
Professor Mqhele E. Dlodlo

At the time of his appointment as the National University of Science & Technology (NUST) Vice-Chancellor, Prof M.E. Dlodlo was working as an Associate Professor at the University of Cape Town (UCT), and continues to serve as an Emeritus Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department of UCT, supervising PhD and Masters Students at the Institution. He was the inaugural Programme Convener of the Master of Engineering Degree Programme with a specialisation in Telecommunications, in the Electrical Engineering department at UCT. Prof Dlodlo also served as Assistant Dean for Internationalisation with an Afropolitan Agenda at UCT in the Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment (EBE), from January 2011 to December 2015. He joined the University of Cape Town as an Associate Professor, in the Electrical Engineering Department in January 2005.

Prof. Dlodlo was previously employed by NUST between May 1992 and December 2004, during which period he also served as Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT) from May 2002 for a two-year term. He joined NUST as a Lecturer, in 1992 and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electronic Engineering within FIT, in 2000 . Prior to that, Prof Dlodlo also served as a Principal Lecturer and Head of the Electrical Craft Department at Bulawayo Polytechnic from 1983 to 1992.

Prof M.E. Dlodlo is an extensively published scholar and reseacher in the Telecommunications and Wireless Communication Systems, having also served in several Technical, Steering and Organizing Committees of distinguished and international conferences and workshops. He has produced at least (11) eleven well published PhDs, more than (30) thirty Masters and numerous other Engineering degreed and Technnical graduates both in Zimbabwe and South Africa, who have gone on to achieve Professorships, Directorships and Top Level Management positions in several and reputed institutions, companies and organisations.
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