with other universities on the African continent first,” said Prof Dlodlo adding that the Covid-19 pandemic presents great opportunities for research collaborations with African universities.

The new Deputy Dean of Medicine, Dr Wedu Ndebele assumed position at a time when NUST has been given the key task of transforming Ekusileni Medical Centre to a specialist research and teaching hospital.

“Dr Ndebele, the responsibility of seeing the establishment of Ekusileni Research and Teaching Specialist (ERTS) hospital lies on your shoulders,” Prof Dlodlo pointed out.

“The Government has entrusted us to see this vision through, and you being at the helm of the Faculty of Medicine, is a task at hand that we look forward to seeing. We look forward to the growth of the Faculty, which will be a part of the School of Health Sciences that we seek to establish.”

In absentia, the incoming Dean of Applied Sciences, Prof. Nyamugure was given the challenge of ensuring that the sciences faculty continues to make a difference in responding to society’s challenges.

NUST Council member, Mr Irvin Douglas Kunene, advised the senior officers that they were appointed to push the mandate of Council, as given by the parent Ministry.

“I am glad that the Vice-Chancellor now has an able team to help him push the mandate and obligations of the Council. The Council therefore looks up to you the new officers to ensure that the University business is kept running and that you play your part in re-positioning the NUST brand on the university rankings,” noted Mr Kunene.

The Registrar, Mr Biggy Ngwenya took the opportunity to impress in the new appointees the structure and governance of the University to enable them to execute their duties and responsibilities within the confines of University regulations.

“In outlining the University structure to you, my goal is to help you begin your duties and to kick-start the team spirit that NUST operates under, because we work as a team to achieve the vision of NUST,” said Mr Ngwenya.   

The Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Academic Affairs, Prof Yogeshkumar Naik, assured the new appointees that the NUST Community will give them the usual support to discharge their duties.

The blended welcome reception was attended by Senior Management, with most participating online in light of Covid-19 national regulations that discourage the holding of gatherings during this pandemic. 

Dr Nkosikhona Hlabangana
Director: Research and Internationalisation Dr Nkosikhona Hlabangana
Mr <br/> Thabani Mpofu
Director: Communication and MarketingMr
Thabani Mpofu
Mrs Nanzelelo Ndlovu
Director: Legal MattersMrs Nanzelelo Ndlovu
Dr Nduduzo Phuthi
Director: Institutional Research and Quality ManagementDr Nduduzo Phuthi
Prof Philimon Nyamugure
Dean of the Faculty of Applied SciencesProf Philimon Nyamugure
Dr Wedu Ndebele
Deputy Dean: Faculty of Medicine Dr Wedu Ndebele
Mr Bruce Nyoni
Director: Physical Planning Works and Estates Mr Bruce Nyoni