11th Annual International Conference On Communication And Information Science


4th Annual Education for Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Research (Blended) Conference

Theme: Re-imagining Communication and Information Science in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Event Starts In
12-13, September 2024


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become part and parcel of most of our daily computing activities. It refers to computer systems “that can understand a natural language or perceive and comprehend a visual scene; and systems that perform other types of feat that require human type of Intelligence” (Echedom and Okuinghae, 2021: 244). Some of our computers and mobile phones have AI features which we use unaware. These features include speech recognition functions, grammar checks for example on Microsoft word among other features. Compared to natural human intelligence, AI is “consistent, less expensive, has the ease of duplication and dissemination, can be documented and can perform certain tasks much faster and better than the human” (Avneet, 2015: 79). Within the broader field of communication and information science, AI is used in fields such as journalism (Broussard et al., 2019), library (Echedom and Okuinghae, 2021), records management (Mosweu, 2021) and publishing (Zhao and Prabhashini, 2019) among others.

While there has been positive discourses around AI, its negative implications on “employment, democracy and equality” (Kerr et al., 2020: 1) have not been overlooked considering that every innovation or technology has its own challenges. The growth, adoption and utilisation of AI in the field of communication is unique to each society and therefore, societies can learn from each other through debates and knowledge exchange on their encounters with AI. Through reflecting on AI, sharing experiences and lessons learned, new thinking and pathways on how best to explore the opportunities associated with AI while addressing challenges associated with it.

As a contribution to global debates and knowledge generation and exchange, we are calling for abstracts with theoretical and empirical contributions on the use of AI within the communication and information science field. This shall be a hybrid Conference to accommodate those interested in participating online. Further, there will be a side event in the form of AI Exhibitions for those who want to showcase their AI products and innovations. The call for AI Exhibitions will be shared in due course. 

Abstracts guidelines

Please submit a 250-word abstract with a brief bio to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Your abstract should also include the following; title of the paper, email address of the author(s), 5 - 7 keywords, and sub-theme. The presentations will be published in the conference proceedings. All submitted papers will be subjected to a double-blind review process.


Exhibitors are invited to showcase what they offer and their innovations in line with the conference theme. The exhibition fee is $250.



The abstracts for this conference should fall within but not limited to the following sub-themes:

  1. Media, Journalism and AI.
  2. AI and Strategic Communication.
  3. Sustainability of the Media in the Age of AI.
  4. Ethics and Regulation in AI Based Journalism/Media.
  5. Societal, Environmental, Governance, Regulatory and Ethical Issues in AI.
  6. AI and Web Services in Information Science.
  7. AI in Academic Research, Scholarly Communication and Publishing.
  8. Development, and Implementation of AI Technologies Across Diverse Geographical Regions and Linguistic Communities.
  9. AI and Records Management.
  10. AI and Library Science.
  11. Information Integrity, Ethics and AI.
  12. ⁠AI in Improving Literacy.
  13. AI in Preserving Indigenous Languages.
  14. AI and Creative Writing.
  15. AI and Content Generation.
  16. Theorising AI from the South/Margins.
  17. AI, Gender and Digital Divide in Zimbabwe.
  18. AI Opportunities for Young Students in Rural Zimbabwe.

Important Dates

16 August 2024
Deadline for abstract submission:
21 August 2024
Notice of abstracts acceptance:
31 August 2024
Deadline for full paper submission:

Conference Fees and Registration

The conference registration fees are as follows:
  1. Delegates: USD$150
  2. Students: USD$50
  3. Online participation: USD$50
Contact details
Dr E. Mupaikwa
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Mr Ammi-Ammitai Ndlovu
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Registration is on a first come basis and reservation of places is based on full payment of the registration fees. The banking details for registration fee payment shall be provided upon request.

Connect with us

National University of Science & Technology
PO Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo
Tel: +263 292 282842
Fax: +263 292 286803



Banking Details

Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank: ZB Bank
USD Account number: 437200035542405
ZWG Account number: 437200035542090
Swift Code: ZBCOZWHX
Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank name: FBC Bank
USD Account number: 4820068620666
ZWG Account number: 3120068620276
Branch name: Jason Moyo
Swift code: FBCZPWHAX
Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank name: BancABC
USD Account number: 54790116633330
ZWG Account number: 54790115502019
Branch name: Jason Moyo
Swift Code: FMBZZWHX


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