Academic Authority of the University is vested in the Senate. It has the responsibility of formulating and executing the university' academic policy. This covers admissions, teaching, examinations, programmes of study, conferment of awards and honours, Research and provides advice to Council the abolition and holding in obeyance of professorial chairs and other academic offices.

The Senate consists of the Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Deans of faculties, full Professors, Chairmen of Departments, the Librarian (ex-officio), one member of the permanent teaching staff from each faculty, and six students elected by the Students Union.

The Vice-Chancellor is chairman of Senate. Senate has several committees of which the Academic Board is the principal one.

  • to promote the advancement of knowledge through research.
  • to formulate and carry out the academic policy of the University.
  • to regulate the programmes, subjects and courses of study and the examinations held by the University.
  • to regulate the admission of students to the University.
  • to recommend to the Chancellor, through the Council, the conferment of degrees, including honorary degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards and distinctions of the University and the withdrawal and restoration of such awards.
  • to fix, subject to the consultation with any sponsors and subject to the approval of the Council, the times, modes and conditions of competitions for fellowships, scholarships and prizes.
  • to appoint examiners for examinations conducted by the University.
  • to cause to be prepared estimates of expenditure required to carry out the academic work of the University and to submit them to the Council.
  • subject to the approval and direction of the Council, to formulate, modify and revise the organization of Faculties, Departments, Institutes, Centres and units of the University and to assign to them their various subjects or functions, and to advise the Council on the establishment of the Faculties, Departments, Institutes, Centres or units.
  • to recommend to the Council the institution, abolition or holding in abeyance of professorial chairs and other academic offices.
  • without derogation from the powers of the Council, to propose changes to the Statutes.
  • to make any regulations it is authorized to make by or in terms of this Act.
  • to appoint committees, which may include persons who are not members of the Senate, to exercise any of the functions of the Senate, other than the power to make regulations.
  • to report on any matter referred to it by Council.
  • to do such other acts as the Council may authorize or direct it to do.

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National University of Science & Technology
PO Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo
Tel: +263 292 282842
Fax: +263 292 286803



Banking Details

Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank: ZB Bank
USD Account number: 437200035542405
ZWG Account number: 437200035542090
Swift Code: ZBCOZWHX
Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank name: FBC Bank
USD Account number: 4820068620666
ZWG Account number: 3120068620276
Branch name: Jason Moyo
Swift code: FBCZPWHAX
Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank name: BancABC
USD Account number: 54790116633330
ZWG Account number: 54790115502019
Branch name: Jason Moyo
Swift Code: FMBZZWHX


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