Dear All, 

Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ! 

You will all agree with me that we have gone through a major shaking of the world and this experience of lockdown, visibly seen by wearing of masks and postponement of examinations staying at home and failing to live a normal way of life, has been a great pain. We now live in a New Normal and a new world order. One thing we need to understand and know as spiritual beings is that nothing just happens. All things are spiritual and this Covid-19 (corona virus) is a major sign that there is a God in Heaven above who is in control. The Bible reminds us that only a fool will deny this and say there is no God. (Psalm 14: 1The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” In the midst of a plethora of such evidence, we need to prepare ourselves and take heed. May we have the wisdom to number our days. 

The words of our Lord Jesus Christ as Christians in John 14: 33 reminds us: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” As you prepare to return to the NUST Campus, know that Jesus Christ has overcome the world and all its wickedness. There is no Covid-19 at NUST. Be as safe as you can on transit to Bulawayo from wherever you are coming from. Have the PEACE of God that passes all understanding. Keep your distance, wear your mask and cover your mouth and nose, maintain social distance where possible and pray to God for protection. 

The Lord has been gracious to the NUST Family so far. We have not heard of any member of the NUST Family having died from Covid-19, at least from the publicised cases. So there is hope to continuously thank God for protection. I declare and decree Peace be still to all of us. My prayer is that let no weapon (be it Covid-19) formed against any of us be allowed to prosper. I speak the whole of Psalm 91 to the NUST community and declare the blood of Jesus on every door, window, lintel and every surface in the entire campus to be free of Covid-19. May it be well with everyone that walks, drives or cycles into NUST. May Nehemiah 8:10 be our portion. I pray for a smooth examination period and cooperation of everyone involved. May the Lord God have his way. Finally, be strong and be bold, Jesus Christ said, “...take heart; I have overcome the world.” Let us all be cooperating by observing all the Ministry of Health and Child Care, World Health Organization and the NUST prescribed Covid-19 protocols. Together we will see this season over. Below is a very simplified illustration of what Corona virus is all about. I repeat, let us all be cautious and smarter. Our NUST Clinic is open should anyone develop or feels the symptoms spelt out in this illustrated figure. 

May the Lord keep you and protect you. May what the writer of Numbers wrote in (Numbers 6:24-26) be real to you now and forever: “...24 The LORD bless you and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” 

To our returning Final Year Students, we say welcome back once again to NUST! We love you and desire to see you complete your programme. And to the NUST staff that has been locked out for longer, welcome back to you too. The Chaplaincy Office on behalf of the Senior Leadership and the entire Division of Student Affairs wishes you all the best. 

Sincerely Yours, 

Pastor Tomson Dube

University Chaplain (Acting Deputy Dean of Students)