Associate Professor. Nduduzo Phuthi


A/ Professor. Nduduzo Phuthi - Director

Professor Nduduzo Phuthi is the inaugural Director for the Institutional Research and Quality Management Unit at the National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe, since July 2020. He is the former founding Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Education at NUST from 2014 to 2020. Prior to that he was Chairman of the Department of Technical Teacher Education, having been lecturer in the same department for over twelve years, teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in science and technology education and supervising student research projects in the same areas. In previous years he taught in primary, secondary and high schools in Zimbabwe, and lectured at the Bulawayo Polytechnic, thus acquiring vast experience in science and technology learning, teaching and teacher education across the local education system. In his professional career path, Dr Phuthi developed an avid interest in the application of technology in education, enabling him to embrace technology-enhanced strategies into university systems.

  • PhD (Assessment & Quality Assurance in Higher Education &Training); University of Pretoria; 2008-12

  • MSc (Science Education); Curtin University of Technology, Australia; 1996-8

  • PGrad Dip (Educational Technology); University of Zimbabwe; 1991-92

  • BEd (Biology and Education); University of Zimbabwe; 1988

  • T3 Teachers’ Certificate (Junior); United College of Education; 1976-78

Full-time Appointments

  • Associate Professor: Science and Technology Education, NUST – 01/01/2023

    Director – Institutional Research and Quality Management, NUST - 01/07/2020 to date

    Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic, Research and Consultancy) - 2/7/18 to 31/12/19

    Executive Dean - Faculty of Science and Technology Education - 01/02/17 to 30/6/2020.

    Senior Lecturer - Science and Technology Education: NUST - Bulawayo, 1/1/15 to 31/12/22.

    Lecturer – Science and Technology Education: NUST, Bulawayo - 1/8/00 to 31/12/14.

    Acting Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology Education - 01/07/14 to 31/1/17.

    Acting Dean, Faculty of Industrial Technology - 15/07/13 to 30/09/13.

    Chairman of Department: 01/07/01 – 30/06/07; and 01/11/10 – 30/06/14.

    Visiting Lecturer – (1 month) IMSTUS, University of Stellenbosch, RSA, 5/11/12-30/11/12

    Sabbatical – (1 yr) Industrial Design & Technology Dept, University of Botswana, 1/07/07 – 30/06/08.

    College Lecturer – (4 yrs), (Adult and Continuing Education; Applied Sciences), Bulawayo Polytechnic, 18/6/94 - 31/7/00

    Assistant Visual Aids Officer – (4 yrs 4 mths); Regional Office; Acting Education Officer, Audio Visual Services, Ministry of Education and Culture, Bulawayo, 1/1/86   - 30/4/90

    Teacher - Secondary Schools - (9 yrs), (O Level Math & Science; O/A Biology); Head of Dept; Housemaster; Snr Master; Acting D/Head, Acting Head; Mzilikazi High, Bulawayo, 1/5/90 - 15/6/94; G. Silundika Sec, Nyamandlovu, 1/1/84 - 31/12/85, Madamombe Sec, Mashava, 1/3/81 - 31/12/83

    Teacher - Primary Schools - (2 yrs 2mths) 1/1/79 - 28/2/81


  • Co-academic engagements and Service

    External Examiner: Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, University of Namibia – 2022 to date

    Chief External Examiner (Dept of Teacher Education) University of Zimbabwe – 2019 to date

    External Examiner (Academy of Teaching and Learning): Chinhoyi University of Tech. – 2016 to date

    Chief External Examiner (Teaching Practice): Zimbabwe Open University – 2016 to date

    Tutor - (B.Ed & M.Ed – EAPPS); Examiner; Research Supervisor, ZOU, 1/2/99 – 30/06/07

    External Assessor – HEXCO (Pedagogics), Byo Poly, Min. of Higher & Tertiary Education, 1/1/02–31/12/05

    Teacher: Adult Ed. - (O/A Maths and Biology), Mzilikazi High School, Bulawayo, 1/1/90- 1/12/95

    Examiner: ZJC Mathematics, 1989. O Level Biology (Cambridge & ZIMSEC), 1990 – 1998.

  • Computer literacy
  • Online learning delivery and management
  • Statistics and data analysis
  • Communication and report writing
  • Programme planning and development
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Strategic planning and management
  • Line management and supervision
Research Interests
  • Information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education, online and blended learning;
  • Post-school training strategies and outcomes in science and technology for development;
  • Society’s benefits from school science programmes and curricula,
  • Community/industry-education partnerships,
  • The convergence of education and technology;
  • Assessment procedures and test development for college and university education;
  • Constructivism and science conceptions for non-western learners;
  • The impact and benefits of teaching some biology concepts at high school and university levels,
  • Management of education and leadership development.
Research Publications 
  1. Nduduzo Phuthi & Tawanda Mazarire (2022) Technical and vocational education provision in Zimbabwe: leveraging institutional support for learners with special educational needs, Journal of Vocational Education & Training, DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2022.2152078
  2. Phuthi, N. (2022), "Quality-driven university curriculum reform in Zimbabwe: a critical conceptualisation of harmonised minimum bodies of knowledge", Higher Education Evaluation and Development, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp. 121-135.
  3. Manokore, K; Tlou, F; Mkwelie, N; Phuthi, N; Shava, G N; Mhlanga, E; Mangena, A; Sibanda, Z; Chasokela, D; 2022. Quality Higher Education for Sustainable Development: The Transition towards Achieving Agenda 2030 Global Goals. International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science. 5(2). Seventh Sense Research Group
  4. Phuthi, N; 2022. Quality-driven university curriculum reform in Zimbabwe: a critical conceptualisation of harmonised minimum bodies of knowledge. Higher Education Evaluation and Development Journal. Emerald Insight. 16(2). DOI: 10.1108/HEED-01-2022-0002.
  5. E. Mhlanga, F. N. Tlou, G. Shava, N. Phuthi, K. Manokore, Z. Sibanda, D Chasokela...; 2022. Barriers to the Implementation of Agenda 2030 United Nations Global Goals in the Zimbabwean Higher Education Context. International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science. 5(5), 79-88. Seventh Sense Research Group
  6. Phuthi, N; Mpofu, Irene; 2021. Critical Reflection in Science Teaching and Learning: Crossing Borders into Western Science. American Journal of Educational Research. 9(5), 313-319.
  7. Shava, G N; Nkengebeza, D; Phuthi, N; Mpuang, K D; Alava, J; 2021. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on Quality in Education Challenges and Opportunities, Experiences from Southern African (SADC) Universities. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS). 5(VII), 559-573. Research and Scientific Innovation Society
  8. Shava G N, Manokore K, Mhlanga E, Mpofu M, Phuthi N, Mkwelie N, Mangena A; 2021. Mainstreaming Education for Sustainable Development, the Transition Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Quality in Higher Education. International Journal of Research in Education Humanities and Commerce. 2(6), 69-88. IJREHC Research Publishing
  9. N Phuthi, L Mpofu; 2021. The Quality of Supervision and Assessment in Industry-Based Learning. International Journal of Social Learning. 2(1). 128-143. Indonesian Journal Publisher.
  10. Phuthi, N; Chiromo, Alois. 2020. Rurality and Higher Education in Zimbabwe: Country Report. Southern African Universities Learning and Teaching (SAULT) Forum.
  11. DJ Simbi, PK Kuipa, N Phuthi, T Mudondo, P Watema, M Manuwa, M Nleya, S Marume, S Mhlanga. 2017. Proposal for the Transformation of Polytechnics to degree-awarding institutions. Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education Science and Technology Development.
  12. Phuthi, N; Molwane, Olefile Bethuel. 2014. E-Learning Environments in Undergraduate Design and Technology Courses. Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology. 7(1), 34-45.
  13. Mhlanga, Samson; Matope, Stephen; Mugwagwa, Lameck; Phuthi, N; Moyo, Vincent S. 2013. Academic staff development strategies in engineering fields of study: case study of Zimbabwe. South African Society for Engineering Education.
  14. Phuthi, N. 2012. Enhancing quality academic practice through integrated industry-based learning. University of Pretoria
  15. Phuthi, N; Sibanda, A J. 2011. Partnerships in Education, Training and Management for Sustainable Natural Resources Processing in Zimbabwe’s Rural Communities. Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology.
  16. Phuthi, N; Kumar, Krishan Lall; Molwane, Olefile Bethuel. 2010. A Quasi-Linear Model Of Design Cognition. Journal of College Teaching & Learning. 7(11)
  17. Phuthi, N; Gundani, Paul DM; Sibanda, Isaiah M; Matope, Stephen; Parekh, Champakh T. 2009. Needs-based knowledge processing through university-community partnerships: higher education inroads into rural community development in Zimbabwe. Sharing Research Agendas on knowledge systems. 66-76. The UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge
  18. Phuthi, N; Letsatsi, M T. 2008. Indigenous Design and Production Entrepreneurship: Sector Performance Audits and Proactive Support. Lonaka Journal of Learning and Teaching. University of Botswana Centre for Academic Development
  19. Phuthi, N; Molwane, Olefile Bethuel. 2008. The Student Factor in building an e-learning culture: Experiences at the University of Botswana. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on e-Learning: ICEL. 363
  20. Mpofu, S; Phuthi, N; Sibanda, I M. 2008. Massification of Higher Education at the National University of Science and Technology: An Institutional Report for the occasional publication of the ADEA Working Group on Higher Education (WGHE). Higher Education in Africa. ADEA Working Group on Higher Education
  21. Phuthi, N; Maphosa, N. 2007. Transforming higher education for effective technical and vocational skills delivery in Zimbabwe. African Higher Education Research online
  22. Dewa, VM; Mhlanga, S; Maphosa, N; Phuthi, N. 2004. Design of a Flood Water Powered Water Pump. Proceedings of the First International Conference Appropriate Technology; Mhlanga, S., Trimble, J., Eds. 134-140. National University of Science and Technology
  23. F Crawford, J Parkin, K Slaney, P C Taylor, L Bakshi, H Lucida, N Phuthi. 1997. Independent thinking: Cross-cultural possibilities. Learning through Teaching Journal. 296-302
  24. Phuthi, N. 1997. A glimpse at the perceptions of teachers and students on the personal relevance of school science and the incidence of student negotiation in Zimbabwe secondary schools. WAIER Forum 1997

 ORCID Number:  0000-0003-4428-2495



  1. N Phuthi; L Sibanda; M Mpofu; A Mangena. (2021). Institutional manoeuvres towards adoption and sustainable implementation of online distance teaching and learning. First Virtual General Conference on Education for sustainable Development. NUST, Zimbabwe
  2. Phuthi N (2019). Repositioning Higher education for conceptualising and alleviating mass poverty. Paper presented at the 12th Annual SANORD Conference 2019, University of Botswana
  3. Phuthi N (2017). Fostering International, Regional and National Collaborations towards sustained Science, Technology and Mathematics Research. Paper presented at the STEM Education Conference 2017, MGIP, Sandton, Johannesburg.
  4. Phuthi N, Mpofu. (2018). Support for Rural-based Postgraduate Online learners: Futuristic perspectives for Zimbabwe. Southern African Universities Learning and Teaching (SAULT) Conference on Learning and Teaching in Higher Education in Southern Africa. Edwardo Mondlane University, Maputo.
  5. Leibowitz B, Kesitlile L, Phuthi N, Banda D, Mgqwashu E (2016). The influence of rurality on student learning in higher education: Insights from Southern Africa; Panel presentation at the International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) and Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa (HELTASA) Conference, 23- 25 November 2016, University of Cape Town.
  6. Phuthi, N. (2013). Lecturer readiness and attitude towards e-learning adoption in scantily supported institutional environments. Paper presented at the 40th Annual International Conference of the Southern African Society for Education (SASE), North-West University, Mafeking Campus, 26 – 28 September, 2013.
  7. Mhlanga S, Matope S, Mugwagwa L, Phuthi N, and Moyo V S. (2013). Academic staff development strategies in engineering fields of study: case study of Zimbabwe. Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial Conference of the South African Society for Engineering Education, Cape Town, 11-12 June, 2013: Full Paper, pp. 118-127
  8. Phuthi, N. & Du Toit, P. H. (2012). Modelling university-industry engagements for national relevance. Paper presented at the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association for Southern Africa (HELTASA) Conference at The University of Stellenbosch (South Africa) 28 – 30 November 2012.
  9. Phuthi, N., Du Toit, P. H. & Mpofu, M (2012). Workplace-based learning in the small and medium-scale enterprises and informal business sector. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference of the Southern African Society for Education (SASE), Great Zimbabwe University, 4 – 6 October, 2012.
  10. Mpofu, M. & Phuthi, N. (2012). Gender and School Administration. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference of the Southern African Society for Education (SASE), Great Zimbabwe University, 4 – 6 October, 2012.
  11. Phuthi, N. & Du Toit, P. H. (2012). Concerns and conceptions of students on workplace-based learning in socio-economic turbulence. Paper presented at the 5th Annual conference on Teaching and learning. University of Kwazulu-Natal, 25-7 September 2012.
  12. Phuthi, N. (2011). Integrated workplace-based learning: a process for quality and relevance in university education. Paper presented at the Postgraduate Research Indaba, 14 July 2011. University of Pretoria.
  13. Phuthi, N. (2010). Promoting Action Research in Higher Education: Negotiating Relevance in Challenging Environments. Paper presented at the Postgraduate Research Indaba, 14 July 2010. University of Pretoria.
  14. Phuthi, N., Gundani, P.D.M., Sibanda, I., Matope, S. and Parekh, C. T. (2009), “Needs-based knowledge processing through university-community partnerships: higher education inroads into rural community development in Zimbabwe”, in Harvey, P. (Ed), Sharing research agendas on knowledge systems, UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, Paris, pp. 66-76.
  15. Phuthi, N. and Sibanda A. J. P. (2008). Education, Training and Management Challenges in Sustainable Natural Resources Harvesting and Materials Processing in Rural Communities. Paper presented at the 3rd Delphe Workshop (NUST Department of Textile Technology). 25-6 September 2008, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
  16. Phuthi, N. and Molwane, O. B. (2008). The Student Factor in building an e-learning culture: Experiences at the University of Botswana. Paper presented at the International Conference on E-Learning (ICEL), University of Cape Town (June 2008).
  17. Phuthi, N., Kumar, K. L. and Molwane, O. B. (2008). Conceptualizing Product Design in post-modern society through blended learning techniques: Issues in waste management. Paper presented at the University of Botswana, Faculty of Engineering and Technology Research Day.
  18. Phuthi, N. and Maphosa, N. (2007). Transforming Higher Education for Effective Technical and Vocational Skills Delivery in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge Seminar, Accra, Ghana, 22 – 24 March 2007.
  19. Phuthi, N. (2007). Enhancing Quality Academic Outcomes through University-Community Collaboration: NUST experiences and challenges. Paper presented at the 7th Senior University Administrators Seminar, 15-17 March 2007, Great Zimbabwe.
  20. Phuthi, N. (2006). Higher education-industry cooperation for improved academic performance in developing countries. Paper presented at the HELTASA conference. 27-29 November 2006. Pretoria.
  21. Phuthi, N. (2006). Setting High Quality Examinations in the Science, Technology and Design-related Faculties at the National University of Science and Technology. Paper presented in a NUST Technical Teacher Education departmental seminar.
  22. Dewa, V M., Phuthi, N. Maphosa, N., and Mhlanga, S. (2004). Design of a Water powered Water pump. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Appropriate Technology, 15 –17 July 2004, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
  23. Phuthi, N. (2002). The Role of Communities in the Science and Mathematics Centre (SMC) and Science Education In-service Teacher Training (SEITT). Paper presented at a Workshop for Heads of Schools, Bulawayo region, Ministry of Education, Sport and Culture.
  24. Crawford, F. Parkin, J. Slaney, K. Taylor, P. and Bakshi, L. Lucida, H. and Phuthi, N. (1997). Independent Thinking: Cross-cultural Possibilities. Paper presented at the Teaching and Learning Forum, Murdoch Unkversity, Perth, WA.
  25. Phuthi, N. (1997). A Glimpse at the Perceptions of teachers and students on the Personal Relevance of School Science and the incidence of Student Negotiation in Zimbabwe secondary schools. Paper presented at the annual research forum of the Western Australian Institute for Educational Research (WAIER), Perth, Australia. URL:


  • Southern African Universities Learning and Teaching (SAULT) Forum
  • Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa
  • Southern Africa Nordic Centre (SANORD)
  • SARUA Curriculum Innovation Network (SCIN)
  • Member, Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE).
  • Member, Southern African Society for Education (SASE).
  • Education Advisory Committee, Brethren in Christ Church
  • University of Matopo Trust, Brethren in Christ Church
  • Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED II) - Transformative inclusive higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa for sustainable development (TIHESSA)



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